Digital Collections
Recent papers in Digital Collections
This collection of digital artifacts seeks to record and track the influence that ATS currently has on hiring processes. ATS platforms are deeply embedded in daily processes across thousands of companies worldwide, and deserve deeper... more
Hackathons were originated from both the evolution of and revolution caused by personal computers. Initially, they have been implemented as a collaborative method for solving computer-related problems or conceptualizing new possibilities... more
This article reflects on the process of digitising a collection of almost 1800 Victorian Valentines cards. The Museum of London’s card collection is only a fraction of an individual’s extensive collection of greetings cards. This article... more
This PhD thesis analyzes digital and data-based practices of mediation of art and culture, focusing on digital cultural repositories and databases as central mediation tools. It embeds the digital mediation practices discussed in this... more
Compilation of 2636 artworks (sculptures, reliefs, paintings, frescoes, drawings, prints and illustrations) of 728 identified artists of the Low Countries, from the Middle Ages to Modern Times. 202 pp. With an Index of Artists, a... more
Compilation of 2997 artworks (sculptures, reliefs, paintings, frescoes, drawings, prints and illustrations) of 977 identified French artists from the Middle Ages to Modern Times. 194 pp. With an Index of Artists, a Directory of Owners and... more
Museums provide an environment for the long term care of Indigenous cultural objects. Some Indigenous Cultural objects in museum collections have spiritual significance and for that reason have limitations and requirements that affect how... more
Compilation of 1840 artworks (sculptures, reliefs, paintings, frescoes, drawings, prints and illustrations) of 649 identified Italian artists from the Middle Ages to Modern Times. 156pp. With an Index of Artists, a Directory of Owners and... more
ABSTRACT: The booklet contains about 540 links to databases of numismatics, archaeology, art and history. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Die Broschüre enthält rund 540 Links zu Datenbanken für Numismatik, Archäologie, Kunst und Geschichte.... more
Potentials of scientific research in general are obviously subject to changes in accordance with current digital information and communication environment, which is capable to give new, advanced performances, or those essentially... more
The Catholic University of Milan’s owns an important collection of ancient coins, which is being used for instructional purposes to incorporate a hands-on component into a numismatics course. This collection allows students to learn the... more
As an object of design of clothes, ornaments and symbols are the instrument through which they become attractive to consumers. The ancient Egyptian ornaments, their elements, shapes, colors and proportions between them are a basis for... more
A report about the Spanish Synagogue, its reconstruction and the new permanent exhibition 'Jews in the Bohemian Lands, 19th-20th Centuries' by Michaela Sidenberg, Iveta Cermanová, Jana Šplíchalová The Jewish Museum in Prague, one of the... more
By examining the use of digitised collections within community-based archives this article highlights the new, active roles collection items are playing within cultural practice. Freed from the restrictions of institutional control,... more
Part of Discussion "Typologie 2.0-Datenbanken in der Archäologie: das europäische Projekt" in Germania 98, 2020, 193-236.
A developed digital collection of textile patterns is presented Iin the report. As objects in this collection designed modern textile prints developed on the basis of elements of ancient Egyptian costume are included. Software tools are... more
In this paper the authors have described, how digital library collections can be developed and customized with the most updated version of Greenstone Digital Library Software (GSDL). An experiment collection has been developed to... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate correlations between digitized historical materials and the paradigm changes of popularizing history in the Korean history. The popularizing history has gone through four paradigms in Korean... more
En los últimos años, con la evolución de la web y el crecimiento exponencial de usuarios en las redes sociales, ha surgido una nueva generación de usuarios, conocidos como coleccionistas digitales, los cuales, al no contar con mecanismos... more
Museen erweitern ihr Vermittlungsangebot immer mehr über die physische Einrichtung hinaus, u.a. durch die Bereitstellung Digitaler Sammlungen im Web. Digitale Sammlungen zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass die in ihnen gezeigten Objekte... more
In its 2008 President's Report the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation noted "In the field of archaeology, most data are now collected in digital formats, but in the US there are no commonly agreed upon standards and little capacity for... more
If we go online to search the phrase ‘Pound Archive’, we find out that it refers almost exclusively to the Ezra Pound Archive in the Collection of American Literature at the Beinecke Library, Yale University, with an occasional reference... more
According to scholars, the Hackable City model is replacing the Smart City one. The participatory approach in the digital revolution is a fundamental element of this new city and society model, which is much more inclusive than the... more
This article discusses opportunities and current issues of digital approaches for papyrology. It seeks to determine whether good practice is adopted throughout the development of the projects, thereby allowing use, reuse and... more
Potentials of scientific research in general are obviously subject to changes in accordance with current digital information and communication environment, which is capable to give new, advanced performances, or those essentially... more
Digital technologies and their uses within museum collections have until recently been explored primarily from a technical viewpoint. Increasingly, museum professionals are moving beyond technologically-driven reasoning to entertain new... more
in Oregon Historical Quarterly, Vol 118(1), Spring 2017.
The Community Brain proudly presents The Museum of Today: a timely collection of personal ‘treasures’ that helped the contributors to this catalogue get through a momentous time and offered us the valuable opportunity to pause and... more
Em setembro de 2018, o Brasil presenciou o incêndio do Museu Nacional, um dos mais importantes da América Latina, que contava com um acervo constituído por mais de 20 milhões de peças (Alessi, 2018). O... more
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the availability of embedded metadata within images of digital cultural collections. It is designed to examine a proposed hypothesis that most digitally derived images of cultural... more
Educating and engaging museum audience in contemporary times is becoming imperative, considering the persistent information society which has created the need for museums to utilise new methods of disseminating information. Digitisation... more
Digital content and technology democratise access to cultural heritage and can stimulate positive social and economic change, especially when they support Research and Innovation. The cultural heritage sector is exploring new ways of... more
In 2010, UNESCO inscribed falconry on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. In recognition of UNESCO's decision, New York University in Abu Dhabi made the study of the millennial practice of falconry... more
Genova, Palazzo Ducale, 3 Dicembre 2019
The MoRE Museum (the Museum of Refused and Unrealized Art Projects) is a digital museum that collects, preserves and exhibits refused and unfinished art projects of the 20 and 21st centuries. The MoRE Museum, born in 2012, from the... more
Die Dokumentation der eigenen Sammlung fürs Publikum im WWW online zu stellen, bringt einige Herausforderungen mit sich, denn der Zweck der Sammlungsdokumentation ist zumeist Nachweis und Arbeitsgrundlage. Für die öffentliche Präsentation... more