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Invention of Early Joseon’s identity as a “Lesser Middle Kingdom(小中華)” and the comparative narrativization on “others” in Songs of Flying Dragons(龍飛御天歌)” Chong Da-Ham Ever since modern scholarship of the studies of Korean literature... more
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      Korean StudiesTransnational HistoryKorean HistoryEast Asian History
Religious and Philosophical Traditions of Korea, by Kevin N. Cawley, London and New York: Routledge, 2019, xxiii + 197 pp. This volume is a comprehensive intellectual guide to the religio-philosophical landscape of Korean history in the... more
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      Sociology of ReligionKorean StudiesEast Asian History
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      Asian StudiesArt HistoryKorean StudiesAsian History
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      Southeast Asian StudiesAsian HistoryVietnamese HistoryEast Asian History
Tom French believes that China, Japan and South Korea are locked into a spiral of mutual suspicion, insecurity and even hate. So what should they do about it? He believes it’s time to jettison the hyper-nationalism and pursue mechanisms... more
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      NationalismSino-US RelationsTeaching HistoryEast Asian History
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      HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyAsian StudiesJapanese Studies
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      Global HistoryEast Asian History
Việt Nam thế kỷ XVII: Những góc nhìn từ bên ngoài là tác phẩm được hai nhà Việt Nam học là Olga Dror và K. W. Taylor đã dày công tìm hiểu và có những chú giải kỹ lưỡng, cùng phần giới thiệu hàm súc cho hai tác phẩm quan trọng trong công... more
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      ReligionSoutheast Asian StudiesVietnamese HistoryEast Asian Studies
Ōuchi Yoshitaka's attempted to move Japan's capital to Yamaguchi in 1551. These efforts failed and resulted in his destruction and the death of many courtiers. This hitherto unknown event profoundly influenced the politics of... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese HistoryEast Asian StudiesEast Asian History
La regione del Belūcistān è, dopo anni di dominazioni straniere, suddivisa all’interno di tre Stati: Iran, Afghanistan e Pakistan. La sua posizione è notevolmente strategica in quanto situata sul lato occidentale del Medio Oriente,... more
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      East AsiaSouth-East AsiaPakistanEast Asian Studies
Only excerpts available here. Full text is at (or through library access) Abstract: From the late 1950s until 1975, the war between North and South Vietnam had both domestic... more
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      EducationSoutheast Asian StudiesYouth StudiesCold War and Culture
The article offers a case study in the nature of uses of the European past in East Asia at a time when the search for the knowledge of the West was not yet motivated primarily by any sense of its civilizational, moral, or technological... more
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      Intellectual HistoryJapanese StudiesHistory of IdeasEarly Modern History
There is a wide consensus that the modern concept of race originated in Europe, and, by the same token, that in modern times this continent and its overseas offshoots had seen more than their fair share of extreme forms of racism. It is... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEthnic StudiesJapanese StudiesRacial and Ethnic Politics
Contents: 专题论文 宋代潮州陶瓷之路   ——以笔架山窑瓷器生产与外销为中心【黄 挺】/3 日本出土的宋代潮州窑产品与相关问题   ——以福冈市博多遗址群出土为主【田中克子】/20 潮瓷下南洋:19世纪以来潮瓷与东南亚潮人陶瓷业【李炳炎】/32 海洋、宗教与女性研究   ——以近代潮汕地区的信教妇女为例【蔡香玉】/54 “海洋亚洲”的废婢运动... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologySoutheast Asian StudiesMaritime HistorySoutheast Asia
''Red tide'' has become a familiar shorthand for unusual changes in the color of ocean waters. It is intimately related both to blooms of creatures like dinoflagellates and to the devastating effects they pose to coastal fisheries. This... more
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      History of JapanAnimal StudiesEnvironmental HistoryHistory of Science
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese HistoryModern Japanese HistoryFrench Second Empire
This paper traces a much overlooked historical event, whose impacts threatened to upend the status quo in the Far East and potentially escalate the Anglo-Russian rivalry in Eurasia. With the occupation of Port Hamilton (Geomundo) by a... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryBritish HistoryImperial HistoryRussian History
