European Values
Recent papers in European Values
The aim of this paper is to show how changes in the social fabric of Malta have resulted in amendments to the school curriculum in respect to the teaching of moral values. The curriculum now caters for a new subject in schools called... more
Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen, 2015, pp. 689-714 French Abstract: L’adoption par la Commission européenne en mars 2014 d’un nouveau cadre destiné à renforcer le respect de l’Etat de droit au niveau des Etats membres de l’Union,... more
This contribution contains a concise annotated analysis of Article 2 TEU, the EU Treaty’s key provision on values, prepared for the Oxford Commentary and aiming to give a reliable first overview of basic history and all the key elements... more
Resumen Este artículo aborda la crisis del Estado de derecho en Hungría y Polonia, situándola en el marco de la historia de la integración europea. Desde mediados de los años noventa, la Unión se fue dotando progresivamente de... more
The EU motto “United in diversity” might sound abstract or even utopian. However, as we are zooming into the working relationships and collaboration modes within EU institutions and partner organizations, we are gaining new insights... more
This publication is an introductory speech “Let’s unite the right!”, delivered at the first General Assembly of the Bulgarian Democracy Movement (Sofia, March 19, 2022). The speech deals with issues related to the socio-economic and... more
In recent years, the rule of law and, especially, its “proper” implementation has become one of the most debated topics in Europe in recent years. The “Big Bang Enlargement” marked the beginning of dilemmas whether the new EU Member... more
Good neighbourliness is one of the most important aspirations of international law relating to harmonious interstate relations. Developing out of the ideas of territorial sovereignty and equality of states in international law, good... more
Presentation held at the conference "New Technologies in Health: Medical, Legal & Ethical Issues" in Thessaloniki, 21 November 2019, organized by the Aristotle University Thessaloniki
The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the far right (nationalist) as political actors in Russia and in Europe. Whereas the European far-right movements over the last years managed to achieve significant success turning... more
Although compliance with the founding values is presumed in its law, the Union is now confronted with persistent disregard of these values in two Member States. If it ceases to be a union of Rule-of-Law-abiding democracies, the European... more
This book chapter emphasizes the importance of rethinking the approach to the enforcement of EU values as listed in Article 2 TEU. The on-going disregard of the key values of the Union in Hungary and Poland, illustrates with utmost... more
position in the EU are analysed: those reflecting long-term trends and those that have short-term or ad hoc character. Contributions elaborate on legal and economic issues. As Poland's integration with the EU started with trade... more
Vortrag "Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik – einige Überlegungen aus unionsrechtlicher Perspektive", auf der Fachtagung "Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik als theologisch-ethische Herausforderung", organisiert vom Institut für... more
This inquiry investigates the concept of European values and cultural, philosophical, legal and political presuppositions on which the idea of European values is based. There are two approaches to the idea of European values. The first... more
Faced with the 'crisis of the Rule of Law' caused by the 'backsliding' of some Member States the EU institutions failed to react in a speedy and efficient manner. This contribution introduces the Journal of Common Market Studies symposium... more
Although compliance with the founding values is presumed in its law, the Union is now confronted with persistent disregard of these values in two Member States. If it ceases to be a union of Rule-of-Law-abiding democracies, the European... more
Par son arrêt rendu le 25 juillet 2018 à l’occasion d’une procédure préjudicielle d’urgence relative à l’exécution d’un mandat d’arrêt européen (MAE) émis en Pologne1, dans le contexte de réformes judiciaires controversées2, la Cour de... more
The European Union has been facing a cyclus of serious crises for about 8 years already. All of them have weakened not only the EU as a whole but also each of the Member States separately. This has caused two serious consequences being a... more
Since the 2000s, the reference to 'values' has become a key topic in the legitimation and politicization of the European Union (EU). This article studies to which extent and how members of the European Parliament (MEPs) mobilize values in... more
*European Values: Perceptions in a Historical Context Supervised MA Dissertations (indicative), to be updated Russia as a defining factor of European security: aspects of a peculiar interdependence framework European Security... more
Access to healthcare within the EU varies significantly, as competences for public health are mainly those of the Member States (Art. 168 TFEU). However, both the Court of Justice of the EU, as well as soft- (common values and principles)... more
