Day Care Centers
Recent papers in Day Care Centers
The purpose. The purpose of the reseach was to study the experiences of immigrant parents about co- operation with kindergartens in Helsinki. Very little research has been done on this topic in Finland, so my research questions are... more
The numbers of home care for senior citizens in Malaysia are increasing tremendously since 2010 due to the increasing number of elderly. Hence, are Malaysians prepared to face the challenges of an ageing nation, and are our citizens ready... more
The child need to express himself, his minds and feelings in the most of spontaneous way, but the area where he do this is not always the good one. The pedagogue from Common Rooms of the environmental which treat child like as individual,... more
Common Rooms as outpost of daily support are places, where are attending children and young people of all ages. They come often from disadvantaged backgrounds, difficult backgrounds as well as marginalized and excluded backgrounds. In... more
Este artigo tem como objetivo, a partir dos estudos sobre relações raciais, debater a presença de mecanismos racistas na educação infantil, primeira etapa da educação básica. Trata-se de uma reflexão construída a partir de uma pesquisa... more
The numbers of home care for senior citizens in Malaysia are increasing tremendously since 2010 due to the increasing number of elderly. Hence, are Malaysians prepared to face the challenges of an ageing nation, and are our citizens ready... more
In this article, the main goal is to present on the basis of own scientific observations different principles of developing the child's creative potential. The author presents three elements: encouraging, identifying and fostering in the... more
This study focused on the determination of the delivery of services of day care workers in the municipality of Sta. Maria, Province of Laguna during the first semester of school year 2012-2013. Descriptive research was used in this study.... more
مسودة معايير برامج رعاية كبار السن النهاريةv1.0 7-7-2010
Children use art as a newfound way to express what they like, who they are, and how they see the world around them. It goes beyond replicating a flower or cat shape, which is very important in itself, but instead by creating an art piece... more
ICODOC 2019 situated in the region of the Upper Rhine it is possible to demonstrate the model's practical applicability for intercultural studies. The silhouettes reflecting the co-regulation strategy of each pedagogue allows us to... more
An estimated 68,000 people suffer from dementia in Norway in 2010. At least half of those with dementia in Norway live in their own homes. One of the main areas of dementia care is to establish organized day care services for these.... more
Pour que les adultes travaillant dans des creches ou ecoles maternelles bi-plurilingues puissent comprendre le comportement co-regulatif de leurs collegues, issus d'une autre langue-culture, nous developpons un nouveau modele sous... more
W niniejszej publikacji celem głównym jest przedstawienie działań wychowawców pracujących w instytucjach lokalnych wsparcia dziennego (np. świetlice środowiskowe, centra środowiskowe) i znaczenia ich działań w kontekście rozwoju... more
基于福利多元主义的理论视角,对 N 区的社区长者日托中心示范点建设中的问题进行分析, 揭示目前我国机构式社区长期照料服务发展过程中面临的困境与挑战,提出我国未来社区照料发展的重点方向应放在对于照料网络的支持以及社区的社会资本的构建。
Documento Nacional Curricular orientador para a Educação Infantil - volume 1
Objectives Demoralization Syndrome (DS) leads to an inability to cope effectively with stressful events. Elderly people experience existential issues such as meaningless of life, fear of death and regret of missed opportunities and feel... more
We believe that each child begins to learn from the moment she or he enters the world and that each caregiver is a teacher to that child. We are committed to working with parents, the child's first teachers, through good communication and... more
« Les livres, c'est comme les brocolis »-quelle(s) culture(s) didactique(s) pour donner le goût de lire en bas âge ? Article reçu le 09.092019 / Modifié le 27.12. 2019 / Accepté le 29.12.2019 Résumé Les crèches bilingues, y compris les... more
Background: Limited surgery facilities, or day-care centers, have been expanding in recent years with the approach of reducing the number of patients referred to hospitals for treatment in relation to limited and ambulatory surgeries.... more