Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Recent papers in Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Let S be a set of elements. We say that a collection C of subsets of S has the consecutive ones property if there exist a linear order on S and a 0-1 matrix M , where M ij = 1 if and only if the jth element is in the ith set in C, such... more
ABSTRACT Let G=(V, E) be a simple connected graph and k be a fixed positive integer. A vertex w is said to be a k-neighbourhood-cover (kNC) of an edge (u, v) if d(u, w)≤k and d(v, w)≤k. A set C V is called a kNC set if every edge in E is... more
In this paper, we introduce an agent-based representation of games, in order to propose a compact representation for multi-party games in game theory. Our method is inspired by concepts in process theory and process algebra. In addition,... more
View the article online for updates and enhancements. Related content Characterization and quantification of oxides generated by anodization on titanium for implantation purposes L Aloia Games, J Pastore, A Bouchet et al.-Growing axons... more
We propose a new on-line algorithm for fast evaluation of logarithms and exponentials. This algorithm is derived from the widely studied Briggs-De Lugish iteration. We examine various compromises between the on-line delay and the size of... more
Constantinescu and Ilie (Bulletin EATCS 89, 167--170, 2006) introduced the notion of an Abelian period of a word. A word of length n over an alphabet of size σ can have Θ(n^2) distinct Abelian periods. The Brute-Force algorithm computes... more
In this paper a particle swarm optimization algorithm is presented to solve the Quadratic Assignment Problem, which is a NP-Complete problem and is one of the most interesting and challenging combinatorial optimization problems in... more
The theoretical framework we proposed, based on first-order temporal logic, permits to define the main notions used in temporal data mining (event, temporal rule) in a formal way. The concept of consistent linear time structure allows us... more
In this paper we present a general approach to string matching based on multiple sliding text-windows, and show how it can be applied to some among the most efficient algorithms for the problem based on nondeterministic automata and... more
— An algorithm is precise specification of a sequence of instruction to be carried out in order to solve a given problem. Sorting is considered as a fundamental operation in computer science as it is used as an intermediate step in many... more
In this paper, we present an efficient algorithm to find next-to-shortest path between any pair of vertices u,v on permutation graphs with n vertices which runs in O(n 2) time.
Clustering algorithms are well-established and widely used for solving data-mining tasks. Every clustering algorithm is composed of several solutions for specific sub-problems in the clustering process. These solutions are linked together... more
This short note is about the assertion in AIMA(Russell and Norvig, 2010, p.221) that " on the n-queens problem, if you don't count the initial placement of queens, the run time of min-conflicts is roughly independent of problem size ". We... more
A través de los años, los científicos de la computación han identificado diversas técnicas generales que a menudo producen algoritmos eficientes para la resolución de muchas clases de problemas. Este capitulo presenta algunas de las... more
ABSTRACT The emergence of low-cost PC clusters together with the standardization of programming models (MPI and OpenMP) have paved the way for parallel computing to come into production use. In all domains of high performance computing,... more
Sebagai pengembangan dari kemajuan teknologi dan ilmu komputer, permintaan untuk menemukan metode pemecahan masalah secara efektif dan efisien menjadi kebutuhan penting, terutama untuk masalah klasik semisal maslah pengurutan (sorting).... more
The process of formation, growth and distribution of vessels within the developing central nervous system is difficult to analyze due to the complexity of the paths and branches within the system. The study of images of this area poses... more
In this paper the authors will apply a mathematical system, the Conformal Geometric Algebra (CGA), to propose applications in computer vision and robotics. The CGA keeps our intuition and insight of the problem's geometry at hand, besides... more
Radix Sort merupakan salah satu metode non-comparison sorting yang sangat berguna dalam hal pengurutan data dalam dunia nyata, seperti data yang bertipe string, bilangan bulat (integer), dan sebagainya. Secara intuitif, proses pengurutan... more
TOTAL MARKS = 40) a) What do you mean by the term "Algorithm" in computer science? (5 marks) A well defined (2 marks) finite set (2 marks) of steps a computer follows to solve a problem (1 marks) b) State five properties of algorithms (10... more
Rivin, I. and R. Zabih, A dynamic programming solution to the n-queens problem, Information Processing Letters 41 (1992) 253-256.
In our information societies, we increasingly delegate tasks and decisions to automated systems, devices and agents that mediate human relationships, by taking decisions and acting on the basis of algorithms. Their increased intelligence,... more
We determine analytically the modulus of the second eigenvalue for the web hyperlink matrix used by Google for computing PageRank. Specifically, we prove the following statement: "For any matrix
For a graph G=(V, E) its line graph L(G) has the node set E and two nodes of L(G) are adjacent if the corresponding edges of G have a common endpoint. The problem of finding G for a given L was already optimally solved by Lehot[7] and... more
By examining various approaches and techniques, this paper aims to help designers to create improved algorithms for communications over noisy channels with memory.
String matching is a fundamental and challenging problem in field of computer science in the current era. It is highly recommended to have fastest algorithms in our different application including text processing and DNA analysis. The... more
The thesis presents an independent research work, a new mechanism that augments a biometric system with synthetic (honey) templates and that enables the detectability of a possible template database leakage. In this research it resulted... more
Association Rules Mining (ARM) is one of the most popular and well-known approaches for the decision-making process. All existing ARM algorithms are time consuming and generate a very large number of association rules with high... more
The growing awareness of parents to make their child as a successor generation brilliant, early childhood education (PAUD) becomes a very important thing. PAUD institutions such as Playing Group / Kindergarten are competing to provide... more
Data mining place viral aspect in many of the applications like market –basket analysis, fraud detection etc. In data mining association rule mining and frequent pattern mining, both are key feature of market-basket analysis. In a given... more