Linguistic Typology
Recent papers in Linguistic Typology
I start with some notes on historiography and methodology, connecting certain trends in 20th and 21st century creolistics to outdated (quasi) Darwinian concepts in early 19th-century comparative-historical linguistics. Then I move to... more
Partitive cases constitutes a rather heterogeneous category. They may be defined formally, when the notion is confined primarily to languages with a dedicated partitive case, such as Finnish and Basque. From a functional perspective, in... more
This paper presents a comprehensive phonetic and phonological description of Northern Sangtam, an essentially undescribed Tibeto-Burman language of central Nagaland belonging to the Aoic subgroup. It is a noteworthy language from a number... more
Wie viele Sprachen gibt es auf unserer Erde? Wie verschieden sind sie voneinander? Wie hängen sie miteinander zusammen, wie beeinflussen sie sich gegenseitig, wie sind sie miteinander verwandt -- und was heißt "verwandt" bei Sprachen... more
Negation seems to be a universal linguistic category, yet languages differ vastly in how they express it. Tungusic languages show several interesting and typologically rare phenomena. The paper offers a typological description of negation... more
This is a PDF copy of the first volume of my grammar of San Ildefonso Tultepec Otomi. As distribution of Plaza y Valdés is not as good as one would desire, I post it here for academic convenience.
This article provides an overview of Proto-Indo-European noun morphology.
This is a PDF output of the 2002 publication. Unfortunately, the IPA has not come across as it should. You may find a 3rd edition of this grammar - with IPA intact - in the Appendix of Scottish Gaelic Speech and Writing (Lamb 2008), also... more
A typological overview of Kayardild.
A contribution to D. Kastovsky and Aleksander Szwedek (eds.), Linguistics across Historical and Geographical Boundaries, vol 1:Linguistic Theory and Historical Linguistics. Mouton de Gruyter , Berlin / New York / Amsterdam 1986, pp.579... more
ABSTRACT TOPICALIZATION IN JAMAICAN AND MARTINICAN CREOLE LANGUAGES Dr Nicole ARSENEC Mervyn ALLEYNE (1980) describes topicalization as a construction... more
In this paper, I will present a cross-linguistic analysis of the syntax of items signalling temporal distance. Basing on insight form cartography and nanosyntax, I will shown that the mechanism of Phrasal Spell-out (and the Superset... more
The applications of linguistic typology have contributed to the creation of an unique linguistic structure of language as a cognitive paradigm of the mind, which conveys to the use of various typological patterns in order to build a... more
An overview of colour systems in languages, Berlin and Kay's well-known work and the World Colour Survey. (In Bulgarian.)
This is the revised version of my seminar presentation at the St. Climent University of Sofia at the seminar on the "Evolution of the grammatical structure in Russian and Bulgarian. A contrastive perspective: corpus analysis and formal... more
Surveying the encoding of the semantic roles of recipient, beneficiary, and recipient-beneficiary from a crosslinguistic perspective, the paper has two goals. First, by focusing on the encoding of the dual role of recipient-beneficiary,... more
The present study is aimed at studying the derivational bound morphemes in two endangered languages in Iran, namely Lari and Tati. The class of morphemes under investigation is bound morphemes belonging to a close class of suffixes within... more
In this paper I address a typological puzzle concerning complementary distribution of classifiers and plural markers. I discuss a possible interpretation of a particular type of the Polish word 'para' ('pair of') as a classifier. The... more
Linguists have identified a number of types of recurrent semantic change, and have proposed a number of explanations, usually based on specific lexical items. This paper takes a different approach, by using a distributional semantic model... more
Academic Reference: Zuckermann, Ghil'ad & Monaghan, Paul (2012). "Revival linguistics and the new media: Talknology in the service of the Barngarla language reclamation", pp. 119-126 of Foundation for Endangered Languages XVI Conference:... more
Nous allons examiner le concept et des exemples de langues agglutinantes, qui sont un bon terrain pour observer comment les régularités et les bizarreries surgissent. La partie C-1 donne des indications sur le concept d'agglutination et... more
This contribution aims at investigating the translation problems that arise when translating between an endocentric and an exocentric language, paying particular attention to the case of Norwegian (endocentric) and Italian (exocentric).... more
Using data from Matsigenka (Arawakan, Peru), this talk argues that the concept of 'path' used in the analysis of directionals and other path-denoting grammatical elements should be decomposed into two components: path geometry and path... more
This paper is borne to present a book issued on 2015: "La pluralizzazione verbale. Evoluzione e tendenza all'interno di un'analisi tipologica: il caso toscano. The book speaks about the evolution of verbal technique to vehiculate number.... more
Autor poddaje analizie trzy ważne parametry stosowane w typologii częściowej języków oraz dokonuje próby konfrontacji języka hiszpańskiego z językiem polskim w świetle tychże parametrów. Język hiszpański, który uchodzi za umiarkowanie... more
Nessun momento storico è stato così fortemente dipendente dalla comunicazione come il nostro. Molte professioni, anche nuove, sono coinvolte direttamente in questo processo o si basano su abilità comunicative (il docente, l’avvocato, il... more
This paper aims at investigating the semantics of nominal reduplication cross-linguistically. Nominal reduplication is treated as an iconic morphological device expressing functions that have something to do with plurality. Nevertheless,... more
familia mataguayo, chaco paraguayo) Alain Fabre Esta gramática es el primer estudio tipológico del nivaclé (tradicionalmente conocido como chulupí), una lengua indígena hablada en la parte central del Chaco paraguayo por unas 15.000... more
This paper aims to study the Basic Locative Constructions (BLCs) in Cantonese and Shanghainese by using a standardized picture elicitation method. Results show that BLCs in both Cantonese and Shanghainese adopt 4 strategies: locative... more