Recent papers in Insurgence
Unrest marks the instability of any foundation wherever it spreads its roots. It weakens the superstructures and the bases that it integrates. Usually, it is viewed from the opinion of bigwigs of society and the people belonging to lower... more
The end of 2011 general election in Nigeria results to mass recognition of another set of militant popularly called Boko Haram. These set of militant during the cause of prosecuting their objective have destroyed properties worth Billions... more
Hammet, Brian. - Raices de la Insurgencia en Mexico [2012]
The names of the insurgent groups include historical, cultural, ethnic, territorial and doctrinal references that appear too specific to be considered accidental and thus could be indicative of their strategy. The examples of terrorist... more
Modern Asian Studies, 50:1 (2016), 75-117,
The subject of this analysis are war burdens during the first Polish national uprising, i.e. the Kościuszko Uprising of 1794. These burdens (obligations) were imposed on the inhabitants of the then Polish lands in order to provide... more
Петренко А.А. «Где можно с ружьем в руках, где нельзя — тайно, хитростью и лукавством»: боевые инструкции бойцам Народного Союза Защиты Родины и Свободы Б.В. Савинкова // Гражданские конфликты и гражданские войны в истории. Исторические... more
Nella primavera del il cardinale Segretario di Stato Ercole Consalvi, su pressione della Francia , istituisce una Congregazione particolare con il compito di esaminare i casi di insorgenza e brigantaggio che sempre più si... more
In Ethiopian political history, the democratic constitution was enacted in 1995 for the first time following the paradigm shift in the political ideology from unitary to federalism. The enactment of the 1995 FDRE Constitution opened a new... more
The end of 2011 general election in Nigeria results to mass recognition of another set of militant popularly called Boko Haram. These set of militant during the cause of prosecuting their objective have destroyed properties worth Billions... more
In theory, terrorism is a political communication strategy for groups to convey their grievances and the costs of ignoring them. In practice, though, terrorist groups take responsibility for just a small portion of their attacks. Rather... more
This article seeks to understand the dynamics of twenty-first century military intervention by the United States and its allies. Based on an analysis of Bush and Obama administration policy documents, we note that these wars are new... more
Introduction for the publication of a speech delivered by General Georgios Grivas on May 26th 1960 in Rhine-Ruhr club in Germany.
Συνοπτική παρουσίαση των γελοιογραφιών που ασχολούνταν με την Κύπρο και οι οποίες δημοσιεύθηκαν στις βρετανικές εφημερίδες Daily Mirror και Manchester Guardian την περίοδο 1955-1959 (Presentation about the cartoons published in Daily... more
Este artigo aborda o tema da " insurgência " através da análise de práticas culturais que emergem como resistências aos crescentes processos de " culturalização " do espaço urbano. Partindo do princípio de que a criação e a venda de... more
Most of the contemporary work pertaining religious-sectarian conflict is focused on insurgents driven by socio-economic and political grievances. In Politics and Economics of the Insurgence in Bahrain, Vladimir Remmer analyzes the... more
Though SFs have once again managed to contain the consequences of irresponsible politics and administrative failure in Kashmir, threats persists. This tragic cycle has been seen again and again, with SFs establishing dominance and a... more
The paper highlights the increasing inpracticability of post-conflict peace-building in the context of emerging unconventional intra-state wars. It however ascertains the viability of a community-referent peace-building intervention as... more
This is a short poem that crusades the importance of unity in Nigeria. It beckons on everyone, especially the Current Islamic sect- BOKO HARAM members to try and embrace peace and join hands together in moving the country to a state where... more
This article provides a critical examination of the current theoretical debate concerning the effects of indiscriminate violence. It argues that indiscriminate violence has been treated as an essentially random counterinsurgency tactic,... more
Ou bien l'histoire suit des finalités de patrie, de nation, de race, ou bien elle suit des finalités de classe. Si l'on croit à cela, il ne faut pas s'étonner que les classes bourgeoises des différents pays se soutiennent entre elles, et... more
This paper contributes to the accounts of territorial stigmatisation by examining the state role in it in the case of Turkey, a country that suffers from growing state power. The existing debates are mainly restricted to its function as... more
ein kurzer Artikel über schiitische Milizen im Irak und in Syrien, iranische Regionalpolitik und die Qods-Kräfte der Revolutionsgarde
Between 1945 and 2010 there have been 171 campaigns of national secession, of which only 26 have been successful (pp.5-6). And, of those 26, 14 were a direct result of the fall of the Soviet Union. Philip Roeder's treatise is founded on... more
Mass media are known to be vehicles for the transformation of societies. Now the focus of governments, Non-Governmental Organisations and people in the Northeastern part of Nigeria which has been ravaged by insurgency is that of... more
Abstract Earliest restructuring of Nigerian State started with 1881 European Conference on the Scramble for and Partition of Africa in Germany. The creation of British colonial administration in Northern Nigeria in 1900 and Southern... more
May 2020
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30103.19360
Agha H Amin
May 2020
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30103.19360
Agha H Amin
The Uri attack has exposed India’s vulnerabilities once again, as it has clear evidence of negligence and complacency. After the Pathankot Air Force Base attack, the Government at the highest level had promised that there would be a... more
The anniversary of the execution of Sacco and Vanzetti forces us to consider impact of the endless war on terrorism and dissidents and its impact on civil liberties and human rights.
All we need is to kill the bad ideas not the people. By killing those people will not solve any problems but will create such heavy chaos. Through education, I strongly believe that we can educate society pertaining to the terrorism.
Kolombia adalah negara yang cukup lama mengalami gejolak politik dan krisis disegala bidang. Dalam perjalanannya ada suatu strategi dalam mengatasi gejolak yang diakibatkan oleh Insurgensi di negara tersebut. Dengan melakukan optimalisasi... more