History of Japan
Recent papers in History of Japan
"The author analyzes the role of the American Arts and Monuments Section, established in the summer of 1945 within the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (Scap) in order to protect, preserve and restore “recognized works of cultural,... more
Resumen: Este trabajo analiza el papel de los suidos en la ritualidad protohistórica japonesa, tomando como base la aparición de una serie de restos óseos de estos animales en contextos rituales y/o con indicios de consumo ritual,... more
When emperor Meiji succeeded the throne at the age of 14, Japan was experiencing political chaos. The last shōgun Tokugawa Yoshinobu, a ruler with the will to reform the existing political system, was struggling to maintain his power and... more
The file itself will be added to the collected book of East Asian original sources at amazon.com
''Red tide'' has become a familiar shorthand for unusual changes in the color of ocean waters. It is intimately related both to blooms of creatures like dinoflagellates and to the devastating effects they pose to coastal fisheries. This... more
sche Japan-Manuskript des berühmten Lemgoer Reisenden Engelbert Kaempfer (1651-1715 in London (British Library, Sloane Collection Nr. 3060). Denn mit dem Erscheinen der durch den Schweizer Johann Caspar Scheuchzer besorgten englischen... more
The Vedas tell us that the gods (deva in Sanskrit) reside within the mind. But since physical reality is also experienced as a construction of the mind, therefore, one may see the Vedic gods in the physical space and its relationships.... more
O conhecimento científico, que tem por objecto a natureza, obviamente ocupa-se com corpos e grandezas e com as suas propriedades e movimentos, mas também [se ocupa] com os princípios destas substâncias, sejam eles quais forem, porque das... more
This research paper aims to compare the powers of the ruling families in both Japan and the United Kingdom, both being constitutional monarchies. I will be studying the transitional process in both states from absolute monarchy to... more
Durante el siglo XVII, la Gobernación de Filipinas desarrolló una estrecha relación de dependencia mutua con el clan de los Zheng que incidió en el ámbito comercial, pero también en el económico y el social. Esta simbiosis, basada en la... more
長崎市悟真寺に現存する、日本最古の西洋人墓碑、出島商館長ヘンドリック・デュルコープ墓碑について。デュルコープの略歴と、墓碑にまつわる日蘭双方の史資料について紹介・考察。 About the gravestone of Hendrik Duurkoop (1736-1778), director of the Dutch trading post at Dejima, Nagasaki, known as the oldest grave monument of... more
This article reports on the origin of class society and state formation in Japan. The author analyzes the causes for the social differentiation in wozhen communities in the beginning of our era. He says, that the social status of people... more
This article explores the career of ethno-nationalist leader Kageyama Masaharu, who was active during the greater part of the Showa era. It argues that though the notion of 'Showa Restoration' is typically understood in terms of the... more
The emergence of Modern architecture and landscape design corresponds with the end of the Meiji era (1868-1912) in Japan. This period saw Japan reopen its borders to the Western world and create a dynamic moment which fostered artistic... more
LIEN pour la lecture / LINK to read it https://www.yumpu.com/fr/document/read/16922453/universite-paris-sorbonne-e-sorbonne Etude archéologique des techniques d’acquisition et de transformation du métal dans le cadre de la production... more
The warrior caste dominated Japan since 1192. With the establishment of a military government the bushi or samurai became the icon of strength and authority, and at the same time the symbol of order, justice and of a superior unique style... more
A sample chapter, introduction, and references list from my 2020 Monash University political science PhD 'The Development of Strategic Culture in Terrorist Organisations' on Japan's new religious movement Aum Shinrikyo.
อธิบายภาพประวัติศาสตร์ บริบททางสังคมและวัฒนธรรมของญี่ปุ่น ผ่านคำศัพท์ 8 คำ คือ กิโมโน พิธีชงชา สวนญี่ปุ่น ละครโน ละครคาบูกิ หุ่นกระบอกบุนระกุ เกอิชา และภาพพิมพ์อุคิโยเอะ ซึ่งคำศัพท์ทั้ง 8 คำนี้ มีความเชื่อมโยงเกี่ยวข้องกันอย่างน่าประหลาดใจ
В статье рассматривается самый ранний письменный источник по устройству японских садов эпохи Хэйан, сохранившийся до наших дней. Подробно анализируются способы и приемы организации садово-парковых объектов в архитектурном стиле... more
In perhaps the most memorable line from Japan's surrender radio broadcast of 15 August 1945 Hirohito 裕仁, the Shōwa Emperor (Shōwa tennō 昭和天皇), expressed a desire to "pave the way for a grand peace for all the generations to come by... more
In 1891, a moral reformer named Alzire Chevaillier launched an aggressive crusade to destroy Fountaingrove, a spiritualist utopian colony in Northern California with white and Japanese members. Chevaillier accused the colony's leader,... more
"This study investigates the history of English language education in Japan over the past 150 years. For this purpose, tabulated representations have been devised which illustrate the educational events in each historical era alongside... more
Resumo: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a política linguística japonesa na Era Meiji. Além disso, analisaremos qual a importância dessa intervenção estatal na língua, inclusive no corpus, para a revolução industrial... more
DISCLAIMER: I am not a co-author to this book and I do not intend to infringe any copy-rights of the real authors. Nu sunt co-autor al acestei cărți și nici nu intenționez să încalc drepturile autorilor. Volumul de față trebuie folosit... more
This paper traces the social history of the household registration system (koseki seido) in Japan from its beginning to the present day. The paper argues that the koseki has been an essential tool of social control used at various stages... more
Esse trabalho busca analisar o estudo de Lafcadio Hearn sobre a mitologia das raposas (kitsune) e os seus impactos na sociedade japonesa da Era Meiji, principalmente na prefeitura de Shimane, dando especial atenção aos aspectos... more
Dalam essay ilmiah ini, saya akan membahas mengenai sistem perpolitikan yang ada di kawasan Asia Timur, khususnya adalah mengenai keterkaitan dan perbedaan politik oleh negara China dan Jepang. Alasan utama saya dalam membahas sistem... more
In article land legal relationship and the agrarian legislation of Japan of the middle of 7th – early 8th centuries – the period when there was transition from ancient (slaveholding) society to feudal one as a result of Taika revolution... more
В статье собраны и проанализированы сведения о правосубъектности (правоспособности и дееспособности) лиц в древнеяпонском государстве Ямато, в связи с этимопределен правовой статус свободных и рабов в Древней Японии (I-VII вв.).... more