Recent papers in Estrangement
Sections: SF and a taxonomy of fictional genre, estranged or naturalistic; an approach to sub-genres pertinent or not for SF; the extrapolative and the analogical model
Con la experiencia como noción unificadora y con el objetivo de profundizar en las lógicas vivenciales de una obra arquitectónica singular, se estudia el ex Molino Marconetti, una obra ubicada en el Puerto de Santa Fe (Argentina) donde... more
Constructivist Epistemology/Action orientated coding/Thematic analysis developed/Emphasis on abstract description over explanatory theory Researcher co-constructs story from the data/embraces subjectivity/ acknowledges multiple... more
A clearing of the bases for a poetological approach. Sections: SF as Fiction, as Cognition, and as a Genre
This essay is about a possible intersection between the concepts of reification and estrangement such as conceived by the German thinker Theodor Adorno and by the Russian literary critic Viktor Chklóvski respectively.
In this analysis of De fronteras, the collection of short stories by the Salvadorian writer Claudia Hernández, I study how the writer, through the use of a grotesque aesthetic, critiques the way violence has become normalized in a... more
Victor Shklovsky, the Russian formalist, coined and popularized the notion of defamiliarization: the creative distortion of the world of ordinary perception to renew the reader's diminished capacity for fresh perception. Estranging... more
This thesis aims to identify the artistic devices and their relations on Shaun Tan's picturebooks which are directed to cause estrangement. Thus, by drawing theoretical and methodological relations with Literature and Art, we propose to... more
The Robot Garden, Architecture & AI Architecture has rarely found points of intersection with the research conducted on Artificial Intelligence in a global scale. Even today, the discussion of AI and Architecture has barely started.... more
The concept of “estrangement” has been central to sf criticism ever since Darko Suvin defined the genre as creating the effect of “cognitive estrangement.” By going back to the theories of Viktor Shklovsky and Bertolt Brecht, I will show... more
From its first publication in 1923, Viktor Shklovsky's book Zoo, or Letters Not about Love has been discussed as a text that takes up a borderline position between literature and literary theory. The fact that the book was written and... more
This paper provides a reconstruction of Brecht’s rationale behind his estrangement effects. Its principle thesis is that Brecht’s techniques are likely to produce their intended effects. This is demonstrated by close examination of one... more
A thesis submitted and examined as part of a PhD in Creative Writing at The University of Manchester Metaphors of aliens, robots and other fantastical beings are often employed as shorthand for autistic difference. While such rhetoric... more
What is architecture's ontological status?
A paper about the notions of utopia, radical, daydream and practice in the search for a definition of architecture: architecture as architectureness
A paper about the notions of utopia, radical, daydream and practice in the search for a definition of architecture: architecture as architectureness
The anthology Immigration and Estrangement in Indian Diaspora Literature: A Critical Study attempts to study diasporic sensibilities in writings of Indian Diaspora writers. The book mainly focuses its study on the sense of displacement... more
Диссертация посвящена литературной критике Юрия Николаевича Тынянова (1894 – 1943), Виктора Борисовича Шкловского (1893 – 1984) и Бориса Михайловича Эйхенбаума (1886 – 1959) – трех знаменитых представителей формальной школы русского... more
The author of the term estrangement [ostranenie], Viktor Shklovsky argued that it is the essence of genuine art. A true work of art estranges the world, but it is also strange in relation to all other works previously produced.... more
In this paper the authors present a research on the ability of Machine Learning, more precisely of Generative Adversarial Networks, to use language as a starting point for architecture design. Instead of starting with images, such as in... more
The thesis focuses on theoretical and practical dimensions of immersion and aimes to propose a solution to terminological issues and lay a foundation of a tool that is to enable measuring the immersiveness of fantasy novels. Studies of... more
La mediazione simbolica fra uomo e natura, fra individuo e cosmo, ha trovato nella letteratura, dopo il mito e prima dell’attuale egemonia della tecnica, uno degli spazi di elaborazione privilegiati. Un’altra funzione ‘antropologica’ che... more
