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Esperantists create a varied group of both speakers and supporters. The sociolinguistic categories often overlap and thus the movement consists of diverse examples: non-movement speakers, supporters not speaking Esperanto and finally... more
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      Language revitalizationSociolinguisticsMinority LanguagesPidgin and Creole Languages
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    • Esperanto
Esperanto is neither an official nor a commonly spoken language anywhere in the world and, due to the limited number of people who speak this language from birth and who teach it to the next generation, the persistence of this speech... more
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      InterlinguisticsIntercultural CommunicationLanguages and LinguisticsInternational Communication
Esperanto estas valora pensilo pri la kultura diverseco. Esperanto-movadoj povas kunlabori kun jam ekzistantaj instancoj turismaj por reklami pri la landa bunteco. Sed nia forto ankaŭ estas, ke pere de nia komunikilo Esperanto, ni... more
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      EsperantoUniversitatoSocia justecoKulturo
We can divide Esperanto literature into four historical periods. The first (1887–1920) was characterised by the important role of translations. The second period (1921–1945) was marked by the development of poetry and also, to some... more
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      Cognitive ScienceLiteratureSociolinguisticsArtificial Language
Pregled afiksa u esperantu
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    • Esperanto
In the early cinema era, there were a lot of authors who inquired into the nature of this new medium, taking into account both its artistic value and its specificity. Among the various approaches, the theories of Bela Balázs stands out,... more
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      SemioticsVisual StudiesArt HistoryEsperanto
Since the mid-19th century many artificial languages (henceforth ALs) have been created in order to facilitate international communication and understanding; the best known of these is Esperanto. The vocabularies of these languages often... more
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      LanguagesLanguages and LinguisticsOnomasticsToponomastics
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      Esperanto as a Second LanguageEsperanto
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      InterlinguisticsComputer ScienceHistory Of ComputingHistory of Mathematics
La scomparsa dell’ingegner Giorgio Rosa (1925-2017) e il successo riscontrato da diversi prodotti editoriali (dal docu-film “Isola delle Rose“, 2010, recentemente ripubblicato, al libro di Walter Veltroni “L’Isola e le Rose“, 2013) hanno... more
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      EsperantoTurismo e CulturaRiminiStoria Italia Contemporanea
Note that this abstract contains some linguistic errors (I believe that it was written by someone other than me): It is possible to classify Artificial Languages as well as Natural Languages into three main types, according to the forms... more
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      Esperantic StudiesArtificial LanguageInternational Planned LanguagesEsperanto
Capitolo de: Lala, Riccardo (acd). Es Patrida Gaian: Lingue per la patria europea. Torino: Diàlexis. 2019.
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationLanguage Policy and Politics of IdentityEsperanto
Lajos Tárkony (1902-1978), esperanta poeto, eseisto kaj tradukisto, membro de la budapeŝta skolo, postlasis nur unu poemaron: Soifo (1964). En ĉi eseo mi analizas la vualitan, latentan samseksaman deziron, kiu estas spurebla en la... more
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      Queer StudiesGay And Lesbian StudiesEsperantic StudiesLGBT Literature
Since the Esperanto speech community cannot rely on intergenerational transmission to guarantee its long-term continuity, the Esperanto movement has emerged as an attempted solution to stabilise the community by promoting the language and... more
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      InterlinguisticsEuropean StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsPolitical Parties
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      EsperantoEsperanto DiasporaEsperantologyEsperanto movement
An anomaly in the Congress of Vienna: Neutral Moresnet or how to rethink the political and linguistic boundaries. Neutral-Moresnet was a 3.4 km² neutral territory near Aachen. Its history is the result of a misunderstanding. In Article... more
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      German HistoryUtopian StudiesNational IdentityBelgian History
The paper reviews recent language-oriented scholarship on Gramsci, mostly publications in English or Italian which have appeared since 2007. It considers three main areas: 1) the sociology and politics of language, especially the use of... more
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      History of LinguisticsSoviet HistoryGramsciEsperanto
A previous paper in the Journal of the Simplified Spelling Society, Pitt (J5 1987/2, p13) briefly demonstrated Esperanto's phonetic spelling system as it compared to the phonetic system called "New Spelling". The conclusion was that... more
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      EsperantoSpelling Reform
Today the Hawaiian language is severely endangered because it is spoken by less than 2% of all inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands. Among endangered languages it is, however, rather a special case in that before the US occupation of... more
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      Language revitalizationPacific Island StudiesLanguage Planning and PolicyDiscrimination
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      EsperantoArtificial LanguagesHydronymy
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      Contact LinguisticsEsperantoLanguage contact
An introduction to constructed languages, language creation communities, constructed language users, and type of constructed languages. Examples include Esperanto, Klingon, Tolkien's Elvish, the Akana languages, and others.
