Eigenvalue Problems
Recent papers in Eigenvalue Problems
This paper describes new matrix transformations suited to the eficient calculation of critical eigenvalues of large scale power system dpamic models. The key advantage of these methods is their ability to converge to the critical... more
Recently, a class of Boundary Value Methods (BVMs) has been introduced for the estimation of the eigenvalues of Sturm-Liouville problems with Dirichlet boundary conditions. The aim of this paper is to extend the application of such BVMs... more
According to the great mathematician Henri Lebesgue, making direct comparisons of objects with regard to a property is a fundamental mathematical process for deriving measurements. Measuring objects by using a known scale first then... more
The exponential of a matrix and the spectral decomposition of a matrix can be computed knowing nothing more than the eigenvalues of the matrix and the Cayley-Hamilton theorem. The arrangement of the ideas in this paper is simple enough to... more
It was observed long ago that the obstruction to the accurate computation of eigenvalues of large non-self-adjoint matrices is inherent in the problem. The basic idea is that the resolvent of a highly non-normal operator can be very large... more
Fisher variance ratio tests are developed for determining (1) the number of statisticaliy significant abstract factors responsible for a data matrix and (2) the significance of target vectors projected into the abstract factor space.... more
We investigate the recursive inversion of matrices with circulant blocks. Matrices of this type appear in several applications of Computational Electromagnetics and in the numerical solution of integral equations with the boundary-element... more
""This monograph gives a complete overview on the subject of nonconservative stability from the modern point of view. Relevant mathematical concepts are presented, as well as rigorous stability results and numerous classical and... more
Bu çalışmada "ASME Section VIII Division 1, 2001 Edition" a göre, belirli deprem yükleri altında tasarlanmış ince cidarlı silindirik kolon türü basınçlı kapların, yeni çalışma şartları ve artan deprem yüklerine göre doğrusal olmayan... more
This paper conducts perturbation analysis on the inhomogeneous eigenvalue problem. It gives an estimation formula and discusses a few special cases.Theoretic analysis on solution existence and scope is provided as well.
Problemas auto-valores generalizados s ̃ao problemas de valores e vetores pr ́oprios do seguinte tipo: Achar um par (v, λ) satisfazendo A v = λ B v sendo v uma matriz coluna n ̃ao nula e λ um nu ́mero complexo. A e B s ̃ao matrizes... more
For past few decades the study about phononic crystals are getting more popular. Understanding and controlling the phononic properties of the phononic crystals provides opportunities to reduce environmental noise. In this thesis there is... more
Lattice structures can be developed for operating in high temperature environments. Ceramic-metal FGMs (Functionally graded materials) can be considered for manufacturing lattice plates. In the current study, an exact material modeling... more
We present a method for the determination of eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix which combines Givens' Sturm bisection [4, 5-] with interpolation, to accelerate convergence in high precision cases. By using an appropriate root... more
A layerwise (zigzag) finite element formulation is developed for the buckling analysis of stiffened laminated plates. The laminated plate is discretized into layers along the thickness direction. Each layer of the laminated plate is... more
The problem about a body in a three dimensional infinite channel is considered in the framework of the theory of linear water-waves. The body has a rough surface characterized by a small parameter ε > 0 while the distance of the body to... more
We present a weak majorization inequality and apply it to prove eigenvalue and unitarily invariant norm extensions of a version of the Bohr's inequality due to Vasić and Kečkić.
