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Argument construction is an important aspect of academic writing. Although literature presents a number of theoretical and pedagogical models of argument, research is lacking into authentic argument construction in expert writing.... more
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      English for Academic PurposesAcademic WritingArgumentationAcademic discourse analysis
Argument construction is an important aspect of academic writing. Although literature presents a number of theoretical and pedagogical models of argument, research is lacking into authentic argument construction in expert writing.... more
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      English for Academic PurposesAcademic WritingArgumentationAcademic discourse analysis
Los autores: Sergio Chica y Cristian Salazar, buscan generar una discusión conceptual sobre las diferencias y similitudes entre la Nueva Gestión Pública (NGP) y la Posnueva Gestión Pública, (PNGP) especialmente en lo atinente a las... more
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      Nueva gestión públicaEstados UnidosAmerica LatinaAdministracion Publica
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      ColombiaNew Public ManagementNueva gestión públicaReforma servicio civil
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      ColombiaMax WeberNew Public ManagementNueva gestión pública
Los autores, Sergio Chica y Cristian Salazar, buscan en este artículo analizar las transformaciones que se han presentado en el concepto de gobernanza a partir de la revisión de la emergencia de una serie de discursos que pueden agruparse... more
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      ColombiaGobernanzaNueva gestión públicaAdministración Pública
El artículo adelanta una exploración sobre las formas de construcción e institucionalización de los argumentos que integran las doctrinas en administración pública. Enuncia las formas de saber administrativo y como estás se van... more
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      ColombiaESAPDoctrinaPensamiento administrativo público
Two sets of experiments were carried out at Sinana Agricultural Research Center, Experiment-I (1997Experiment-I ( -1999 and Experiment-II (1998-1999. Two grass species, namely, Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana, CV massaba) and colored guinea... more
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    • ESAP
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      ColombiaAdministracion PublicaGobiernoAnálisis Organizacional
he aim of this quasi-experimental research is to investigate the extent of improving Rhetorical Organization skills in Second Language (L2) English writing of secondary students through formal instructions in a specific Content and... more
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      Academic WritingLanguage AssessmentCLILTeacher education for CLIL
Argument construction is an important aspect of academic writing. Although literature presents a number of theoretical and pedagogical models of argument, research is lacking into authentic argument construction in expert writing.... more
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      English for Academic PurposesAcademic WritingArgumentationAcademic discourse analysis
As a preliminary part of their studies leading to dual British and Chinese degrees, Chemistry and Engineering students at Dalian Leicester Institute, China are offered extensive EGAP and ESAP support courses. This article describes a... more
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The main purpose of this study is to investigate the reflection of critical thinking in ESAP textbooks developed by SAMT in Iran. To this end, three textbooks including English for Students of Veterinary Medicine (Medical Sciences),... more
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      Critical ThinkingTextbooksESAP
On-farm experiment was conducted for three years (1999)(2000)(2001)(2002) at two sites around Sinana Agricultural Research Center (Selka-Odda and Selka-Shallo) to assess herbage yield potential of four annual forage crops vetch (Vicia... more
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    • ESAP
El artículo está estructurado en tres apartados. En el primero, se muestra el papel de las doctrinas administrativas en la configuración del saber administrativo; En el segundo, se enuncian los procesos de innovación administrativa... more
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      ColombiaESAPDoctrinaPensamiento administrativo público
Cada vez la descentralización conlleva mayores obligaciones, mientras los recursos para su financiación son insuficientes. Las responsabilidades están normadas y hay que cumplirlas. La Ley 715 de 2001, establece las competencias de todos... more
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      Public AdministrationFinanzas PúblicasMunicipiosAdministracion Publica
This research reports on a survey study of 48 subject instructors, assistants, and lab assistants in engineering faculty at Ishik University in Iraq about their opinions and attitudes toward ESAP (English for Specific Academic Purpose)... more
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      English for Specific PurposesESPEnglish for Specific Purposes or Academic EnglishEnglish for Specific/academic purposes
This research reports on a survey study of 48 subject instructors, assistants, and lab assistants in engineering faculty at Ishik University in Iraq about their opinions and attitudes toward ESAP (English for Specific Academic Purpose)... more
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      English for Specific PurposesESPEnglish for Specific Purposes or Academic EnglishEAP needs analysis
Abstract: Problem statement: The main purpose of the study was to explore the levels of concentration in Zimbabwe’s grain-milling industry during period 1985-2005. The study could not be extended to periods after 2005 because the... more
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      ConcentrationKey wordsLiberalisationOligopoly
This paper reports the results of a replication experiment on the effectiveness of extra credit pop quizzes within the context of English for specific academic purposes course. In the original experiment, multiple-choice pop quizzes... more
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      Higher EducationCollaborative WritingContinuous AssessmentESAP
A través de esta investigación se pudo conocer las percepciones que tienen los jóvenes que participan en la política, sobre las relaciones que tienen con las instituciones públicas, las organizaciones políticas y su pensamiento sobre la... more
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      ColombiaParticipación ciudadanaJóvenesJóvenes Y Política
Abstract: Problem statement: The main purpose of the study was to explore the levels of concentration in Zimbabwe’s grain-milling industry during period 1985-2005. The study could not be extended to periods after 2005 because the... more
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      ConcentrationKey wordsLiberalisationOligopoly
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    • ESAP