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" | Includes bibliographical references and index. | Summary: "The Pacific Coast of the Americas linked Pre-Columbian complex societies from Mexico to Peru, facilitating exploration, communication, and transportation in a way that... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyIndigenous StudiesPre-Columbian ArtCeramics (Archaeology)
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      ArchaeologyGeoarchaeologyEcuadorVolcanic ash
Desde los años 1970, las imponentes estructuras fortifi cadas del valle del río Cuyes –si-tuado al sur del Ecuador, en la frontera entre Andes y Amazonia correspondiente a la provincia de Morona Santiago–, han llamado la atención de... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyCeramic TechnologyAmazonian ArchaeologyCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)
The Palmitopamba Archaeology Project in northwestern Ecuador has been slowly shifting from a scientific endeavor to a collaborative social one as a means to pay back the mostly impoverished community that has welcomed and supported the... more
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      Public ArchaeologyEcuadorian ArcheologyEcuadorian archaeology
" | Includes bibliographical references and index. | Summary: "The Pacific Coast of the Americas linked Pre-Columbian complex societies from Mexico to Peru, facilitating exploration, communication, and transportation in a way that... more
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      ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyMexican ArchaeologySpondylus
Personalidad clave de la etnología francesa, Paul Rivet vio nacer su vocación durante su primer viaje al Ecuador (1901-1906), realizado en el marco de la Segunda Misión Geodésica Francesa. Sus recorridos por la Serranía ecuatoriana y sus... more
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      EcuadorEcuadorian historyAnthropology of EcuadorEcuadorean Archaeology
Este ensayo consiste en un resumen de la vida y obras del matemático, cartógrafo y defensor de la salud pública francés Charles-Marie de La Condamine (1701-1774), famoso por sus exploraciones científicas en Sudamérica como participante en... more
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      AmazoniaInca ArchaeologySurveyingHistory of architecture
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      ArchaeologyEcuadorArqueologíaEcuadorian Archeology
trustees for harvard university, Washington, d.c. all rights reserved. Printed in the united states of america library of congress cataloging-in-Publication data Merchants, markets, and exchange in the Pre-columbian world / kenneth g.... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyEthnohistory and Andean AntiquitiesPrehistoric Trade and ExchangeEcuadorian Archeology
Today, maize is acknowledged as a plant with a great culinary and industrial versatility. It also has a deep relationship with the native cultures of the Americas and is still a vital food source for hundreds millions of people worldwide.... more
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      ArchaeobotanyAndean ArchaeologyAndean RegionPaleoethnobotany
This volume contains the following articles, research reports, and obituaries: "John Victor Murra (August 24, 1916 - October 16, 2006): An Interpretative Biography" by Monica Barnes with a "Bibliography of Works by and about John Victor... more
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      Forensic AnthropologyClimate ChangeAndean ArchaeologyTextiles
This volume of Andean Past contains the following articles, research reports, and obituaries: "Editor's Preface" by Monica Barnes; "Donald Frederick Sola" by Monica Barnes; Paulina Mercedes Ledergerber-Crespo" by A. Jorge Arellano-Lopez;... more
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      ArchitectureArchaeobotanySettlement PatternsArchitectural History
This volume contains the following articles, research reports, and obituaries: "Earl Henry Lubensky (March 31, 1921 - May 1, 2009)" by Deborah M. Pearsall; "Juan (Hans) Santiago Rene Schobinger (February 18, 1928 - July 11, 2009)" by... more
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      Chilean and Andean ArchaeologyInca ArchaeologyAlpine ArchaeologyHistory of Accounting Thought
This is an expanded English language version of a review by Monica Barnes of The Oxford Handbook of the Incas edited by Sonia Alconini and R. Alan Covery (2018). A Spanish language version has been published in the Boletin SIARB 33 (2018).