This is a graduate school research paper examining Aldo Rossi's Gallaratese Housing in Milan through the lens of Viktor Shklovsky's idea of estrangement as written in his manifesto "Art as Technique". I argue that Aldo Rossi was using the... more
Seit Jahren gehört die Science Fiction (SF) zu den populärsten und kommerziell erfolgreichsten Filmgenres überhaupt. Dennoch herrschte bislang ein Mangel an fundierten Untersuchungen zum Genre als Ganzem. «Die Konstitution des... more
Les articles publiés par Essais sont des textes originaux. Tous les articles font l'objet d'une double révision anonyme. Tout article ou proposition de numéro thématique doit être adressé au format word à l'adresse suivante :... more
Digital games provide a fruitful comparison to ideologies because they resemble ideologies as an organizing structure entered into and because they serve as a systematic test case for alternatively organized (ideological) worlds. They do... more
Visions of utopia – some hopeful, others fearful – have become increasingly prevalent in recent times. This groundbreaking, timely book examines expressions of the utopian imagination with a focus on the pressing challenge of how to... more
Ostrannenie (‘making it strange’) has become one of the central concepts of modern artistic practice, ranging over movements including Dada, postmodernism, epic theatre, and science fiction, as well as our response to arts. Coined by the... more
The rationale of these propositions is to explore the role of the artist in relation to applying estrangement to different practices and environments in an arts context. Some of the propositions focus on the production of learning... more
Although it has been extremely successful at the box office, James Cameron’s sf epic Avatar has also been criticized for its lack of originality and its predictable story. In my paper I argue that this kind of disappointment is not so... more
The literature on alienation in Marx's works suffers from the defect that it largely focuses on estrangement, the workers' loss of their objects in capitalism, the damage this does, and the merits of a genuine appropriation of lost... more
A new translation of Viktor Shklovsky's famous "Iskusstvo kak priem" (aka "Art as Device" and "Art as Technique") with a translator's comment
This paper strives to interrogate the abilities of machine vision techniques based on a family of deep neural networks, called Generative Adversarial Neural Networks (GANs), to device alternative planning solutions. The basis for these... more
[This paper was presented at "100 Years of Estrangement", the academic track of Helsinki WorldCon (2017). It is adapted from the first chapter of my thesis, and should therefore be read as a work in progress.] Darko Suvin’s theory of... more
The essay elaborates the motive forces of the critical architectural project through a distinction between theoretical and practical approaches. In fact, the central figure of this attempt to philosophically justify " architecture as a... more
If we are to consider science fiction as a genre which proposes imaginary solutions to contemporary issues, then it comes as no surprise that many science fiction writers have begun to consider the human condition within a future ravaged... more
Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, 2012
Ora, como argumentarei no meu ensaio, o documentário do cineasta catalão perfila-se como uma apocatástase negativa: assim, e como veremos, a vida e o óbito sem inumação de Arthur Cravan, não funcionam apenas como ‘tema’ de Cravan vs... more
The purpose of this article is to analyze the changing nature of homosexuals’ estrangement in the United States over a period of thirty years on the basis of two novels by Andrew Holleran: his 1978 debut Dancer from the Dance, and his... more
The article discusses the concepts of ostranenie (Shklovsky), V-effect (Brecht), and spect-actor (Boal), before critically reviewing their earlier application to analyses of games and play. Abstract The present article provides a critical... more
Meta fetişizmi, " endüstri " ya da " sermayenin " artık " şeyler " üretiminin üstüne çıkıp, " ilişkilerin " üretimine dayalı bir toplumsal süreç olarak tasvir edilebilir. Meta fetişizmi öznenin, nesne haline gelmesidir. İnsani... more
In this paper I will first trace back Brandom’s understanding of alienation to his understanding of skepticism in the first and second parts of A Spirit of Trust. I will then analyze, in this light, his take on alienation as both a... more