Recent papers in Iraq
This article examines a cinematic artefact from 1957 titled The Housing Program of Iraq, which contains rare footage of sarifa (reed and mud) settlements inhabited by rural migrants in mid-century Baghdad. The film, which was never... more
Brennan’ın kitabını önemli kılan birincil etken, yolculuğunu Irak savaşı başlamadan kısa süre önce, 2000 – 2001 yıllarında gerçekleştirmiş oluşudur. Ksenophon’un yolculuğuna tanıklık etmiş anıtların, kentlerin ve yeryüzü şekillerinin... more
Siyaseten Tanzimat Fermanı ile başlayan ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurulması ile sonuçlanan dönem tarihsel gelişmelerin oldukça hızlı yaşandığı ve Türk tarihinin yönünü değiştiren şahısların yetiştiği verimli bir dönem olmuştur. Tez... more
The Syrian war will allow Russia to recover its naval presence in the Mediterranean. The Russian Navy will have more facilities at the same time that the Chinese Navy will appear in this scenario. This new situation will give us a new... more
Baghdad, a city with more than 1250 years of history. Its historical core and heritage facing a great danger today. This book provides a guideline for an ambitious project to Revive Baghdad Historical Center based on planning study that... more
Iraq has distanced itself from its traditional radicalism and adopted a more pragmatic and moderate posture. Still, close ties between Iran and Iraqi Shi'a groups in particular threaten the chances for normalization between Jerusalem and... more
Entretien avec Houzan Mahmoud
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is reported to be caused by traumatic events that are outside the range of usual human experiences including (but not limited to) military combat, violent personal assault, being kidnapped or taken... more
Summary briefing of the work of the Commission on Wartime Contractingin Iraq and Afghanistan
Background: There is accumulating evidence for a link between trauma exposure, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and diminished health status. To assess PTSD-related biological burden, we measured biological factors that comprise... more
Diviso tra Turchia, Siria, Iraq e Iran, il Kurdistan rappresenta probabilmente uno degli scenari geopolitici più caldi del Medio Oriente. È il territorio di un popolo, i curdi, che vanta più di trenta milioni di persone la più grande... more
Affective disorders, particularly depression, are the commonest and probably the most important psychopathological complication of end stage renal disease (ESRD). Depression has the potential to alter adversely the medical outcome of ESRD... more
On 1 October 2019, a wide-ranging anti-government protest took to the streets in Baghdad. Grievances included unemployment, a lack of basic services, the absence of social justice, and endemic corruption in political and economic... more
The United States wants to end “forever wars” in the Middle East, among them the war against ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Much to Turkey’s dismay, Kurdish forces were crucial on-the-ground allies in that pursuit. While the military battle is... more
Because the war was relatively brief, casualties relatively light, and the Nation sanctioned the war socially, veterans of Desert Shield/Storm and their families were not anticipated to suffer symptoms of trauma or re-entry stress beyond... more
On March 2014, in an Islamic-State-sponsored prisoner swap, Mohammed Haydar Zammar, the al-Qaeda operative jailed in Syria in 2001, was freed in exchange for Syrian army officers held by the IS. News articles that covered the prisoner... more
Background Mortality estimates can measure and monitor the impacts of conflict on a population, guide humanitarian efforts, and help to better understand the public health impacts of conflict. Vital statistics registration and... more
The Islamic Dawa Party was the first modern Islamist group to be formed in Iraq. It went through a long struggle with the Iraqi government that resulted in its banning by the Baathists, open warfare with Saddam Hussein’s regime, which... more
In 2009, eleven million top-secret documents from the former Iraqi Ba'th Party were opened to researchers, revealing new insights into how Saddam Hussein ruled Iraq. From these files, scholars came to understand that Saddam did not govern... more
a chapter from "Security Dynamics of East Asia in the Gulf Region", ed, by Tim Niblock with Yang Guang, Gerlach Press, 2014
Background An excess mortality of nearly 100 000 deaths was reported in Iraq for the period March, 2003-September, 2004, attributed to the invasion of Iraq. Our aim was to update this estimate.
The photographs of sexual abuse and humiliation of Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib prison are shocking and disgusting. They are also familiar. I have seen images like these before in other places and contexts.
The Iraq War’s enduring conflict has proven resilient in its on-and-off relationship with the US and international forces occupying. Streamlining a more sustainable counterinsurgency plan remains a critical link to securing stability... more
This study evaluated associations between pre-dcploymenl neurocognitive performance and post-deployment posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symploms in a sample of deployed active duty Army Soldiers. As pan of a larger longitudinal... more
Background: Improvements in protection and medical treatments have resulted in increasing numbers of modernwarfare casualties surviving with complex lower-extremity injuries. To our knowledge, there has been no prior analysis of foot and... more
About two million Iraqis have fled the country and more than two and a half turned into Internal Displaced Persons (IDPs) in what has been called “the world’s fastest growing displacement crisis”. Undoubtedly, it is the largest refugee... more
Recent outbursts of sectarian and ethnic violence in Iraq have made many observers question the viability of the state itself. It is said that due to the artificiality of the state and a lack of deep-seated political institutions, Iraqi... more
Using information gathered from a century of excavation, combined with modern noninvasive techniques, a new picture emerges of how a settlement of a few reed huts evolved into the powerful city-state that helped set in motion the urban... more
ترجمة: رمضان مهلهل سدخان
This book drews theoretical and literary lessons from classical Arabic rhetoric, contextual studies, and modern literary criticism.
Diyala can be said to be a microcosm of Iraq. It is the home to all three major ethnosectarian groups in the country. It has lush farmlands and mountain ranges. It also remains a battlefield between the security forces, militias and the... more
Cet article porte sur les anthropologues « embarqués » dans l’armée américaine en Afghanistan et en Irak, afin d’aider les militaires à mieux comprendre les cultures locales. Ces anthropologues embarqués ont engendré une vive polémique au... more
This work is written by Matthew Gray. Rentier state theory (RST), which seeks to explain the impacts of external payments—or rents—on state-society relations and governance, has been in wide usage for over two decades, and is still... more