Environmental Health sciences
Most cited papers in Environmental Health sciences
Adducts of benzo[a]pyrene-diolepoxide (BPDE) with blood nucleophiles have been used as biomarkers of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The most popular such assay is a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay... more
There was considerable evidence that a subject's psychological status may influence respiratory sensations and that some subjects may experience respiratory symptoms regardless of the presence of a respiratory disease. The objective of... more
Aim: This study aimed to distinguish carbon nanotube (CNT) particles and their pathological effects on the liver of birds in areas with carbon emissions. Materials and Methods: Twenty-one domestic ducks were collected from pure farmers... more
Background: Data collection tools used in literature to evaluate the degree to which study objectives are fulfilled should be standard to ensure the accuracy of data. Objectives: The present study was performed to standardize and... more
Background: Smear-negative and extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) comprise two thirds of TB cases reported in Ethiopia. Neither treatment outcomes nor underlying associated factors are routinely reported for these cases. Objective: To... more
This paper explores various integrative frameworks that are contributing to anemerging transdisciplinary meta-perspective on sustainable development. It proposes a holistic/integral strategy based on scale-linking design for human and... more
Recent studies have investigated the use of plant bioactive substances, such as polyphenols, as antioxidants in assisted reproduction technologies. Semen cryopreservation is a technique that can affect sperm quality.... more
Petroleum activity has been highly instrumental in yielding economic rewards for resource producing countries and supplying a vital energy source, but it also has the potential to cause profound environmental impacts. Oil pollution forms... more
patients. Aims: We, therefore, investigated the levels of some of the trace elements in serum of male type 2 diabetic patients with a view to establishing their metabolic status in these subjects. Materials and Methods: One hundred and... more
ABSTRACT Background: Banknotes are one of the items most frequently circulating from hand to hand, and microbial contaminants of banknote may be transmitted directly, through hand-to-hand contact, or indirectly, via food or other... more
Na no par ti kel: be kann te und neue Um welt ge fah ren M. Neu ber ger und H. Mos ham mer Ab tei lung für Prä ven tiv me di zin, In sti tut für Um welt hy gie ne, Me di zi ni sche Uni ver si tät Wien Na no par ti kel: be kann te und neue... more
In the context of translational healthcare, the construct of Evidence-Based Dentistry (EBD) consists of two fundamental and intertwined domains. From the viewpoint of research, EBD is driven by the paradigm of comparative effectiveness... more
Poor hygiene and sanitary practices among meat handlers can lead to the contamination of meat. This contamination can occur at any point during the transportation, storage and processing of meat. This study was carried out in Aba... more
The objective of this study was to ascertain textile and garments effluents’ quality parameters and suitability for irrigation and aquaculture. Concentration of different parameters i.e. pH, temperature, color, odor, electrical... more
The objective of this study was to establish the influence of motorcycle riders' (Locally referred to as "Boda Boda") practices on road safety in Kampala, Uganda. Specifically the study determined the level of compliance of these riders... more
Background: In South Korea, areas around abandoned metal mines are designated as regions with high arsenic (As) contamination. However, studies assessing urinary As exposure, As metabolism, and relevant genetic polymorphisms in residents... more
Urban living style is associated with various negative impacts on human health, e.g. connected with the environmental problems. Thus, promoting health of urban population is nowadays one of the most challenging issues of the 21 st century... more
Ensuring proper hygiene during menses is very crucial to the dignity of girls and women. This study was carried out to investigate the menstrual hygiene management practices among undergraduate female students in tertiary institutions of... more
Proper anal cleansing and excreta disposal practice is important in maintaining good sanitation and hygiene. The objective of this study was to investigate the anal cleansing and excreta disposal practices of young adults in tertiary... more
Rainfall and temperature are important climatic inputs for agricultural production, especially in the context of climate change. However, accurate analysis and simulation of the joint distribution of rainfall and temperature are difficult... more
Suffering a spinal cord injury (SCI) constitutes numerous neurologic, vascular and muscular problems below the level of injury. Neurologic problems can include sensation and motor impairments which can limit effective and... more
This study was designed to investigate the effect of Phyllanthus amarus (PA) leaf extract on serum lipid profile in alloxan induced diabetic albino wistar rats. A total of 30 albino wistar rats each weighing 100g were assembled and... more
Quarry workers are exposed to dust and gases that can cause respiratory and cardiovascular problems. This study was a clinical study carried out at Ivo, Ebonyi State, Nigeria to assess the blood pressure and forced vital capacity of... more
Dissemination of Waterborne and Foodborne Pathogens by Insects and Molluscs in Diverse Ecosystems: A One Health Perspective Background: New outbreaks of foodborne and waterborne infectious diseases are making headlines at an accelerating... more
Background: Understanding demand for improved sanitation in the local context is critical if sanitation facilities are to be continually used. The drivers of demand for sanitation are different for different slum areas, so context... more
Heavy metal pollution of waste water is a common environmental hazard, since the toxic metal ions dissolved can ultimately reach the top of the food chain and thus become a risk factor for human health. Chromium is present in waste water... more
A dynamic, time-dependent model has been developed for simulation of an acute environmental transfer of radionuclides through agricultural systems. TRANFOOD is a computer code which calculates concentration of radionuclides in surface and... more