Recent papers in Ecomuseums
This paper explores the spatial dimensions of a northern landscape – the Flodden battlefield. This is the focal site of the Flodden 1513 Ecomuseum; the centre to a network of 40 other sites around the United Kingdom which together... more
A conservation analysis, plan and policy for the historic Pipemakers Park which was the site of Joseph Raleigh's boiling down works, the Australian Meat Preserving Company, Australian Frozen Meat Export Company and the Hume Pipe Company,... more
Il presente lavoro intende affrontare una tematica molto attuale, delicata e, per certi versi, ancora largamente sconosciuta, ma cruciale per tutelare e promuovere la competitività e lo sviluppo del sistema culturale e turistico italiano,... more
A first analysis about the Suojia Miao Ethnic Group ecomuseum, placed in the Chinese province of Guizhou.
L’idea di un museo diffuso sul territorio (o ecomuseo) sul tema dell’interculturalità nasce dall’esigenza di trasformare la realtà sociale connessa ai fenomeni migratori all’interno di uno specifico contesto ambientale, trasformando in... more
Once again thanks to Karen te Brake-Baldock and all the professionals involved in the "Heritage in Use" research project, that supported me during my internship period at RCE, giving me the opportunity to approach the thematic of public... more
This study arises from applied research in regional contexts combined with a deep analysis of cultural landscape potential for socio-cultural and economic local development. In addition, it starts from a careful critical reflection on... more
A short introduction on the ecomuseums, with a focus on the Guizhou Gruop of Ecomuseum (China).
The concept of the ecomuseum was developed in France in the late 1960s; the word ecomuseum comes from the French word écomusée, a compound of ecology and museum. The word "eco" used as the root of ecology or economy is from the Greek word... more
This paper was published in Spanish in: Navajas Corral, O. (2013): Características de los Ecomuseos; en VV. AA (2013): Parque Criollo y Museo Gauchesco Ricardo Güiraldes, Plan de exhibición, Buenos Aires: Exhibir · Comunicación y... more
A criação da Associação Brasileira de Ecomuseus e Museus Comunitários (ABREMC) no ano de 2004 resulta do processo histórico e social quando da inclusão da museologia comunitária na programação da Conferência do Meio Ambiente Rio-92,... more
in Scienze umane tra ricerca e didattica. Vol. 1, dal mondo classico alla modernità: linguaggi, percorsi e luoghi (Atti del convegno, Foggia 24-26 settembre 2018) Campobasso-Foggia, 2019, pp. 425-448
Abstract: Ecomuseums were created in the second half of the 20th century, to serve a need of redefining the role of museums and their relationship with the audience. The concept of the ecomuseum is based on the awareness that there is no... more
The purpose of this paper is to assess the influence of ecomuseums on the socio-economic development of the Subcarpathian Province. The research methods include Internet-based survey and literature studies. The paper starts with an... more
This essay analyzes the law of Ecomuseum in Sicily and in others regional legislations in Italy. In particular, the study examines the differences among the laws in each regional legislations and in second point such as the laws arises... more
La Nueva Museología fue la culminación de una serie de circunstancias políticas, sociales y culturales que se fueron fraguando a nivel internacional desde finales del siglo XIX hasta el inicio de los años ochenta que cambiaron la forma de... more
(Researches of mining archaeology in the Western area of Lombard Prealps: scenarios of preservation and development of a "cultural environment") In the 18th and 19th centuries, there was a considerable development in mining activities... more
The term ecomuseum has been applied to a wide range of projects that seek to conserve and interpret aspects of tangible heritage of a defined territory. An ecomuseum is an institution focused on the identity of a place, largely based on... more
Archeologia, archeobotanica e alimentazione in età romana dallo scavo di Mercatello e dall'Ecomuseo della Collina e del Vino di Castello di Serravalle (Valsamoggia, Bologna)
Autor: Duarte Fonseca Tiago. Dissertação de Mestrado - Empreendedorismo e Estudos da Cultura, Gestão Cultural. ISCTE - IUL. Lisboa, 2019 Resumo (PT): Esta investigação enuncia um olhar sobre três estâncias temporais (passado, presente... more
Le terre di mezzo del Parco Nazionale Val Grande, poste tra il fondovalle e l’alta quota, sono state culla di una cultura tradizionale durata decenni. L'industrializzazione ne provocò l’abbandono e l’inizio di un processo inesauribile in... more
This paper examines the complex role ecomuseums play in contemporary Chinese society as a strategy to promote cultural diversity and stimulate economic development in ethnic minority regions. Drawing on fieldwork from nine ecomuseums in... more
Spain has adopted the tenets of New Museology and ecomuseums. Some of its professional museologists were founding members of the International Movement for a New Museology (MINOM), and created ecomuseum experiences including Maestrazgo... more
The ecomuseums start in the community.
Il saggio intende ripercorrere un ventennio di dibattiti sugli ecomusei in Italia a confronto con altre esperienze europee e i coevi quadri di regolamentazione dei patrimoni paesaggistici, ambientali e culturali. Più recentemente si sta... more
C 1 "Le forme di una cultura […] restano impresse nella natura in relazione all'uso che via via nel tempo sono chiamate ad assolvere", O. Sorgi, Museografia etnoantropologica e territorio: la provincia ennese, in J. Cuisenier -J. Vibaek,... more
Colombo, Cristina F. and Elena Montanari. “Ecomuseo del Campo dei Fiori: Experimenting the Potentialities of a Holistic, Diffused and Networked Museum Structure.” In Museum Multiplicities: Field Actions and Research by Design, edited by... more
Egypt has world famous heritage that is coveted and protected internationally; however, much of the local ʻdistinctivenessʼ is deteriorating and the communities living amongst this heritage are impoverished. This dissertation discusses... more
Geotourism focuses on living experience through the contact of geoenvironmental and cultural components that constitute the particular identity of a region. Zagori is a geographical unity which represents the combined work of Nature and... more
Over the past few decades, both in the USA and Europe, many cultural landscapes (CL's) facing social and economic decline have been revitalized through processes embracing planning, design, touristic ideas, heritage resources, local... more
This research describes the archaeological heritage of 5 ecomuseums in Italy and gives recommendations on ways to incorperate archaeology into the community (in Italian).
1. Un paesaggio ammalato 2. Un museo della comunità 3. Le parish maps 4. La mappa di comunità di Parabiago 5. Dalla mappa al progetto della comunità 6. Dal progetto della comunità alla cura del territorio 7. Conclusioni