Recent papers in Demux
6.1. TUJUAN PRAKTIKUM Dapat membuat rangkaian aplikasi sistem digital menggunakan simulator. 6.2. PERCOBAAN YANG DILAKUKAN 1. Membuat rangkaian updown counter dengan batas 99. 2. Membuat rangkaian MUX dan DEMUX. Sertakan tabel... more
This paper describes the implementation of a scalable SiGe FPGA that serves as an interleaving and deinterleaving block in a high-speed reconfigurable data acquisition system. In this paper, the different generations of SiGe configurable... more
This paper describes the implementation of a scalable SiGe FPGA that serves as an interleaving and deinterleaving block in a high-speed reconfigurable data acquisition system. In this paper, the different generations of SiGe configurable... more