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Design is everywhere: it influences how we live, what we wear, how we communicate, what we buy, and how we behave. In order for designers to design for the real world, defining strategies rather than just implementing them, they need to... more
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      DesignSocial Research Methods and MethodologyResearch Methods and MethodologyResearch Methodology
Theme: Curriculum Keywords: architectural education, design education; new method: sodap, learning by praxis, "Architectural education has always been in tension with architectural practice. That is how it should be; practice sometimes... more
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      Architectural EducationInterior Design (Architecture)Critical Thinking and CreativityDesign Driven Innovation
In recent years, the way corporates innovate has changed significantly. Going from 'behind closed doors' innovation to open innovation where collaboration with outsiders is encouraged, companies are in the pursuit of more effective ways... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipService DesignManagement of Innovation
Aesthetic innovation, or form-driven radical change in product aesthetic, depends upon the consumer’s affective interpretation of product form. As a factor to examine differences in subjective interpretation of form-driven, aesthetic... more
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    • Design Driven Innovation
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present the undertaken literature review regarding the extent to which analysis and research on design management and design managerial skills have been carried out so far. Methodology/approach: A... more
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      DesignDesign ManagementDesign Driven InnovationManagerial Skills
“The New Nature of Innovation provides helpful insights in how innovation has changed in recent years. It also provides helpful thinking on how governments should respond to these changes and strengthen innovation. The study provides... more
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      Innovation statisticsDesign InnovationOpen InnovationDesign Driven Innovation
Este trabajo es el volcado de una primera investigación sobre IDEO que realicé con motivo de la Tesis de Maestría en Dirección de Empresas de la Universidad Católica del Uruguay, y fue utilizado como trabajo final para la materia... more
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      Innovation statisticsManagement of InnovationDesign InnovationDesign thinking
"Design is increasingly recognized as a key strategic asset and a source of added value for companies. The United States has launched a national design policy initiative to monitor and understand the role of design on the national and... more
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      Advanced Reactor DesignStrategic DesignDesign Driven InnovationSmall Medium Enterprises
This chapter proposes a normative sustainable business model composed of the elements in which a fashion brand would engage. These elements include product sustainability, sustainable supply-chain management, design practice, business... more
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      Sustainable BusinessDesign For Sustainable BehaviourEnvironmental SustainabilitySustainable Design
Tüm yaşamımız duygu ve düşüncelerimiz tarafından yönetilmektedir. Çoğumuz ağırlıkla gerçeğin farkına varmadan yaşadığımızdan düşünce becerilerimizi geliştirmeyi önemsemeyiz. Ancak düşünme, eğitim, psikoloji ve daha birçok alandaki bilim... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryManagementPsychology
Creativity and innovation are subjects of urgent concern at the highest level for any developing countries.So individuals and companies should be constantly reminded to adopt more creative and more innovative ways to compete successfully... more
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      ArchitectureDesign InnovationSustainable Product Design & ManufacturingDesign Driven Innovation
What are the differences and similarities between Design-Driven Innovation and User-Centred design? In this article I first give an overview of these two design approaches, identifying the main differences. One of the most defining... more
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      DesignUser Centred DesignDesign Driven Innovation
This issue of She Ji opens with reflections on the nature and meaning of the modern research university for the 110th anniversary of Tongji University. The first article considers the work of the late John Heskett on the economic role of... more
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      Organizational BehaviorManagementEconomic HistoryEconomics
Libro sobre Design thinking en español. Introducción al Design thinking y a los procesos creativos necesarios para innovar.
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      DesignManagement of InnovationDesign InnovationDesign thinking
This chapter proposes a normative sustainable business model composed of the elements in which a fashion brand would engage. These elements include product sustainability, sustainable supply-chain management, design practice, business... more
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      Sustainable BusinessDesign For Sustainable BehaviourEnvironmental SustainabilitySustainable Design
This thesis examines the adoption of design thinking methods by non-design communities of practice. As design management focuses on the coordination of design activities across fields and disciplines, the design manager conducting the... more
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      Design thinkingDesign Critical ThinkingDesign Driven InnovationInnovation, Design, Design Thinking
Over the last year, fierce discussion have raged about the trend of socially engaged design, where such projects have been scolded as new forms of "design imperialism" (cf. Nussbaum 2010; Pilloton 2010; Sinclair 2010). Resonating with this
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      Military HistoryDesignPeace and Conflict StudiesSocial Entrepreneurship
A talk given in Rotterdam October 2014.
