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By examining interconnected themes in the embroideries as well as particular figures., this study reveals a mythic narrative that seems to connect the living, the recently dead, and the ancestors.
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      Ancestors (Anthropology Of Religion)Paracas cultureParacas Textiles
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      ArqueologíaParacas cultureParacasNasca
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      Archaeological Method & TheoryArchaeological GeophysicsNasca cultureParacas culture
los autores, las instituciones (véase sección de Créditos fotográficos y de reproducciones) © De las obras: los autores Primera edición 1500 ejemplares ISBN 978-9972-718-44-1 ISBN 978-3-85881-365-7 Primera edición alemán Museo Rietberg... more
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      Paracas cultureArchaeology southern AndesChavin CultureEarly Horizon Peru
La obra artística y poética de Cecilia Vicuña se ha caracterizado por encarnar el acto de tejer en distintos medios, volviéndolo un acto político metafórico y tangible de resistencia. Tomando a la instalación multimedia Quipu desaparecido... more
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      Latin American StudiesTextilesLatin American ArtContemporary Poetry
In this monograph, Richard E. Daggett elucidates the life and work of pioneering Peruvian archaeologist Julio C. Tello. He emphases the influence that national and professional politics had upon Tello, often setting up obstacles that had... more
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      Paracas cultureParacasNepeña ValleyChavin
Analisis de la coleccion de tejidos de la sociedad arqueologica Paracas Necropolis, reunida a principios del siglo XX por el doctor Julio C. Tello, que custodia el Museo de Arqueologia y Antropologia de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de... more
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      ArchaeologyIconographyAndean ArchaeologyAncient Textiles
El presente trabajo busca mostrar el proceso de elaboración tecnológica del Manto Blanco de la cultura Paracas, tejido emblemático que forma parte de las colecciones textiles del Museo de Arqueología y Antropología de la Universidad... more
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      TextilesTechnical TextileArqueologíaArqueología Andina
RESUMEN En este artículo se presenta una síntesis de las principales investigaciones y evidencias arqueológicas relacionadas con el fenómeno Paracas de la costa sur peruana, el cual se desarrolló durante gran parte del primer milenio... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyParacas cultureFormative Andean archaeology
¿Cómo se organizaban económicamente las personas antes de que existieran los sistemas financieros y comerciales globales? ¿Cómo se aseguraba el suministro de materias primas y se organizaba el intercambio de mercancías en el pasado?... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Economic archaeologyAndean studies
Paracas was an autochthonous sociocultural tradition that emerged on the south coast of Peru during the early first millennium BCE. Beginning as a constellation of independent villages, by the final centuries BCE Paracas peoples had... more
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      ArchaeologyPeruvian HistoryParacas culturePrecolumbian Andes
El artículo presenta el examen de 11 sitios arqueológicos con quilcas o petroglifos de filiación cultural Paracas, ubicados en el área comprendida entre la cuenca del río San Juan o Chincha y la cuenca del río Grande d Nasca, en el... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Petroglyphs and PictographsArte Rupestre
Esta tesis pretende explicar el significado de los “apéndices serpentiformes” Nasca, atributos recurrentes para transformar a un ser humano en ancestro o divinidad. Gracias al enfoque semiótico, se desarrolla una discusión sobre la... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyNasca cultureParacas cultureTopará and Nazca Iconography
history about discovery of Paracas. Stand of research about the culture
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      Paracas culturePeruvian Archaeology
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Andean CultureArqueología Andina
Centros ceremoniales y ciudades en arqueología prehispánica son dos conceptos ligados pero igualmente distanciados y muchas veces opuestos por la teoría. No cabe duda, que dichas posiciones teóricas responden esencialmente a esquemas... more
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      ArchaeologyAztecsPeruvian HistoryPre-Hispanic Complex Cultures of the Andes
2 3 REMERCIEMENTS La réalisation de cette thèse n'aurait pas été possible sans le soutien continu, les conseils et les encouragements perpétuels de mon directeur de recherche Monsieur Daniel LEVINE, Professeur à l'Université Paris... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyParacas cultureNasca
We elaborate on the available archaeological evidence for caravan transport within the Paracas period (800–200 BC) in the Palpa valleys of southern Peru. Caravans and the transport of commodities imply movement and constant changes of... more
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      ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyLandscape Archaeology
Resumen La historia de los términos «Paracas», «Ocucaje» y «Topará», así como de las cronologías relativas que les sirvieron de fundamento conceptual, demuestran que sus definiciones respectivas se desprenden del estado de conocimientos y... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Paracas cultureFormative Andean archaeology
Catalogo de los materiales arqueologicos recuperados del fardo 290, exhumado por Julio C. Tello a principios del siglo XX en la peninsula de Paracas, Ica. Este fardo correspondio a un individuo de alta jerarquia de la sociedad Paracas... more
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      IconographyAndean ArchaeologyAncient MetallurgyParacas culture
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      TransformationDevotional ShrinesAndean studiesNasca culture
Economic directness is a new model of socioeconomic organization for the Paracas culture (800–200 BC) in southern Peru, with wider implications for economic theory of the prehispanic Andean past. Using an archaeoeconomic approach to... more
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      ArchaeologyObsidianAndesMobility (Archaeology)
The research presented in this volume reconstructs the economic system of the Paracas culture (800-200 BC) in southern Peru. In doing so, the main emphasis is on economic exchange at the western slope of the Andes, with the Late Paracas... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyObsidianAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Economic archaeology
In 1996, the team of the Centro Italiano Studi e Ricerche Archeologiche Precolombiane (CISRAP), headed by Giuseppe Orefici, discovered a small cache of elaborate Nasca textiles at Cahuachi that provides new bases for identifying... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyCostume and IdentityAndean CultureMummy Studies