This article takes a closer look at the internal evolution of the North Korean political system and how it has been subjugated to the personalist regime of the Kim family. The author argues that North Korea should no longer be perceived... more
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      Asian StudiesComparative PoliticsInternational RelationsSoviet Regime
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      East Asian HistoryKorean CatholicismHistory of Late Choson KoreaWhaling history
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      East Asian HistoryCommercial HistoryMaterial History
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      HistoryPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsAsian StudiesInternational Relations
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      Japanese StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesThai StudiesIndonesian History
总体而言,经济史的热门议题,土地和农业生产的议题很多开始让位于海洋生产和海洋经济,货币问题渐由货币政策和铸造转向跨区域流通和多国多地比较,GDP核算、国民数据库等议题已渐次让位于平均工资核算(以及算法的优化)。在比较经济史领域,西欧、中东、东亚的比较经济史仍为热门,但重点已由二十年前的“大分流”转变为近八九年流行讨论的“小分流”,因而在中国史层面而言对16世纪以降尤其是1800年以后清代中国与西欧的“分流”更重视,兼以宗教与社会变迁、家庭生活和由粮食及工资估算的生活水平、政府... more
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      Economic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesEighteenth Century History
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      HistoryJapanese HistoryHong KongEast Asian History
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      Southeast Asian StudiesSouth-East AsiaSoutheast AsiaVietnamese History
This paper explores the characteristics of the professional identity of the Doctors of Korean Medicine (KMD), a medical profession in South Korea practicing traditional East Asian medicine. They play a primary care role in healthcare,... more
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      Medical SociologyAsian StudiesAnthropologyMedical Anthropology
This article focuses on how political agendas and existing societal circumstances in three Southeast Asian regions impacted the early history of immigrant Hokkiens, one of the most prominent Chinese ethnic groups. The article argues that... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesEarly Modern HistoryIndonesian StudiesSoutheast Asia
CLICK HERE for a freely-available version of the article: This essay explores the relationships between food and health in Chinese history, from... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsHistory of MedicineHistory of ScienceTraditional Medicine
This is the Chinese translation of Chapter 4 of my book Leaving for the Rising Sun (Oxford 2015). 佛教史研究 第1卷 作者:浙江大學東亞宗教文化研究中心等編 I S B N: ISSN 2523-0530 規 格: 平裝本 │18開 類 別: 佛學類 冊 數: 1冊 出版日: 2017/08/31 Page: 317-357... more
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      Chinese StudiesBuddhist StudiesEast Asian StudiesChinese history (History)
The purpose of this paper is to provide an explanatory account of the role of emotions in the trade dispute between Japan and South Korea which started in July 2019. Building on an integrated approach to the study of emotions in... more
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      International Relations TheoryKorean StudiesSocial JusticeNationalism
Just as the failure to reconcile views of the past and to address historical injustice has damaged inter-state relations in East Asia, the Goguryeo/Gāogōulì dispute has harmed relations between South Korea and China. In this chapter, we... more
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      Chinese StudiesKorean HistoryEast Asian HistoryGoguryeo
Race and Racism in Modern East Asia juxtaposes Western racial constructions of East Asians with constructions of race and their outcomes in modern East Asia. It is the first endeavor to explicitly and coherently link constructions of race... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title Award 2016. For more than 1500 years, Confucianism has played a major role in shaping Japan's history - from the formation of the first Japanese states during the first millennium AD, to Japan's... more
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      ReligionModern HistorySociology of ReligionJapanese Studies
This paper examines the port transfer process from the 1560s to the 1680s in the context of the regional history of southeast coastal China, southern and northeastern Taiwan, and the northern Philippines. According to the official... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesEarly Modern HistoryChinese StudiesBorder Studies
อธิบายภาพประวัติศาสตร์ บริบททางสังคมและวัฒนธรรมของญี่ปุ่น ผ่านคำศัพท์ 8 คำ คือ กิโมโน พิธีชงชา สวนญี่ปุ่น ละครโน ละครคาบูกิ หุ่นกระบอกบุนระกุ เกอิชา และภาพพิมพ์อุคิโยเอะ ซึ่งคำศัพท์ทั้ง 8 คำนี้ มีความเชื่อมโยงเกี่ยวข้องกันอย่างน่าประหลาดใจ
