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The theme of election is prominent, if not the central theme, in the Old Testament. Election is expressed in some particular terminologies, but very often mirrored otherwise through imageries and metaphors. The election metaphors cover... more
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      Old Testament TheologyElectionHebrew Bible/Old Testament
This paper examines the regulatory implications of the new media environment in which Australian elections are undertaken. While the impact of information and communication technologies on electoral behaviour to date has been far more... more
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      Computer ScienceSecurityPoliticsAustralia
The CEGA Working Paper Series showcases ongoing and completed research by faculty affiliates of the Center. CEGA Working Papers employ rigorous evaluation techniques to measure the impact of large-scale social and economic development... more
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      GovernmentGovernanceMiddle EastElection
Nigeria is a troubled nation-state grappling with myriad challenges of national development. Accordingly, this paper argued that these daunting challenges stem from failure of accountability in governance exacerbated by flawed process of... more
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    • Election
Politicians across Western democracies are increasingly adopting and experimenting with Twitter, particularly during election time. The purpose of this article is to investigate how candidates are using it during an election campaign. The... more
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      CampaigningCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
Learning from the bitter experience of publishing preliminary results in a traditional form during the 2009 local and 2010 general elections, the Central Election Commission of Kosovo took a decision to use a technologically advanced... more
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      Information TechnologyCase Study ResearchWeb TechnologiesCase Studies
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      PoliticsSufism (mysticism), Shi'ism and Islamic eschatologyElection
בשנים האחרונות מתרחב השימוש של מפלגות ומתמודדים בשליחת מסרונים לבוחרים פוטנציאליים בקמפיינים. לעתים ניתן גם להשיב להודעות במסרון חוזר או באמצעות דף נחיתה מקוון וכך ליצור תקשורת דו- סטרית עם מצביעים פוטנציאלים . המאמר בודק את מידת ההיענות... more
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      Political ParticipationPolitical CampaignsSocial MediaSmartphones
Many types of voting strategies are employed around the world. One of such strategy is e-voting. Evoting systems can greatly improve the efficiency, and potentially the transparency of national elections. However, e-voting introduces new... more
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      ICTsElectionE Voting
The 2012 Freedom House Report reveals that only 12 percent of Sub-Saharan African countries are totally free or democratic compared to 71 percent in the Americas and 85 in Western Europe (see figure 1, Chapter 1). This descriptive... more
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      Human RightsPolitical ScienceDemocratizationElection
Le vote, sous le règne du suffrage universel, est le principal mode de légitimation des régimes de démocratie représentative. Cette pratique générale – s’exprimer à échéance régulière pourl ’élection de ses représentants – recouvre un... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical BehaviorPolitical ScienceElectoral Behavior
A partir du XIIIe siècle, l'élection du Doge de Venise procède d'un système complexe impliquant différents niveaux de désignation, augmentant et réduisant successivement le nombre des personnes concernées par la procédure et organisant... more
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      Republic of VeniceElectionSortitionHistory of Voting
As the world eagerly anticipates Africa’s biggest election in 2023, policy capture, process manipulation, and geo-politics are defining the electoral framework reform process as veto players exercise their preferences for policy outcomes.... more
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      Election LawElectoral ReformElection
წინამდებარე ნაშრომი სწავლობს შერეული საარჩევნო სისტემის კომპლექსურ მექანიკურ გავლენას არაპროპორციულობაზე (პარტიების მიერ მიღებული ხმებისა და ადგილების წილებს შორის განსხვავება) ევროპის ოთხ პოსტკომუნისტურ ქვეყანაში: ლიეტუვაში,... more
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      Electoral SystemsPolitical RepresentationElectoral StudiesElection
Throughout history, sincere Christians have disagreed on how to handle God’s sovereign choice of His people. The brief study that follows does not claim to be the last word on a topic debated for centuries. This work does, however, seek... more
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      CalvinismBiblical TheologySoteriologyDispensationalism
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      Elections and Voting BehaviorElectoral StudiesElection
In Romans 9:1-5, the Apostle Paul records his sorrow and grief over the plight of his kinsmen. They are the covenant people of God. To them belongs the covenant promises and many other blessings. Yet they have failed to embrace the... more
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      SovereigntyCalvinismApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersJohn Piper
Vying for a political position entails a long journey for a political candidate. In order to win the polls and assume the much-coveted seat in the political arena, a candidate must be able to persuade the voters that their names are... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical CampaignsPolitical ScienceElection Campaigning
Drawing on the European Electoral Study (EES) for the 2014 European Parliamentary elections, we analyse the electoral competition between left wing populist parties and their nonpopulist counterparts in the nine European countries... more
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      European StudiesVoting BehaviorPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismPopulism
В работе исследуются основные подходы к определению юридической ответственности в современном избирательном процессе России и ее виды. The paper examines the main approaches to the definition of legal responsibility in the modern... more
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      Constitutional LawElectionsElection LawElectoral Law
Series of election have been conducted in Nigeria from 1923 to date with one fault or the order discrediting their credibility and as a matter of fact led to people’s call preceded April 2011 general election for credible election with... more
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      NigeriaElectionFree and Fair ElectionCredible Election
The existence of Ombudsman promotes good governance around the world by ensuring administrative accountability and transparency. The necessity for the office of Ombudsman has been felt in Ethiopia ever since 1991 and the 1995 FDRE... more
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      DemocratizationForeign PolicyElectionEthnic politics
ABSTRACT Vote buying during election is a phenomenon in Philippine politics clandestinely practiced as underground activities by political candidates who utilize it as a political strategy. This study examined the vote buying phenomenon... more
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      Electoral BehaviorElectoral SystemsElectionsElections and Voting Behavior