El 17 de enero de 2011
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    • Paracas culture
The article surveys textiles of the Nasca style, an ancient style of the South Coast of Peru, c. 0 - 650 C.E. Everyday clothing is described, as well as the highly decorated elite textiles. Techniques, imagery and pattern repetitions, as... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyTechnical TextileSouth American Archaeology
l Sur y el Norte. Una breve comparación basta para percatarse que el desarrollo prehispánico de los Andes peruanos ha adoptado caminos en buen grado diferentes al norte y sur de la elástica y móvil frontera que corre de este a oeste,... more
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      Archaeology of GenderAndean ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)
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      Natural protected areasParacas cultureÁreas Naturales ProtegidasMedio Ambiente
Presented article, based on the results of the latest archaeological research and the analysis of cataloged objects, provides a multi-faceted characteristic of the phenomenon of intentional and culturally conditioned cranial deformation... more
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyPeruvian HistoryNasca culture
París, Francia París, Francia, el 17 de octubre de 2005 1 AGRADECIMIENTOS Agradezco al Lic. Carlos del Aguila Chavez, Director del Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia del Perú, por haber aceptado mi proyecto de... more
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    • Paracas culture
Paracas society spread over a large geographical area on the southern Peruvian coast between 800 BCE and 200 BCE. Unlike an "archaeological culture" that has uniform economy, politics, and ideology and is integrated under a single... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyParacas culturePeruvian Archaeology
El analisis iconografico de tres mantos procedentes de un fardo Paracas Necropolis de alta jerarquia muestra el desarrollo de un ritual de sacrifico humano. Se identifican los roles asumidos por los personajes bordados y las etapas del... more
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      ArchaeologyIconographyAndean ArchaeologyHuman sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)
In this investigation we explore the relationship between the dental health and the archaeological and paleoenvironmental changes identified in the northern area of the Rio Grande of Nasca drainage, between the years 3500 BC and AD... more
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      Oral healthNasca cultureParacas cultureAncient diets
This article contributes to the debate on the habitat of "New World" camelids in pre-Colonial South America and provides new insights into the breeding and herding strategies developed by Andean societies. The case discussed here refers... more
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      Pre-Hispanic Complex Cultures of the AndesProvenance studies of archaeological materialStrontium Isotope AnalysisParacas culture
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      Andean ArchaeologyParacas cultureNasca
This article addresses a complex pyro-engraved gourd of Nasca culture, with unusual dimensions and decorative treatment. The gourd was discovered as an offering associated with ceramics from the last phases of the Early Horizon (Ocucaje... more
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      IconographyArtistic ResearchNasca cultureParacas culture
Published in Cecilia Pardo and Peter Fux (eds.) Nasca:,  pp. 372-375, MALI-Museo Rietberg, Lima-Zurich  2017
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      IconographyAndean ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Paracas culture
Due to increasing demand of archaeologists for accurate and fast documentation of ceramics, we provide an automated system for acquisition and documentation of sherds. This is done by 3D-acquistion using structured light and by estimation... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyDigital HumanitiesCultural Heritage
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      Andean ArchaeologyParacas cultureNasca
It has long been recognized that the Nasca culture (ca. A.D. 1-750) of the Peruvian south coast finds its roots in the Para cas society (ca. 800 B.C.-A.D. 1). Yet the social mechanisms responsible for the innovations that characterize the... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyPrehistoric SettlementMigration (Anthropology)Frontier Studies
This article reports results of our research at the La Cumbe archaeological site, located on the northern bank of the lower Chincha valley in southern Peru. Our studies confirm that there was a vigorous Paracas occupation at the site. The... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyParacas culture
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      Paracas cultureLithic AnalysisObsidian SourcingPeruvian Archaeology
Se presentan algunos resultados de mi tesis doctoral, tratando de definir los fundamentos socioculturales de los cambios que vivieron las poblaciones de cultura Paracas después de la decadencia de la cultura Chavín entre 200 a.C. y 100... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyParacas cultureNasca
Resumen Hasta hace poco, la transición entre el final de la época Paracas (380-260 a.C.) y la subsiguiente Nasca Inicial (260 a.C.-80 d.C.) de la costa sur del Perú, se ha estudiado principalmente a través de los restos funerarios y los... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyParacas culture
We use the built environment of residential sites (house form and community layout) to investigate the effects of increasing regional integration at the level of the community in middle-range societies. We consider spatial data on house... more
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      ArchitectureAndean ArchaeologyPrehistoric SettlementHousehold Archaeology
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      Paracas cultureArqueología del PaisajeChinchaPeriodo Formativo
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      Paracas culturePalpa
En este artículo, presentamos una síntesis de las principales evidencias arqueológicas recolectadas durante nuestras tres últimas temporadas de investigación en el sitio de Cerro del Gentil, ubicado en el valle medio de Chincha, costa sur... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyArqueologíaParacas culture
El estudio de la cultura Paracas se ha presentado como un caso de relevante interés de estudios arqueológicos desde el descubrimiento de momias enfardeladas en los cementerios de Cerro Colorado y Warikayan en la península de Paracas en la... more
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      ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Ethnicity
The mortuary tradition of arranging garments around a larger-than-life form of an ancestor at this famous site is described. Some garments are huge, while others are tiny, which indicates they were made as offerings to the ancestor. The... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyMummy StudiesNasca cultureParacas culture