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      MentoringMentoring and Developmental RelationshipsLeadership and MentoringE-Mentoring
A search on LinkedIn for “Business Coach” yields over 175,000 results.

A similar search for “Startup Mentor” yields close to 125,000 results.

What do these people teach?

What should these people teach?
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      MentoringCoaching (Education)Mentoring and Developmental RelationshipsMentoring and Leadership
Cet article présente les résultats d'une étude sur la manière dont les enseignants de français conceptualisent les contenus didactiques en fonction des interactions en classe. La représentation qu'ont les enseignants de leur gestion des... more
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      Teacher EducationDistance EducationMentoringAcademic Writing
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    • E-Mentoring
Our study explores online international mentoring that supports novice faculty at geographically distant universities. Interview data with 30 mentees were analyzed using an inductive analysis method to describe how online men-toring... more
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      Academic DevelopmentMentoringE-MentoringCoaching and mentoring
How do we define coaching and mentoring? What are the differences between them? What are the processes involved? Even though coaching and mentoring have a long history in different professions and countries around the world, no universal... more
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      Coaching PsychologyMentoringCoaching (Education)Mentoring and Leadership
Resumo: A liderança constitui um tema cada vez mais presente nas abordagens que elegem a análise organizacional e a gestão das escolas como centros de interesse. Tratando-se de um fenómeno complexo, o seu estudo não pode ser isolado de... more
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      Mentoring in HEMentoring and LeadershipE-MentoringMentoring and Career Development
THe monograph describes mentoring practicies and initiatives across Te Pukenga.
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      Educational TechnologyHigher EducationE-MentoringBlended learning in higher education
Creativity in adults is highly valued in our society. Personal creativity contributes to inventiveness, innovation, social and cultural change as well as political development and economic progression. The creator is an innovator, a... more
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      ScreenwritingPlay TherapyHigh Performance ComputingMusic Education
The purpose of this study is to examine the mentoring process in the education of gifted students and to develop a model applicable for the Turkish Educational System. The data of the study were collected through a literature review and... more
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      EducationMentoringMentoring and LeadershipLeadership and Mentoring
Öz Başlangıcı tarihte çok eskilere dayanan ve öğrenmenin aktarılması esasına dayanılan mentörlük bütün paydaşların gelişimine olumlu katkı sağlayan ve paydaşlar arasındaki etkileşimi iyileştiren bir yaklaşımdır. Gelişen teknolojilere... more
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      MentoringE-MentoringMentoring and Career DevelopmentMentor
Bu bölümde yüzyüze (geleneksel), elektronik veya karma bir mentorluk programının gerçekleştirilmesi sürecinde yapılması gereken çalışmalar ele alınmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda alanyazındaki ilgili çalışmalar ve farklı ülkelerde hayata... more
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    • E-Mentoring
3 1 The TTnet was established by CEdEfop in 1998 as a pan-European forum for key players and decision-makers involved in the training and professional development of vocational teachers and trainers. The TTnet aims have been to foster... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationTeacher EducationDistance EducationMentoring
Faculty-graduate assistant (GA) mentoring in the online context is an increasingly important topic, but little research has been done to show how it can best be accomplished. The goal of this thesis was to study how quality faculty-GA... more
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      MentoringMentoring and Developmental RelationshipsE-MentoringOnline Learning
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      Teacher EducationDistance EducationScience EducationMentoring
Relationships are vitally important in all aspects of life, and especially in the Army, when sometimes life or death decisions are required. Mentoring is a developmental relationship where experiences are shared between two people, one... more
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      MentoringMentoring and Developmental RelationshipsMentoring and LeadershipLeadership and Mentoring
Maintaining your research team's productivity during the COVID-19 era can be a challenge. Developing new strategies to mentor your research trainees in remote work environments will not only support research productivity and progress... more
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      Distance EducationMentoringE-MentoringDistance Learning
The Mentored Innovation Model is an online collaborative mentoring model developed in Hungary to help teachers integrate technology in their classrooms in meaningful ways. It combines an online modular approach of formal pedagogical ICT... more
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      Educational TechnologyE-MentoringPre Service Teacher Education
This is a case study designed with qualitative research pattern. It investigated the use of information and communication technologies in the e-mentoring process. The study group consisted of 44 undergraduate students as mentees and 8... more
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      E-MentoringDistance Learning
Mentoring experiences and programmes are becoming increasingly recognised as important by those engaged in capacity strengthening in global health research. Using a primarily qualitative study design, we studied three experiences of... more
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      Action ResearchMentoringMentoring and Developmental RelationshipsAcademic Writing
Relationships are vitally important in all aspects of life, and especially in the Army, when sometimes life or death decisions are required. Mentoring is a developmental relationship where experiences are shared between two people, one... more
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      LeadershipMentoringMentoring and Developmental RelationshipsMentoring and Leadership
Recently, the impact of smart technologies and artificial intelligence as mechanisms for blended instruction in higher education institutions around the world has been of great interest. A cross-sectional design was used for this study.... more
