Digital Collections and Archives
Recent papers in Digital Collections and Archives
Bu çalışma, Koç Üniversitesi Suna Kıraç Kütüphanesi Nadir Eserler Koleksiyonu’nda yer alan ve 1922-1949 yılları arasında yayımlanan illüstrasyonlu hiciv dergilerinin dijitalleştirme projesi üzerine yazılmıştır. 19. yy sonunda ile 20. yy... more
Ao longo de uma trajetória de quase duas décadas entre a prática como gestor, curador e pesquisador de arte digital e tecnológica, me deparo constantemente com as instabilidades do campo. Seja do ponto de vista tecnológico, das condições... more
Digitalisierung macht Geschichte: Öffentliche Institutionen übernehmen vermehrt Fotobestände von Bildagenturen und codieren sie zu historischen Kulturgütern um. Doch das ist bloss das vorläufige Ende eines vielschichtigen historischen... more
Koç Üniversitesi Suna Kıraç Kütüphanesi'nin, 2019’da açılan koleksiyonu "Hüseyin Hilmi Paşa Belgeleri" yüzyıl sonundaki Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun siyasi, ekonomik ve sosyo-kültürel ortamını tasvir eder. İşleme ve dijitalleştirme projesine... more
According to scholars, the Hackable City model is replacing the Smart City one. The participatory approach in the digital revolution is a fundamental element of this new city and society model, which is much more inclusive than the... more
Digital technologies and their uses within museum collections have until recently been explored primarily from a technical viewpoint. Increasingly, museum professionals are moving beyond technologically-driven reasoning to entertain new... more
in Oregon Historical Quarterly, Vol 118(1), Spring 2017.
We are pleased to announce a call for papers for a special session on ** Artificial Intelligence & Digital Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities **. The ARTIDIGH 2020 special session is a very small and specialized event to be held... more
In an interview published in a recent anthology of essays concerned with the ‘archive’, Beatrice von Bismarck and Irmgard Christa Becker proffered two connected yet competing views. While both agreed that ‘there are institutional... more
Paris'te yaşayan Hititolog Prof. Dr. Hatice Gonnet Bağana tüm kariyeri boyunca bir araya getirdiği kişisel kitaplığını, belge ve görsel arşivini 2014 yılında Koç Üniversitesi Suna Kıraç Kütüphanesi'ne bağışlamıştır. Gonnet Bağana Paris'te... more
This paper describes the current status and the future outlook for KE EMu, a system for museum collection documentation and management that is capable of monitoring collections and exporting data to websites. Although KE EMu is a... more
In September 2018, Brazil witnessed a fire that devastated the National Museum, one of the most important in Latin America, with a collection of over 20 million artifacts (Alessi, 2018). This episode, in addition to provoking... more
Digitisations are viewed as immaterial, informational replicants of their parent, the ‘real object’, and as networked human and machine subjectivities. While material heritage is founded on an artefactual notion of identity, the... more
The technological progress of the past decades has had a transformative effect on both cultural institutions and academic research. It is generally accepted that mass digitization projects led by museums, libraries and archives have... more
Student Librarians and Information Professionals Ireland Conference (SLIP Ireland 2018), Dublin City Library, 24 February 2018 “From the Archive to the Web: Dilemmas with Digital Scholarly Editions.” Two longstanding activities... more
Observed from the "memory economy" perspective, digital archives of cultural heritage, besides the reliable memory function, have economic role in mapping local and global "cultural geography" as well. The mentioned economic role of... more
Presentation on the current and upcoming digital projects and collections at Richard E. Bjork Library using CONTENTdm software, and how the Digital Preservation Team is essential to the success of these efforts.
Bird and Simons (2003), Johnson (2004), Nathan (2011), and Holton (2012) all emphasize the importance of archiving language artifacts. Woodbury (2003) suggests that lexical database resources should become part of the preserved... more
Presentation on the Highway 89 Digital Collection Collaboration by Liz Woolcott, Dustin Olson, Clint Pumphrey and Paula Mitchell at the Best Practices Exchange, Salt Lake City, Nov. 13, 2014