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      International RelationsPolitical CampaignsPolitical ScienceDiaspora Politics
Recently, the development initiatives of so-called ‘diasporas’ have gained the attention of policy-makers, scholars, NGOs, and migrants themselves. Migrants and ‘diasporas’ are seen as agents of development, who not only remit money to... more
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      Diaspora PoliticsMasculinitiesDiaspora StudiesSomalia
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      MigrationDiaspora PoliticsWest Africa politicsReturn Migration
Ефремов Е.А. (Алматы, Казахстан, Казахстан, Казахский национальный университет имени Аль-Фараби) Этнокультурная идентичность корейцев Казахстана (по результатам социологического опроса) Доклад на X Международной корееведческой... more
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      Korean StudiesCentral Asian StudiesDiaspora PoliticsEthnic Identity
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      HistoryCriminologyPolitical SociologySocial Movements
Building on a critical and extensive review of the debate on diaspora, this thesis aims to provide an alternative basis for the conceptualization of the concept of diaspora. In this context, it investigates the boundaries of the Turkish... more
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      African StudiesDiaspora PoliticsTurkish Diaspora
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      DiasporasKurdish StudiesIdentity politicsDiaspora Politics
that my aunt told me. He was of Sicilian descent, born in the United States. He was a Vietnam War veteran, which was probably the cause of his drug addiction and psychological ailments.
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      American LiteratureCultural StudiesEthnic StudiesSelf and Identity
The main aim of this paper is to give a general overview of diaspora policies with an emphasis on kin-state activism in Central and Eastern Europe. The first section of the paper will summarize the main theoretical approaches to diaspora... more
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      Diaspora PoliticsDiaspora StudiesCentral and Eastern EuropeKin-State Policy
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      Political ParticipationDiasporasMigrationDiaspora Politics
Israel is increasingly the epicentre of Jewish peoplehood, shaping the lives of diaspora Jews as both an engine driving interconnectedness and a source of division. ‘Israelization’ impacts diaspora Jews differently according to country of... more
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      Jewish StudiesIsrael StudiesBritish PoliticsDiaspora Politics
This article revisits ambivalence as a protracted state which does not simply develop as a result of the migration experience but stems from overlapping levels of normative inconsistency. Drawing from my ethnography of Eritreans' everyday... more
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      Refugee StudiesAfrican Diaspora StudiesDiaspora PoliticsDiaspora Studies
In this paper an analysis of the results of a sociological survey aimed at identifying the degree of ethnic, diasporic and cultural identity of Koreans in Kazakhstan was carried out. As part of the survey, the factors influencing ethnic... more
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      Korean StudiesCentral Asian StudiesDiaspora PoliticsEthnic Identity
The Egyptian state’s policy of dispatching trained Egyptian professionals, primarily educational staff, across the Arab world rarely features in analyses of Egypt’s foreign policy under Gamal Abdel Nasser. This article relies primarily on... more
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      Middle East StudiesDiasporasDiaspora PoliticsEgypt
Russia’s attitudes toward millions of Russophones in the newly independent states (NIS) have been noted, since 1991, for their ambivalence. The concept of a “Russian diaspora” has been pursued as an ethno-selective ideological project. On... more
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      Russian StudiesIdentity politicsDiaspora PoliticsDiaspora Studies
Relevant literature recognizes the significant role of diasporas in international relations and in domestic politics. It has been acknowledged that diasporas can have an impact on both the country/countries where they live and on the... more
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      DiasporasDiaspora PoliticsDiaspora StudiesMinorities
In the article, I present an analysis of two Tết (Lunar New Year) festivals organised by the Vietnamese living in Poland. The events, prepared by different organisations – a local branch of the Association of Vietnamese in Poland, an... more
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      Diaspora PoliticsTransnational migrationDiaspora and transnationalismVietnamese diaspora
This article examines how Syrian immigrants in Argentina responded to the intersection of transnational politics and nascent nationalisms between 1900 and 1922. In particular, it studies the role of Syrian intellectuals in Argentina in... more
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      Ethnic StudiesLatin American StudiesMiddle East StudiesImmigration
This article argues that, since the COVID-19 outbreak, 'digital diasporas' worldwide may have been shaped through stringent postpandemic societal pressing patterns by increasingly further exposing diasporic citizens' digital rights... more
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      Digital HumanitiesBasque StudiesPrivacyDiasporas
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      Diaspora PoliticsInternational MigrationRemittances
The article aims to present and analyze Hungarian diaspora policy, the most recent aspect of Hungarian nation building politics. The first part of the paper builds on literature on various types of diaspora politics and tries to situate... more
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      Diaspora PoliticsDiaspora Studies
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      Diaspora PoliticsCommunity Events and Festivals
This article examines transnational organizations of Turkish origin that gained major support and membership in the European societies. Drawing upon a case study on Turks in Belgium, it shows that in the last four decades these... more
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      Diaspora PoliticsMuslims in EuropeTurkish migration
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      ImmigrationImmigration StudiesPolitical SciencePolitics
This article provides a historical analysis of the relationship between a “historical” diaspora—the Greek diaspora—and its irredentist homeland. In particular, it examines the diaspora policies the modern Greek nation-state adopted since... more
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      Greek LiteratureDiasporasDiaspora PoliticsDiaspora
