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This article explains for exegetes how the middle voice in New Testament Greek operates (including the so-called passive voice).
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      New TestamentKoine Greek languageBiblical ExegesisGreek Grammar
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      SemanticsLexical SemanticsArgument alternationsDiathesis Alternation
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      GrammaticalizationDiathesis Alternation
Valency lexicons typically describe only unmarked usages of verbs (the active form); however, verbs prototypically enter different surface structures. In this paper, we focus on the so-called diatheses, i.e., the relations between... more
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      ValencyVoice/diathesisDiathesis Alternation
Nun número considerábel de linguas, existen operacións morfosintácticas que alteran a codificación do segundo argumento transitivo, de modo que pasa a marcarse mediante unha preposición ou caso oblicuo. Esta modificación da transitividade... more
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      SemanticsSyntaxLinguistic TypologyTransitivity
La Interlengua de brasileños aprendices de Español se caracteriza por la presencia de estructuras atributivas que desentonan de la lengua meta. Este trabajo se concentra en dos contextos donde aparecen, el de las construcciones de cambio... more
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      Spanish LinguisticsBrazilian PortuguesePassive Voice, Impersonal Constructions, Corpus LinguisticsContrastive Linguistics
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      Lexical SemanticsEvaluative AdjectivesDiathesis Alternation
In Present-day Englishblameis known to be the only verb which participates in what Levin (1993) calls the ‘blamealternation’ (e.g.Mira blamed the accident on TerryvsMira blamed Terry for the accident). This article investigates how the... more
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      Historical SyntaxLinguisticsEnglish historical linguisticsLanguage Studies
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      Historical SyntaxEnglish historical linguisticsDiathesis Alternation
En gallego, un amplio conjunto de verbos transitivos muestra una alternancia diatética, de tal modo que su objeto directo puede ser realizado como un complemento oblicuo introducido por la preposición en. En esta contribución, analizo la... more
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      Galician languageArgument RealizationAgentivityLexical aspect