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The article analyses the development and outcomes of the EU efforts to form a liberalized internal energy market. Particular attention was paid to multilevel system of governance of the energy market and the balance between network and... more
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      EnergyEnergy PolicyEuropean Energy PolicyEuropean Union Energy Policy
Due to insufficient level of domestic natural gas production, the European Union countries are forced to import this key energy resource from the third countries. This involves political and economic as well as physical risks. In order to... more
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      European Union (International Studies)Oil and gasInternational Energy SecurityEurope
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      European integrationEnergy LawEuropean Energy PolicyEuropean Union Law
Η ενεργειακή φτώχεια αποτέλεσε έναν από τους παράγοντες επιδείνωσης της θέσης των μικρών και πολύ μικρών επιχειρήσεων στην Ελλάδα, σύμφωνα με τα ευρήματα ποιοτικής και ποσοτικής έρευνας που διενεργήθηκε μεταξύ Μαΐου και Αυγούστου 2019.... more
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      Energy EconomicsRenewable EnergyPovertySmall Business
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      Renewable EnergyClimate change policyPolitical ScienceEnergy Policy
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      GeopoliticsLNGEnergyEnergy Policy
Warsaw for the Falling Walls Lab, September 22 Center for Theoretical Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland Presentation title: Breaking the wall of Europe Problem: For centuries, Germany and Russia have been the mortal... more
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      Russian StudiesFederalismEuropean UnionRussia
Avropa regionu dünyanın iqtisadi mərkəzi hesab edilir və bu mərkəzin enerji təminatı hal hazırda gündəmdə olan məsələlərdən biridir. Xüsusilə XXI əsrdən etibarən Rusiya-Avropa münasibətləri enerji prizmasından əhəmiyyət kəsb edir. Son... more
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      Energy PolicyDiversificationRussian Energy PolicyEuropean Union Energy Policy
Resumen: La Unión Europea ha dado respuesta a la crisis climática, la COVID-19, la erosión de la globalización, y un entorno internacional adverso a través de tres estrategias interrelacionadas: el Pacto Verde Europeo, que define un... more
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      European StudiesEuropean Energy PolicyEuropean Foreign PolicyEuropean Union
In this report Richard Youngs and Shahrazad Far analyze the foreign and security policy implications of the Energy Union. The authors also point out a number of policy recommendations for the forthcoming strategic development of the... more
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      Climate change policyEuropean Foreign PolicyEuropean Union Energy Policy
There are significant synergies between the Energy Union strategy and the national policy priorities of Eastern Partnership countries. The Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries will play a crucial role in the functioning of the Energy... more
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      EnergyRussian Foreign PolicyEnergy SecurityEuropean Union Energy Policy
The INSIGHT_E consortium is formed by twelve complementary partners representing various sectors: academia, research centres, consultancies, one think tank, one stakeholder organization and one of the Knowledge and Innovation Community of... more
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      European UnionEnergy PovertyEuropean Union Energy PolicyVulnerable consumers
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      European Union Energy PolicyPolitical Economy of EnergyInternational Political Economy of Energy Security
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      International SecurityEnergy SecurityIsraelGreece
The European Union (EU) is struggling to develop a coherent and strategically independent energy policy, the likes of which could spur EU integration and expand its reach to the southeast. The enactment of such a policy would conform with... more
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      Balkan StudiesPolitical ScienceEnergyEnergy Policy
The intricate design of the Energy Union governance is aimed at connecting the EU level and Member States in a flexible way. From this perspective, a priority tool of the Governance Regulation is a system of bilateral relations between... more
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      European integrationRenewable EnergyGovernanceEnergy
The European Union and the United States have significant commonalities in terms of economic, energy, and climate change goals and renewable energy priorities. This includes responses to economic hardship and linkages to the use of energy... more
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      Energy EconomicsClimate ChangeRenewable EnergyWind Energy
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      Energy PolicyEuropean Energy PolicyEnergy SecurityEnergy Resources
The western Balkans as a region is at the crossroads of the east-west energy transportation routes, and it is confronted with the simultaneous tasks of transforming its economic outlook and its energy infrastructure: a process that... more
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      EnergySecurity StudiesEnergy PolicyEuropean Energy Policy
Liberalization of the European internal market for energy by means of unbundling and third party access alone is not enough to make renewable energy on a par with fossil fuels. To increase the production of renewable energy in its Member... more
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      European LawEnvironmental LawClimate ChangeRenewable Energy
This article questions the currency of contemporary pipeline politics and diplomacy as applied in the Eurasian gas system. In doing so, it argues that the mosaic of proposed pipelines— notably Nord Stream 2, South Stream, and Turkish... more
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      Energy PolicyRussian Foreign PolicyEuropean Energy PolicyEnergy Politics
Концепция энергетической безопасности Европейского Cоюза ориентирована на достижение трех целей: безопасной, доступной и устойчивой энергии. В статье утверждается, что такое пони-мание энергетической безопасности является внутренне... more
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      European StudiesEnergyEuropean Energy PolicyEnergy Security
Από τα τέλη του περασμένου αιώνα, η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση έχει θέσει ως βασικό στόχο, τη δημιουργία μιας ενιαίας εσωτερικής αγοράς ενέργειας, η οποία θα λειτουργεί με κανόνες πλήρους και ελεύθερου ανταγωνισμού. Από την πρώτη θεσμοθέτηση των... more