This paper analyzes changes in regional electoral behavior and attitudes towards separatism and foreign policy orientation in Ukraine after the “Orange Revolution” and the “Euromaidan,” which turned into a violent internal conflict and... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsEthnic StudiesArea Studies
¿Qué desafíos enfrentan todavía los procesos electorales en México? El objetivo principal de este artículo es analizar algunos problemas particularmente duraderos de la democracia mexicana. Para ser concretos, argumento que la compra de... more
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      Latin American StudiesLawComparative LawConstitutional Law
This dissertation investigates the internal struggles within the labour movement in Dalarna at the beginning of the twentieth century. I investigate Social Democracy, Anarcho-Syndicalism and Communism, the three major factions of the... more
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This paper discusses about the prevalence of good governance in some selected public institutions of Kemisie town, Amhara region, Ethiopia. To do this the researcher used pragmatic paradigm, mixed research approach. Both primary and... more
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      DemocratizationForeign PolicyElectionEthnic politics
Survey of Hebrew and Greek vocabulary for election, how they were used in OT, Second Temple literature, and NT, and how a corporate view of election with conditional individual participation in the elect best interprets the biblical data... more
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This chapter will investigate the relationship between elections and democratic development in the Philippines. It will trace the emergence and institutionalization of electoral politics at various junctures in Philippine history.... more
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      Political PartiesPolitical SciencePhilippinesElections
Les électeurs choisissent-ils le parti qui leur correspond le mieux ? Disposer de plus d'informations entraîne-t-il plus d'hésitations avant de voter ? Comment les électeurs belges perçoivent-ils la démocratie ? Lors des dernières... more
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      Voting BehaviorPoliticsElectoral BehaviorElectoral Systems
Buku ini berisi tentang biodata calon terpilih Anggota DPR Dapil Jawa Tengah 8, DPD, DPRD Provinsi Jawa Tengah Dapil Jawa Tengah 8 dan Anggota DPRD Kabupaten Banyumas periode 2014-2019.
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      Political BehaviorElectionElection management system
""During the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine, the second largest country in Europe came close to a violent break-up similar to that in neighboring Moldova, which witnessed a violent secession of the Transdniestria region. Numerous... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryPolitical SociologyPolitical Geography and Geopolitics
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      New TestamentGospelsPauline LiteratureEschatology and Apocalypticism
Publikácia bola schválená Edičnou radou UCM a vedením Fakulty sociálnych vied UCM v Trnave. Všetky práva vyhradené. Bez súhlasu ich majiteľa toto dielo a ani jeho súčasti nemožno reprodukovať. Vysokoškolská učebnica neprešla jazykovou... more
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      Electoral SystemsElectionSlovakiaLocal/Municipal government
Nesterovych V. Election Campaign: Dictionary of Slang Terms and Expressions. Kyiv: Publishing House Lira-K, 2020. 648 p.
Нестерович В.Ф. Избирательная кампания: Словарь сленговых терминов и выражений. Киев: Издательство Лира-К, 2020. 648 с.
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      Electoral BehaviorElectoral SystemsElectionsElection Law
After centuries of absence, sortition is making its return through academic research, practical experiments, and activists’ calls for linking participation and deliberation. These invocations of sortition, however, offer divergent... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityDemocratic TheoryLegitimacyPolitical Legitimacy
Since the third wave of democratisation hit Africa in the early 1990s, Elections in Africa has been anything but free and fair. While the magnitude of electoral malpractices differed from country to country, Nigeria has had a tough time... more
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      African StudiesPolitical SciencePoliticsDemocracy
This 82-page report is produced by a British Council-funded ethnographic project that gained unprecedented access to the shadow industry of political trolling in the Philippines. Based on one year of interviews and observation of... more
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      Business EthicsPolitical SociologyComparative PoliticsPolitical Economy
Over the centuries, especially since the Jansenist controversy, much ink has been spilled defending and criticizing Augustine's contentious interpretation of the revealed doctrines of predestination and reprobation. Instead of attempting... more
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      Catholic TheologyAugustineThomas AquinasPredestination
(...) Les élections de 2015 et après en Afrique, loin des crises, des angoisses et des frustrations, devront être des motifs d’espoir et de fierté : Espoir pour une jeunesse avide d’un nouveau modèle de gestion des affaires publiques... more
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      African StudiesConstitutional LawDemocratic TheoryAfrica
Featuring 83 contributions from leading academics and emerging scholars across the world, this publication captures the immediate thoughts and early research insights on the 2016 US Presidential Election from the cutting edge of media and... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismPolitical communicationSocial Media
This is a dissertation in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science Major in Psychology. Since the Philippine election 2022 is just around the corner, this research topic is relevant and might help... more
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      ElectionElection laws
In his 2015 book, The Chosen People, A. Chadwick Thornhill argues, based on his analysis of election discourse in Second Temple Jewish literature, that the apostle Paul never presents election as the divine determination of individuals... more
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      Second Temple JudaismApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersPredestinationElection
Representing what may be termed 'evangelical Calvinism,' Thomas Forsyth Torrance's doctrine of election is, with critical modifications, recommended as a model worthy of contemporary acceptance. Torrance follows Barth's christologically... more
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      ElectionsElection LawElectionLocal elections
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      Election LawElection
In August 2020, the presidential election took place in Belarus, followed by unprecedented mass protests due to apparent election fraud. Aliaksandr Lukashenka, the country's long-term authoritarian leader, faced the biggest electoral... more
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      Belarusian StudiesPublic and Political CommunicationPolitical communicationElectoral Behavior
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      Constitutional LawComparative Constitutional LawElectionPolitical Systems
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesGender HistoryPolitical Science