Droit Canonique
Recent papers in Droit Canonique
ISBN 978-606-37-0372-0 Acest amplu proiect de cercetare, pe care autorul îl propune cititorilor săi, dorește surprinderea unei perioade controversate din punct de vedere istoric și zbuciumate din punct de vedere eclezial, respectiv... more
Mémoire en Histoire, Université de Montréal, 2010
Starting from the historical moment of the papal renunciation by Pope Benedict XVI and the appointment of the Argentinean Cardinal Jose Mario Bergoglio as Roman Pontiff, by the name of Pope Francisc, this article proposes an overview of... more
The book compares the family law in Islam and in the Canon law.
La vacanza della sede episcopale da sempre rappresenta un momento tra i più delicati nella vita di una Chiesa particolare ed in genere, a motivo della similitudine degli effetti, viene studiato dalla dottrina e disciplinato dal... more
Καθηγητής του Κανονικού Δικαίου της Θεολογικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών Στην δίνη ενός κανονικού κενού. Η δυσθήρατη Εκκλησιαστική Δικαιοσύνη (Παρέμβαση) 1 Έχει πολλή μεγάλη σημασία, για την προσέγγιση του επίμαχου αυτού ζητήματος,... more
I discorsi del Papa al Tribunale della Rota Romana offrono al giurista spunti per una riflessione sempre più aderente alla verità e di conseguenza più attenta ai diritti dei fedeli e agli altri beni protetti dall'ordinamento canonico. Tra... more
This articles offers practical guidelines for religious institutes facing decline in an uncertain and changing world. In this difficult but grace-filled time, a community can live today's challenges with the same courage, fidelity and... more
Στη σύγχρονη εποχή, το αίτημα της επικαιροποίησης των κανόνων της Εκκλησίας και της σύνδεσής τους με το εκάστοτε ιστορικό γίγνεσθαι, τίθεται ολοένα και πιο επιτακτικά. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό εντάσσεται και το σχετικό με την ανανέωσή τους αίτημα... more
A l’exception d’une petite trentaine de pays, toutes les nations du monde possèdent une armée. Au sein de ces forces militaires, des hommes et des femmes font le choix de se mettre au service de leurs concitoyens, en dépassant leurs... more
Análisis de la problemática canónica originada por el cierre de comunidades religiosas y las modificaciones canónicas operadas en Institutos Religiosos, con especial atención al destino de los bienes temporales. Analysis of the canonical... more
The author analyzes how Medieval culture and civilization in Europe was able to manage cultural, social and religious plurality and diversity without posing a threat to solidarity, openness, dynamism and the actual functioning of society... more
Roman Law: An Introduction offers a clear and accessible introduction to Roman law for students of any legal tradition. In the thousand years between the Law of the Twelve Tables and Justinian’s massive Codification, the Romans developed... more
Metodología empleada para la elaboración del estudio.
Actes d'un colloque réuni à l'Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne publiés sous la direction de Martin Dumont : "Coexistences confessionnelles en Europe à l’époque moderne, Théories et pratiques, XVIe-XVIIe siècles".
The dislocations of the worldwide economic crisis, the necessity of a system of global justice to address crimes against humanity, and the notorious “democratic deficit” of international institutions highlight the need for an innovative... more
Digesta in Nederlandse vertaling Based on Samuel Scott's Digesta in English, published in 1932, I have translated it into 13 European languages with the deeple translator and made it available in the online legal theory journal of the... more
The study compares the canons on administrative recourse in the Latin and Eastern Codes and finds them the same or similar in most respects, but there are some key differences. The Eastern law obliges the hierarchical superior to render a... more
Η σημερινή συνάντηση συνιστά για τον ομιλούντα μία πρωτότυπη ευκαιρία, που θέτει την Εκκλησιακή συνοδικότητα σε διαλεκτική σχέση και σε διάλογο με τους Ιερούς Κανόνες μέσα και από ένα προτεινόμενο παράδειγμα, το παράδειγμα της... more
RESUMEN El santo papa Pío X tomó tres importantes decisiones: poner en marcha la reforma del derecho canónico pedida por el Vaticano I; adoptar la forma de un código para reformar la legislación de la Iglesia; y determinar el plan y el... more
A Christian martyr for the gospel of social justice, and a man of deep spirituality and great ethical stature, Óscar Romero, archbishop of San Salvador during years of brutal government and paramilitary repression, is a towering figure in... more
100 principes juridiques « L'exception confirme la règle », « Qui ne dit mot consent », « Le législateur n'est pas négligent », « Lex semper loquitur », « La lettre tue, l'esprit vivifie »… Ce manuel réunit les principes juridiques les... more
The Apostolic Constitution on women’s contemplative life "Vultum Dei quaerere," promulgated by Francis on 29 June 2016, not only reinvigorates the academic, as well as the practical, treatment of the cloister of religious institutes, but... more
La grave crisis vocacional por la que está pasando la vida religiosa dentro de la Iglesia católica está haciendo surgir, como efecto colateral, la cuestión del destino de un gran número de inmuebles, muchas veces de gran valor histórico... more