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      Japanese StudiesHistory of JapanKabukiJapanese History
This thesis aims to respond to the research question, “How was the appropriation of “1968” in South Korea facilitated the emergence of new political subjects and social movements between 1988 and 1997?”, by analyzing the primary and... more
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      Social MovementsHistory of IdeasKorean StudiesGlobal Studies
Despite the growing number of publications on the Russo-Japanese War, an abundance of questions and issues related to this topic remain unsolved, or call for a reexamination. This 30-chapter volume, the first in the two-volume project... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryDiplomatic HistoryJapanese Studies
David Kang's explanation for the peace and stability in East Asia that continued from the fourteenth to nineteenth centuries positions itself against mainstream understandings of world order in the field of International Relations, which... more
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      Asian StudiesInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryForeign Policy Analysis
Le présent chapitre étudie les frontières de Taiwan sous un angle historique, juridique et géopolitique. Nous tenterons d'illus-trer le fait que, selon l'approche adoptée par l'analyste, les fron-tières de Taiwan apparaîtront différemment... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsGeopoliticsTaiwan StudiesChina studies
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      Vietnamese HistorySoutheast Asian historyEast Asian HistoryHistoriografía
Every war leaves an imprint in history, but few have had such a pervasive impact in so many respects as the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. Politically, it fatally weakened the Russian Empire while allowing Japan to follow more dangerous... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryJapanese StudiesRussian Studies
I have attempted in this undergraduate thesis to comprehensively understand the Japanese raid on Hong Kong and their occupation during the Asia-Pacific War not only by examining the background of the incursion and the situation under... more
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      HistoryJapanese HistoryJapanese Occupation of Southeast AsiaEast Asian History
Drawing upon a unique and untapped reservoir of newspapers, magazines, novels, government documents, photographs and illustrations, this book traces the origin, pinnacle, and ultimate demise of a commercial dance industry in Shanghai... more
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      Music HistoryPopular Music StudiesDance StudiesPopular Music
“This is the first meet managed entirely by Chinese. This is symbolical of New China, it is in keeping with the Nationalist movement. We are in our way adjusting ourselves to meet the demands of a modern world! We in our way are working... more
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      Japanese StudiesChinese StudiesSports HistoryEast Asia
The Japanese and Korean sea women (Ama in Japanese and Haenyeo in Korean), female free-divers who make their living by harvesting shellfish and seaweed, have recently been spotlighted as examples of indigenous peoples that embody the... more
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      History of ScienceTransnational HistoryHistory of BiologyHistory of Race and Ethnicity
This paper explores South Korean heritage practices aimed at erasing the colonial past from the national heritage landscape, in the course of a social movement to uncover the historical truth and create accurate representations of the... more
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage StudiesPostcolonial StudiesSouth Korea
This article demonstrates historically and statistically that conversionary Protestants (CPs) heavily influenced the rise and spread of stable democracy around the world. It argues that CPs were a crucial catalyst initiating the... more
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      Economic HistoryEconomic SociologyPolitical SociologySocial Movements
This essay is based on a discussion on the Premodern Japanese Studies mailing list in December 2020.
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      Japanese StudiesGender StudiesAnthropologyGender History
This article uses legal archives from Liangshan 梁山 county, Shandong, to explore the ambiguous position of rural markets in China during the Great Leap Forward campaign (1958–1962). These testimonies, though sparse, show that negotiations... more
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      Rural HistoryLegal HistoryOral historyAsian History