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      Chilean and Andean ArchaeologyInca ArchaeologyIncasInkas
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      EcuadorEcuadorian Archeology
An appreciation of the life and work of Betty Jane Meggers, an archaeologist well known for her theory of the transpacific connections between Japan's Jomon culture and the Valdivia culture of Ecuador as well as her views of the low... more
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      Environmental ArchaeologyAmazonian ArchaeologyDiffusionism among prehistoric and precolumbian peoples.Ecuadorian Archeology
Andean Past 3 contains the following articles: "Martha B. Anders 1949-1990" by Daniel H. Sandweiss; "Maritime Foundations and Multilinear Evolution" by Michael E. Moseley; "Early Economies of Coastal Ecuador and the Foundations of Andean... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)History of architecture
This article is part of a series intended to analyze the artistic concept and the construction process of the artist's work. The study is divided into two parts: the artist's perspective on her creative process and the vision of the... more
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      Latin American ArtContemporary Latin American ArtPetroglifosModern & Contemporary Latin American Art
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyArqueología de ColombiaMesoamerica, Arqueología del occidente y noroccidente de México, ArqueometalurgiaColombian Archaeology
This volume brings together archaeologists working in Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia to construct a new prehistory of the Upper Amazon, outlining cultural developments from the late third millennium B.C. to the Inca Empire of the sixteenth... more
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      Amazonian ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Development of complex societiesBolivian Archaeology
Download the book (PDF):{B75C4F88-B2BF-49B0-A323-C4765F2C0FEA} Located in the Northwest of South America (Ecuador), the Cuyes River Valley acts as a transition corridor between the... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Ceramic TechnologyAmazonia
Inaugurada el 5 de noviembre del 2015 en el Museo Pumapungo (Ministerio de Cultura y Patrimonio - Cuenca), esta exhibición presenta el estudio llevado a cabo entre los años 2014 al 2015 por Catherine Lara en el marco de su tesis,... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyCeramic TechnologyEcuadorAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)
Esta contribución presenta los recientes hallazgos realizados en el sitio arqueológico OGSE-46 (Samarina) de la cultura Guangala o de Desarrollo Regional (500 a.E.-800) de la península de Santa Elena (Ecuador). Este asentamiento se... more
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      BioarqueologíaBioantropologíaEcuadorian ArcheologyArqueología del Ecuador
Un resumen de la temporada de campo de 2008
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      Inca ArchaeologyPrecolumbian AndesEcuadorian Archeology
Traducción de la presentación del libro “Etnografía antigua del Ecuador” (Paul Rivet), AFESE n. 62, pp. 189-203. Presentación de Claude Lara (pp. 187-188)
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      Andean ArchaeologyEcuadorAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Ecuadorian history
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    • Ecuadorian Archeology
Leaders of the Palmitopamba Archaeology Project in the cloud forest of northwestern Ecuador have worked for years to involve and collaborate with the local mestizo community, but in 2013 the embrace was expanded to include modern-day... more
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      Indigenous ArchaeololgyRepatriation (Archaeology)Ecuadorian Archeology
Los análisis cerámicos basados en registros de formas y diseños han permitido grandes avances en la arqueología andina para identificar grupos culturales e interacciones, y estudiar fenómenos diacrónicos. En ciertos casos, estos análisis... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyCeramic TechnologyArqueología AndinaHistoria y Arqueología Andina
Resumen El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad considerar que a pesar de la irrupción Española, el proceso de desarrollo histórico cultural tuvo continuídad en las sociedades amazónicas de las regiones interfluviales del Norte del... more
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    • Ecuadorian Archeology
This paper explores John Victor Murra's participation in some of the major movements of the twentieth century. It is being published in Spanish in four parts in the Boletin de Etnohistoria (Lima) A preliminary version of this paper was... more
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      EthnohistoryAndean ArchaeologyChilean and Andean ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)