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      DesignCreativityInnovation statisticsDesign Research
The innovation has become increasingly relevant to the competitiveness of contemporary businesses. However, the contexts to innovate are increasingly dynamic, uncertain and complex and demanding new models, management and innovation... more
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      EntrepreneurshipInnovation Ecosystems and Their DynamicsManagement of InnovationDesign Driven Innovation
This paper assesses whether design-driven innovation assists Botswana’s creative industries in creating added value to the products and services they offer. Evidence from the literature shows that the ability of any creative industry to... more
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      Service DesignIndustrial DesignProduct DesignCreative Industries
Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a cohort of tools and techniques supporting effective management of operations (logistics and production activities) along the whole supply chain. Demand Management (DM) is now a multifaceted discipline... more
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      Design Driven InnovationInsightTRENDSIdea management
Historians occasionally use timelines, but many seem to regard such signs merely as ways of visually summarizing results that are presumably better expressed in prose. Challenging this language-centered view, I suggest that timelines... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsHistoryAmerican History
Radical product and/or service innovation can ideally benefit all people and firms, and society as a whole, but pose risks in regards to technology-, industry chain-, market-, and project- uncertainty. In this paper we focus on addressing... more
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      MeaningAdoption and Diffusion of innovationsDesign Driven Innovation
Türkiye mücevher endüstrisi 2000’li yıllarla birlikte dünyada altın işleyip mücevher olarak satan ülkeler arasında birinci konumdaki İtalya’nın ardından gelerek önemli bir liderlik yakalamış, düşük işçilik, düşük fiyat avantajıyla rekabet... more
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      Cultural HeritageDesign InnovationCraft KnowledgeJewellery (Craft Knowledge)
This paper explores the genre of flexible architecture - buildings that are intended to respond to changing situations in their use, operation, or location. This is architecture that adapts rather than stagnates; responds to change rather... more
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      ArchitectureAdaptive ReuseSustainable ArchitectureDesign Driven Innovation
ABSTRACT: Innovation enables companies to attain consistent organic growth that brings benefits to stakeholders. Design thinking approach in innovation has been emergent to be an alternative to technological development path in order to... more
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      Design Driven InnovationDynamic Capability
This paper examines the relationship and commonality between contemporary cruise ship technologically, innovative interior concepts and the possible future evolution of the megayacht. Due to significant investment in developing new... more
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    • Design Driven Innovation
New visions call the old paradigm into question.
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      DesignCreativityCreative Problem SolvingIndustrial Design
Hiring decisions can be risky. How much can employers save by better understanding the motivations and objectives of each applicant? How much time and expertise should be invested in getting to know each applicant? Will such efforts... more
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      Creative WritingIndustrial And Labor RelationsLabor EconomicsEducation Innovation and Ventures
Exhibition catalog
Human by Design : Probing Social and Methodological Innovation in Design
SCD Bratislava
MAK Wien

featuring: Project ZERO IMPACT by Barbora Peuch, Zuzana Šebeková and Jan C. Löbl
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      Design for Social InnovationDesign ResearchFashion ethics and sustainabilityDesign Innovation
The aim for the research was to proclaim Delphi technique as an appropriate tool to explicitly define the Philips Design strategic design innovation process and align the two fragments of the Research Development and Innovation team; the... more
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      DesignProject ManagementDesign Driven InnovationMapping
This paper is based on a hypothesis that games can be used to support design decisions in a variety of complex situations. To explore this proposition, the research described below focuses on two aspects. Firstly, it experiments with the... more
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      Game studiesDesignArchitectureSustainable Transportation