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      J. R. R. TolkienLinguisticsEsperantoConstructed Languages
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      InterlinguisticsContact LinguisticsGerman LanguageInternational Planned Languages
UNESCO is a 'philosophical' organization which defends the teaching of philosophy as 'a school of freedom '. This text explains what that means before an audience of professors at an international Esperanto congress in Belgium in 2015.... more
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      PhilosophyUnescoEsperantoTeaching Philosophy
Erste Feststellungen zu einer Grammar of space des Esperanto, mit einem Blick in die wichtigsten Semiplansprachen
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      InterlinguisticsSpace SyntaxComparative LinguisticsEsperanto
RESUMO: La ekzisto de la denaskaj parolantoj de Esperanto pruvas, ke strukture tiu lingvo ne signife diferencas de la naturaj lingvoj. La denaskaj parolantoj tamen ne iniciatis ŝanĝojn en la lingvo, nek havas centran rolon en la... more
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Ankaŭ vi estas Fremdulo! estas la verketo, kiu prezentas teoriajn fundamentojn kaj historion de interkultura edukado. Krom scienceca analizo de ĉefaj nocioj kaj sociaj problemoj ligitaj kun kultura diverseco, ĝi enhavas riĉan gvidilon pri... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationIntercultural EducationEsperanto as a Second LanguageEsperanto
Esperanto has some properties of a natural language, including about 1,000 first language speakers. In studies of the speech of Esperanto-speaking children it is difficult to find convincing examples of changes introduced by the process... more
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    • Esperanto
Surbaze de ampleksa bibliografio (el ĉ. 90 referencoj), la aŭtoro esploras kaj analizas la malsamajn cirkonstancojn kaj kondiĉojn, en kiuj Esperanto kaj Ido elformiĝis kiel poeziaj lingvoj, t.e. kiel periloj de poezia belo originale aŭ... more
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      PoetryEsperantoEsperanto LiteratureLouis Couturat
Words for berries in natural languages are of several types: semantically transparent compounds, e.g. English blueberry, somewhat semantically opaque compounds, e.g. English cranberry and raspberry, where it is not clear what the semantic... more
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      LanguagesLanguages and LinguisticsArtificial LanguageLinguistics
This book is the result of the Lecture Notes produced for the class ‘Introduction to Interlinguistics’ held at the University of Amsterdam during my first mandate as Special Chair holder there (2014-2019). This means that the intended... more
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      InterlinguisticsLanguages and LinguisticsContact LinguisticsSociolinguistics
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      Deliberative DemocracyEsperantoMicronationsHistoric Micronesian/Marianas
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      EsperantoLinguistic Rights
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      EsperantoIdentidadPoderRelaciones de poder y ciudadanía
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The international auxiliary language Esperanto is probably the best known constructed language in the world, but also one of the most heavily criticised ones. Although it was meant to solve the problem of international understanding,... more
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      InterlinguisticsEsperantic StudiesInternational Planned LanguagesEsperanto
This paper is based on the fact that Esperanto, despite being a well-constructed auxiliary language, has failed to become a world language because of a number of internal and external factors.
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      Languages and LinguisticsSpanishChinese StudiesEnglish language
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      Languages and LinguisticsEuropean integrationLanguage Policy and Politics of IdentityEsperanto
This book explores how Esperanto – often regarded as a future-oriented utopian project that ended up confined to the past – persists in the present. Constructed in the late nineteenth century to promote global linguistic understanding,... more
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      Social MovementsMedia and Cultural StudiesSocial AnthropologyLanguages and Linguistics
Comment change l’apprentissage d’une langue d’après son statut de langue moderne vivante, de langue ancienne « morte » ou encore de langue construite « non-naturelle » ? A travers six études de cas, sept experts de langues vivantes... more
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      French Language TeachingLatin LanguageEsperantoSecond Language Pedagogy
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      Pidgins & CreolesArtificial LanguageEsperantoArtificial Languages
Libro sobre como aprender esperanto
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      Bilingual EducationEsperantoIdiomas
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      InterlinguisticsEsperanto as a Second LanguageEsperantoEsperanto Literature
We observe Persian extremely
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      InterlinguisticsArchaeologyMusicLanguages and Linguistics
Gramática de la lengua internacional esperanto 1933, por Manuel Caplilure Ballester, reeditada y con vocabulario actualizado, en español-esperanto.
Una reedición digital imprimible, con el fin de conservarla.
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    • Esperanto
First ever critical study of Tolkien’s little-known essay, which reveals how language invention shaped the creation of Middle-earth and beyond, to George R R Martin’s Game of Thrones. J.R.R. Tolkien’s linguistic invention was a... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsJames JoyceJ. R. R. TolkienGertrude Stein
This article presents the fundamental definitions and the current situation of Linguistic Rights in the world. The United Nations’ Human Rights system is described, with special attention given to its mechanisms, where Linguistic Rights... more
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      EsperantoLinguistic Human Rights