In December 2016, Gambian dictator Jammeh was surprisingly ousted through the ballot box by a democratically motivated opposition. With this remarkable change, tables also turned for Gambian migrants. Gambians abroad were called upon to... more
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      African Diaspora StudiesDiaspora PoliticsMigration StudiesReturn Migration
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      Diaspora PoliticsPolandVietnamese diaspora
This book provides an in depth examination of the ways in which a separatist socio-political movement beginning in Sri Lanka is carried forward, altered, and adapted by the diaspora, and the struggles that are involved in this process. We... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial MovementsSociology of Culture
National integration became a major priority for the Japanese elite’s nation-building policy after World War II. The ambiguous identification of postcolonial Koreans in Japan (the Zainichi Koreans), however, shows that the policy of... more
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      GeopoliticsDiaspora PoliticsDiaspora and transnationalismIdentity
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      DiasporasNationalismDiaspora PoliticsNational Identity
The paper aims to explore the differences in how the Hungarian government relates to the two ‘kinds’ of Hungarian communities abroad: Hungarian kin-minorities and diaspora Hungarians. The case study addresses how and why the scope and... more
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      Diaspora PoliticsDiaspora Engagement and ParticipationKin-State Policy
This article briefly investigates the evolution of Turkish diaspora over the course of history and pays particular attention to major diaspora formation approaches. Then, the focuses on the Turkish Diaspora within which, before all else,... more
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      African StudiesDiaspora PoliticsTurkish Diaspora
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      Development StudiesTransnationalismDiaspora PoliticsIraq
The paper raises the question whether there is a certain diaspora policy model that is typical for Central European states. Based on the findings, the paper argues that although post-socialist states have very similar paths in relating to... more
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      Diaspora PoliticsDiaspora StudiesCentral and Eastern Europe
This corridor report analyses the integration patterns of Turkish and Tunisian immigrants in France on a comparative basis. The goal of the report is to understand the role of origin countries and societies in the integration of these two... more
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      DiasporasDiaspora PoliticsDiasporaTurkey
The Republic of Korea has an elaborate diaspora management policy since the 1990s. But what accounts for the variation in policies toward Koreans in China, Japan, North America, and the former Soviet Union? In this issue brief I explore... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsSouth KoreaPolitical Science
Israel is increasingly the epicentre of Jewish peoplehood, shaping the lives of diaspora Jews as both an engine driving interconnectedness and a source of division. ‘Israelization’ impacts diaspora Jews differently according to country of... more
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      SociologyJewish StudiesIsrael StudiesBritish Politics
Based on the premise that international migration is a clearest mani- festation of globalization, this article aims to analyse in detail the phenomenon of skilled migration. Skilled migrants represent a worldwide group of people that,... more
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      MigrationDiaspora PoliticsIndian Diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Diaspora Studies
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      Diaspora PoliticsModern GreeceModern Greek PoliticsDiaspora Studies
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      DiasporasNationalismDiaspora PoliticsMigration Studies
The main aim of this paper is to give a general overview of diaspora policies with an emphasis on kin-state activism in Central and Eastern Europe, especially as it relates to Hungary. The fi rst section of the paper examines why and... more
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      Diaspora PoliticsDiaspora StudiesCentral and Eastern EuropeHungarian diaspora
Why do ethnoculturally defined states pursue favourable policies to integrate some returnees from their historical diasporas while neglecting or excluding others? We study this question by looking at members of two historical diasporas... more
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      SociologyComparative PoliticsForeign Policy AnalysisDiasporas
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      Central Asian StudiesDiaspora Politics
Diaspora strategies have been at the forefront of new studies of the political geographies of state-led transnationalism, contributing important insights into the widespread socioeconomic impacts of initiatives used to engage émigrés in... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsDiaspora PoliticsEmigration ResearchSending States Policies
Το άρθρο μελετά τις μορφές εκπαιδευτικής οργάνωσης και το ρόλο τους στην ελληνική διασπορά και ιδιαίτερα στην Αυστραλία. Η συγκρότηση εκπαιδευτικών και άλλων θεσμών από τις παροικίες της διασποράς αποτελούν σημαντικούς άξονες στην... more
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    • Diaspora Politics
In his book, Gabriel Sheffer describes how people who live abroad somehow try to develop special ties with their homeland, and also try to experience the feeling of being at home even when abroad (p. XIII). Sheffer describes these human... more
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      MigrationDiaspora PoliticsMigration Studies
This article situates the development of the kin-state politics literature within the context of post-Cold War scholarship on ethnicity, nationalism, and conflict. It outlines how an increasingly mature literature emerged around the... more
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      NationalismDiaspora PoliticsCentral and Eastern EuropeKin-states and Kin-communities
Recognising the need to unpack the ‘state’ and problematise the term ‘diaspora’, in this special issue we examine the various actors within (and beyond) the state that participate in the design and implementation of diaspora policies, as... more
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      SociologyComparative PoliticsDiasporasPolitical Science
This corridor report analyse on a comparative basis the integration patters of Ecuadorian and Moroccan immigrants in Spain. The goal of this report is to understand the role of origin countries and societies in integration of these two... more
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      DiasporasDiaspora PoliticsDiasporaDiaspora Studies