Seven seasons of fieldwork at Palmitopamba have revealed much of interest regarding the indigenous Yumbo chiefdom there and the nature of the Inca presence at this large tropical forest site northwest of Quito. Architectural and other... more
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      IncasEcuadorian Archeology
Este artículo se centra en la potencial aplicación de los SIG (sistemas de información geográfica) a la gestión de las excavaciones arqueológicas. Partiendo de los casos de estudio de los yacimientos de Huataviro y Las Orquídeas... more
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      GeographyEcuadorEcuadorian ArcheologyGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
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      Chibchan LanguagesChibchan ArchaeologyAndean linguisticsEcuadorian Archeology
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      ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyEcuadorian historyFormative Andean archaeology
En el marco de un proyecto pionero en Ecuador, entre el Museo Casa del Alabado y el Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural, se indagó la temática del color desde una perspectiva analítica, relacionada con las técnicas modernas... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyArchaeometryArchaeometric analysis of potteryEcuadorian Archeology
La tesis presenta un primer acercamiento al desarrollo de las técnicas de pesca precolombinas en la costa central del Ecuador durante la época aborigen. El acercamiento se realiza a partir de la evolución de hallazgos de sitios... more
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      ZooarchaeologyFish Remains (Zooarchaeology)Fisheries ManagementSmall scale fisheries
Resumen. La Amazonía norte de Ecuador fue afectada, durante el período de integración (500 a 1500 d. C) por dos inundaciones regionales. La reconstrucción cronológica de estos eventos mediante la correlación de fechas radiocarbónicas,... more
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    • Ecuadorian Archeology
This volume contains the following papers: "Preface" by Daniel H. Sandweiss and D. Peter Kvietok; "General Introduction" by D. Peter Kvietok and Daniel H. Sandweiss; "Wandering Shellfish: New Insights into Intra-Regional Distribution... more
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      IconographyArchaeobotanyEnvironmental ArchaeologyMetallurgy
Resumen de las investigaciones durante la temporada de campo de 2012
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      Inca ArchaeologyPrecolumbian AndesEcuadorian Archeology
Resumen de las investigaciones de la temporada de 2010
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      Inca ArchaeologyPrecolumbian AndesEcuadorian Archeology
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      Pre-Columbian ArtPrecolumbian CulturesPre-Columbian ArchaeologyPrecolumbian Art
This preface discusses obituaries of Elizabeth P. Benson, Lawrence Kaplan, Harold Rollins, Joan M. Gero, and Alana Cordy-Collins. It also discusses papers on lost emerald mines in Ecuador by Warwick Bray; on Pukara monoliths by Rainer... more
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      Settlement PatternsInca ArchaeologyMortuary archaeologyQuipu
Resumen: objetivo/contexto: se propone una relectura de algunos elementos iconográficos del periodo de Desarrollo Regional de la costa del Ecuador, a la luz de la propuesta de Engels sobre el origen y consolidación del patriarcado. Las... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminismGender ArchaeologyActivism
This volume contains the following articles: "John Hyslop 1945-1993" by John V. Murra; "Recent Excavations at Hacha in the Acari Valley, Peru" by Roger W. Robinson; "Early Cotton Textiles from Hacha, Peru" by Grace Katterman; "The Paracas... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyTextilesInca ArchaeologyParacas culture
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      Andean ArchaeologyAmazonian ArchaeologyEcuadorian Archeology
This preface discusses some of the editorial decisions made by Andean Past, as well as papers on the Nanchoc lithic tradition of northern Peru by Tom D. Dillehay and Jack Rossen; on the Initial Period settlement of Huaca el Gallo/Huaca la... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Lithic Technology (Archaeology)History of ArchaeologyParacas culture
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      ArchitectureAndean studiesFormative Andean archaeologyEcuadorian Archeology
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      EcuadorEcuadorian ArcheologyGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Una resena por Monica Barnes del libro The Oxford Handbook of the Incas editado por Sonia Alconini y R. Alan Covey. Ademas resenas por Matthias Strecker de The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology and Anthropology of Rock Art editado por... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Chilean and Andean ArchaeologyInca ArchaeologyPrehistoric Rock Art