Article 7 TEU is unique in that it established the procedures for stating the threat of a breach of EU values by a Member States, the existence of such breach, as well as a possible sanctioning mechanism to bring the recalcitrant Member... more
The gradual legal and political evolution of Europe has not, thus far, been accompanied by the articulation or embrace of any substantive ideal of justice going beyond the founders' intent or the economic objectives of the market... more
There are multiple definitions of social cohesion, both scientific and political. Thus, the concept of social cohesion lacks a succinct and coherent definition and remains subject to different interpretations: such as political, which... more
Dans l’Union en crise socio-économique et financière, sinon politique, des mécanismes intergouvernementaux, tel le Mécanisme européen de stabilité (MES), imposent des mesures d’austérité génératrices de situations indignes des valeurs... more
In memoriam Maurice Velge (1935-2020) (2020)
This contribution honouring Prof. Martin Krygier scholarship provides a brief critical reading of the European Commission’s July 2019 Communication on the Rule of Law (COM(2019) 343 final). It argues that although the Commission’s effort... more
The aim of this paper is to illustrate the nature and main characteristics of the current threat of terrorism in Europe and its impact and influence on particular EU member states, the EU institutional and legislative mechanism and its... more
The ‘Europe–Asia Dialogue on Business, Ethics and Spirituality’ proved to be a successful step in a long journey. The Business Ethics Center of the Corvinus University of Budapest and European SPES Forum in Leuven are committed to... more
In various (binding and non-binding) legal documents, the European Union (EU) refers to “ethics” and “morality”, without providing a definition or even referring to a common understanding. However, if a certain activity is qualified as... more
Article 7 TEU is unique in that it established the procedures for stating the threat of a breach of EU values by a Member States, the existence of such breach, as well as a possible sanctioning mechanism to bring the recalcitrant Member... more
У статті обговорюється проблема формування єдиного европейського простору на основі спільних ціннісних засад. Після падіння комуністичного режиму европейський політичний простір значно розширився, об’єднавши Східну і Західну Европу. Втім,... more
This chapter scrutinises how the EU deals with crisis in the quality of democracy (QD) in Member States, and how it seeks to safeguard European values at the supranational level. I argue that the past and current debates on the power of... more
The aim of this paper is to show how changes in the social fabric of Malta have resulted in amendments to the school curriculum in respect to the teaching of moral values. The curriculum now caters for a new subject in schools called... more
The chapter analyses the role of the European Parliament (EP) in the enlargement process of the European Union (EU). It has three objectives: first, the chapter shows that, in addition to its formal role, the EP has an informal yet... more
This chapter scrutinises how the EU deals with crisis in the quality of democracy (QD) in Member States, and how it seeks to safeguard European values at the supranational level. I argue that the past and current debates on the power of... more
The aim of this paper is to illustrate the nature and main characteristics of the current<br> threat of terrorism in Europe and its impact and influence on particular EU member<br> states, the EU institutional and legislative... more
Unia Europejska znalazła się w takim punkcie swojego rozwoju , w którym zarówno pogłębianie integracji, jak j ewentualne geograficzne rozszerzanie UE stanowi duże wyzwanie. Wynika to z co najmniej kilku ważnych kwestii. Po pierwsze,... more
Wednesday afternoon the European Parliament launched the Article 7 procedure with a surprising majority to determine whether there is a clear risk of serious breach of EU fundamental values of rule of law, civil liberties, and democracy... more
This inquiry analyses the concept of a 'European public sphere' within the European public discourse. In particular, it explores the European Communication Strategy for creating an active European citizenship and European public sphere.... more
The purpose of the article is to try to outline whether the EU is still an attractive actor in international relations, which is conceptualised as a specific soft, normative and the same transformative power and the centre of attraction... more
[CANCELLED (because of Covid-19)] Wim Weymans (chairholder at UCLouvain) will give a paper on 'European Values in Question' at the Palais des Académies in Brussels, on Thursday 5 November 2020 at 5 pm. This talk is part of the Collège... more
On 5 March 2020 the Chair in European Values co-organized an international one-day conference (mainly in French) in Brussels (at Université St. Louis) on “Europe and its Values at the Heart of Contradictory Emotions”, focussing on the... more