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      Energy EconomicsGeopoliticsEnergy LawEnergy
The territory of Europe is foreign dependent in terms of energy, so European countries made policies of allocating energy and providing the security of it. In this essay we will consider the energy policy and the activities to provide... more
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      European Union Energy PolicyAvrupa Birliği TürkiyeEnerji Politikaları
We investigate the impact and the possible consequences of the construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. We model the European gas network as a cooperative game between regions as players over the pipeline network. Our model offers... more
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      GeopoliticsLNGEnergy PolicyEuropean Union
L’objet de ce mémoire de recherche était de comprendre dans quelle mesure les collectivités régionales et locales pouvaient être considérées comme des acteurs à part entière de la politique européenne de développement des énergies... more
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      Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy PoliciesEuropean UnionSustainable Energy
The “Energy Union” can be seen as the most significant policy idea that seeks to reform European energy governance, policy and regional cooperation. However, so far the concept is mostly an empty box in which every stakeholder tries to... more
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      European StudiesInternational RelationsEuropean integrationRenewable Energy
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      European Energy PolicyEU external energy policyEuropean Union Energy Policy
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      European integrationRenewable EnergyEnergyOil and gas
This article addresses European energy policy through conventional and transformative sustainability approaches. The reader is guided towards an understanding of different renewable energy options that are available on the policy making... more
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      European StudiesEnergy EconomicsEuropean LawRenewable Energy
Turkey's enhanced geopolitical significance in the post–Cold War era is evident from an examination of the Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline (TCGP) project for natural gas from Turkmenistan. This article looks at Turkmenistan's situation within... more
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      Computer ScienceInternational RelationsInternational StudiesGeopolitics
ABSTRACT European Union’s energy security strategy towards its Eastern European neighbours stems out of direct application of EU procedures, directives and regulations in non-EU states. Economic diplomacy tactics used by the European... more
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      European Energy PolicyEnergy SecurityEuropean UnionEastern Partnership
In the sphere of natural gas, Russia and the EU share an interdependent relationship: Russia is the single largest supplier of natural gas to the EU, while the EU is Russia’s largest gas export market. In May 2014, a deal was struck... more
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      European Energy PolicyEnergy SecurityNatural GasGeopolitics of Energy
Since 1991, Central Asia's vast oil and gas deposits have promised economic develop ment for the impoverished region and have attracted the attention of major powers interested in accessing those resources for themselves. Kazakhstan's... more
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      International RelationsInternational StudiesGeopoliticsEnergy Policy
The launch of the ‘Energy Union’ in 2014, represented a major step to deepen EU cooperation in energy and climate policies. Yet, in energy, member states have remained particularly jealous of their sovereignty, limiting the pace and scope... more
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      Energy PolicyEuropean Energy PolicyEuropean Union Energy Policy
In October 2014 the European Council agreed to create a “reliable and transparent governance system (…) to ensure that the EU meets its energy policy goals”. With the announcement of the Energy Union Package in February 2015, the... more
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      European StudiesRenewable EnergyGovernanceEnergy
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      European HistorySocial MovementsEuropean integrationEnergy Policy
La investigacion se propone demostrar, mediante un analisis de la interdependencia, que la venta del gas natural es para Rusia una herramienta de presion politica que en mas de una oportunidad ha empleado para persuadir a los paises de la... more
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      International RelationsRussian Foreign PolicyEnergy SecurityPolitics of Ukraine
This paper is a general overview of the European Union’s foreign policy towards Central Asian (Uzbekistan- Kazakhstan- Tajikistan- Turkmenistan- Kyrgyzstan) countries. This paper contains, after the dissolution of the USSR, how the... more
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      Energy PolicyCentral Asian StudiesEuropean Foreign PolicyEuropean Union
This lengthy presentation prepared for an executive lecture given in the context of an intensive 1-week compact seminar on the European Union key priorities, addresses the main elements of the EU energy & climate policies in 2018 (Clean... more
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      Climate change policyEnergy PolicyEuropean Energy PolicyClean Energy
The Energy Union does not adequately highlight the importance of the external aspects of EU energy policy, nevertheless, the first ‘State of Energy Union Report’ identifies the Energy Charter as one of the main external policy instrumenta... more
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      Energy SecurityTransport, Energy and EnvironmentEuropean Union Energy PolicyGas Pipelines
В статье анализируется Глобальная стратегия внешней политики и политики безопасности Европейского Союза (Стратегия Могерини), обнародованная в июне 2016 г. Внимание сконцентрировано на отражённом в документе понимание энергетической... more
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      European Energy PolicyRussian Energy PolicyEU energy securityEuropean Union Energy Policy
The current study attempts to provide a comprehensive analysis of the European energy policy evolution emphasizing the centrality of energy resources for the entire EU's integration process. The results reveal that for the last decade EU... more
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      European Energy PolicyEU energy securityEuropean Union Energy PolicyEnergy Union