En esta investigación se presenta un estudio analítico de la variabilidad de la respuesta dinámica de pórticos planos linealmente elásticos, la cual se deriva de las eigensoluciones a la vibración libre sin amortiguamiento del método... more
In this paper a relation between graph distance matrices of the star graph and its generalizations and Euclidean distance matrices is considered. It is proven that distance matrices of certain families of graphs are circum Euclidean.... more
The eigenvalue problem of holomorphic functions on the unit disc for the third boundary condition with general coefficient is studied using Fourier analysis. With a general anti-polynomial coefficient a variable number of additional... more
Eigenvalue computations for structured rank matrices are the subject of many investigations nowadays. There exist methods for transforming matrices into structured rank form, QR-algorithms for semiseparable and semiseparable plus diagonal... more
In this paper we present a method for transient analysis of availability and survivability of a system with the identical components and identical repairmen. The considered system is supposed to consist of series of k-out-of-n or parallel... more
We consider Dirichlet Laplacian in a thin curved three-dimensional rod. The rod is finite. Its cross-section is constant and small, and rotates along the reference curve in an arbitrary way. We find a two-parametric set of the eigenvalues... more
A hardware solution is presented to obtain the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real and symmetrical matrix using field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Currently, this system is used to compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors in... more
This paper gives a new way of showing that certain constant degree graphs are graph expanders. This is done by giving new proofs of expansion for three permutations of the Gabber-Galil expander. Our results give an expansion factor of 3... more
Lattice plates have been extensively used as lightweight structures in many industries. In the present research, an exact material modeling using Heaviside distribution functions is presented for lattice composite plates. Using CLT... more
It is shown that the Timoshenko beam can be uniformly stabilized by means of a boundary control. A numerical study on the spectrum is also presented.
Estimating the energies and splitting of the 1s2s singlet and triplet states of helium is a classic exercise in quantum perturbation theory but yields only qualitatively correct results. Using a six-line computer program, the 1s2s... more
An iterative, CFD-based approach for aeroelastic computations in the frequency domain is presented. The method relies on a linearized formulation of the aeroelastic problem and a fixed-point iteration approach and enables the computation... more
We report the results of a study on the spectral properties of Laplace and Stokes operators modified with a volume penalization term designed to approximate Dirichlet conditions in the limit when a penalization parameter, η, tends to... more
We investigate one-parameter families of two-dimensional bright spinning solitons (ring vortices) in dispersive media combining cubic self-focusing and quintic self-defocusing nonlinearities. In direct simulations, the spinning solitons... more
In this work we study the asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues in one-dimensional open sets. The method of proof is rather elementary, based on the Dirichlet lattice points problem, which enable us to consider sets with infinite... more
Given an n-by-n Hermitian matrix A and a real number λ, index i is said to be Parter (resp. neutral, downer) if the multiplicity of λ as an eigenvalue of A(i) is one more (resp. the same, one less) than that in A. In case the multiplicity... more
This paper presents a different numerical solution to compute eigenvalues of the Schrödinger equation with the potentials in graphene structures [1]. The research subjects include the Schrödinger equation and the exchange-correlation... more
The task of discovering natural groupings of input patterns, or clustering, is an important aspect machine learning and pattern analysis. In this paper, we study the widely-used spectral clustering algorithm which clusters data using... more
The finite annual rate of population increase (l) is a fundamental demographic parameter that characterizes the relative annual change in animal numbers. Uncertainty in the estimation of l from demographic population viability analyses... more
A maximum principle is proved for the weak solutions u ∈ L ∞ (R × T 3 ) of the telegraph equation u tt − ∆ x u + cu t + λu = f (t, x), in space dimension three, when c > 0, λ ∈ (0, c 2 /4] and f ∈ L ∞ (R × T 3 ) (Theorem 1). The result is... more
Although upwind discretization of convection will lead to a diagonally dominant coefficient matrix, on arbitrary grids the latter is not necessarily positive real, i.e. its symmetric part need not be positive definite ('negative... more
This study analyzes the effects of link flexibility on the dynamic stability of a force-controlled flexible manipulator. The closed-loop dynamic equation for a l-link manipulator is first derived explicitly using the modal representation... more
Let λ 1 (Q) be the first eigenvalue of the Sturm-Liouville problem y ′′ − Q(x)y + λy = 0, y(0) = y(1) = 0, 0 < x < 1.
An energy-dependent partitioning scheme is explored for extracting a small number of eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix with the help of genetic algorithm. The proposed method is tested with matrices of different sizes (30 × 30 to... more