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      Graduate EducationE-Mentoring
The rapid growth of technology has had a significant effect on educational activities. As a result of this growth, a shift has taken place from a behaviorist teaching style to a constructivist perspective which enables adult learners to... more
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      Computer-Mediated CommunicationE-MentoringProfessional DevelopmentOnline and Distance Education
ENSEÑANZA DE LAS CIENCIAS SOCIALES, 2013 · 12, 37-45 permitió desvelar y hacer un seguimiento de la estructura, el contenido de las representaciones sociales 3 y la manera en que estas se reflejaron en las prácticas de enseñanza.
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      Teacher EducationDistance EducationHistory of EducationMentoring
As we are familiar with pandemic situation and its effects on our life. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected people regardless of nationality, level of education, income or gender. It has affected education system. As most of education, in... more
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Academic mentoring processes include organising students’ workflow and monitoring their academic progress. Recent challenges, including the global coronavirus pandemic, have highlighted the need for providing resilient and robust... more
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İletişim ve enfomasyon teknolojilerindeki gelişmeler, zamanın ve mekânın anlamını büyük oranda değişikliğe uğratmaktadır. Aynı fiziki mekânı paylaşmanın söz konusu araçlar sayesinde bir zorunluluk olmaktan çıkması büyük değişimlere kapı... more
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      E-MentoringUzaktan eğitim
Learning a new language is a rigorous process for which the language teachers strive to get learners engaged and for sure, instructional technology can help them to find interesting and creative ways. This study aims to reach suggestions... more
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      E-MentoringBlended learning in higher education
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Recently, the impact of smart technologies and artificial intelligence as mechanisms for blended instruction in higher education institutions around the world has been of great interest. A cross-sectional design was used for this study.... more
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      Graduate EducationE-MentoringBlended learning in higher education
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      Mentoring and Developmental RelationshipsMentoring and LeadershipE-Mentoring
CAMP Osprey is an intergenerational mentoring program that addresses a critical need in the community and offers collegiate students a unique service-leadership experience to serve as mentors to at-risk schoolchildren. The hallmark of the... more
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      MentoringLeadership and MentoringE-Mentoring
Mentörlük kuramsal olarak, daha az bilgi sahibi olan deneyimsizin, daha bilgili olan deneyimliden destek görmesi olarak tanımlanan çıraklığa dayanmakta; izleri Odesa destanındaki güvenilir, yardımsever Mentor’a kadar uzanmaktadır.... more
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In this study, we describe participant characteristics, conversation content, and program success of an online mentoring program for northern Canadian youth. We investigate the associations between demographics and program success. The... more
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesMentoringE-MentoringNorthern Canada
This chapter looks at the dynamics of research collaboration and mentoring at a distance between two universities with unequal capacities in the Philippines. The case study highlights not only emergent collaborative and mentoring... more
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      E-MentoringMultidisciplinary CollaborationPeer MentoringMindanao
This study examines Hungarian pre-service and inservice teachers' satisfaction (n=154) with the Mentored Innovation Model (MIM), an online collaborative mentoring model focused on technology integration. The Kano model was applied to... more
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The importance of mentoring to career development is well recognized; yet practice does not always follow theory, often to the exclusion of minorities and women. Interviews with 13 US Army officers representing various backgrounds... more
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      Tacit KnowledgeMentoringMentoring and Developmental RelationshipsLeadership and Mentoring
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      Reflective PracticeMentoringE-MentoringInitial teacher education
The aim of the research is to compare the impacts of mentoring services, delivered face to face and video conference on advisees' academic achievements. Mentoring services, made up with two different instruments, were administered to a... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationE-learningHigher Education
This study addressed a different approach to online language teacher training programs. The researchers investigated the pros and cons of having local mentor support for an online course titled Using Technology in the English Language... more
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      Educational TechnologyE-Mentoring
Mentorluk pek çok alanda kullanılmakla birlikte, eğitim alanında özellikle göreve yeni başlayan öğretmenler ve okul yöneticilerinin meslekî gelişimlerinin sağlanmasında kullanılmaktadır. Türkiye’de okul yöneticilerinin seçilmesi,... more
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      E-MentoringMentoring In Education
Recently, the impact of smart technologies and artificial intelligence as mechanisms for blended instruction in higher education institutions around the world has been of great interest. A cross-sectional design was used for this study.... more
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      E-MentoringArtificial Intelligence And TechniquesSmart Technologies for Education
The purpose of this essay is to determine an understanding of online peer mentoring (e-mentoring) and does it differ to face to face (FTF) peer mentoring using the 10 elements of a mentoring program designed by Australian Youth Mentoring... more
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      E-MentoringPrimary School
The Problem " It makes me sick when I see dissertation work completed by the advisor. I can name several scholars who do it. Faculty get overly involved in students' writing, " was a comment we heard recently from a colleague. This led us... more
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      MentoringDoctoral SupervisionMentoring and Developmental RelationshipsMentoring and Leadership