European political cultures
Recent papers in European political cultures
Wayne Vucinic Book Prize 2007, "for the most important contribution to Russian, Eurasian, and East European studies in any discipline of the humanities or social sciences." Endorsement by Slavoj Zizek: "Alexei Yurchak's Everything... more
Market economies inevitably generate social inequalities, of which the new democracies of Central and East European (CEE) societies have seen dramatic -though widely diverging -levels of growth. Do CEE citizens believe that inequality is... more
Die sechs Jahre der sowjetischen Perestroika zwischen 1985 und 1991 stellen eine krisenhafte Umbruchszeit dar, in der der Wandel von Bevölkerung und politischer Elite bewusst erlebt und aktiv gestaltet wurde. In dieser speziellen Periode... more
Institutional pension policy is held to be one of the trade marks of the celebrated Scandinavian model. Universal national pensions guarantee a decent livelihood to every citizen irrespective of socioeconomic status. Income-related... more
Judged by their statutory arrangement the selection procedures of the seven main governmental Belgian parties in the 1944-1992 period suggest that party presidents are recruited in a fully democratic way, anticipating a contest between... more
Discrepant findings in electoral studies, particularly in relation to the importance of class, have re-opened the issue of micro-versus macro-levels of analysis. The 'ecological' and 'individualist' fallacies are again the subject of... more
This article examines party-based Euroscepticism in the candidate states of Central and Eastern Europe. In an attempt to develop comparative lessons from the different cases, it presents research into the location, electoral strength and... more
The article starts from the premise that contemporary anti-Semitism can only be understood from an analysis of National Socialism. National Socialism originated in the collapse of German liberalism, now threatening to draw the surrounding... more
This study addresses the dynamics of the issue space in multiparty systems by examining to what extent, and under what conditions, parties respond to the issue ownership of other parties on the green issue. To understand why some issues... more
The European Union sees the inclusion of many Eastern European statesenlargement -as a natural progression in the process of building an 'ever closer union'. For the European Commission in particular, the process of enlargement... more
Abstract. The phenomenon of ETA derives from the interaction of two factors: Basque nationalism and Francoism. The fundamental elements of ETA, both ideological and strategical-political, were already well defined and developed in the... more
This article proposes an agenda for political participation research aimed at providing empirical answers to questions derived from normative political theory. Based on a threefold distinction between responsive, participatory and... more
The paper examines existing classifications of electoral systems, discusses their merits and limits, and proposes a more appropriate classification. It shows that it is possible to extract from the definition of an electoral system three... more
Recent empirical research on the long-term cultural dynamics of political values in the USA and Great Britain suggested that modern societies might be characterized by long cycles of recurring value orientations. This paper analyzes and... more
2021 ausgezeichnet mit dem Hedwig Hintze Preis des Verbandes der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands (VHD) Legitimation über wirtschaftlichen Erfolg: Das Francoregime als technokratische Verwaltungs- und Entwicklungsdiktatur.... more
This article presents a new model for explaining the emergence of the party family of extreme right-wing populist parties in Western Europe.
In recent years it has become increasingly difficult to maintain that the European party systems are stable and that they reflect the societal cleavage structures of the past. One developmental aspect of the party systems is singled out... more
Abstract. The phenomenon of ETA derives from the interaction of two factors: Basque nationalism and Francoism. The fundamental elements of ETA, both ideological and strategical-political, were already well defined and developed in the... more
2020--- PAIX ET SÉCURITÉ INTERNATIONALES-Núm. 08 (2020) - Journal of International Law and International Relations more
1 Cfr. anche per ulteriori indicazioni bibliografiche Lucien JAUME, L'individu effacé ou le paradoxe du libéralisme français, Fayard, Parigi 1997; Aurelian CRAIUTU, Le centre introuvable. La pensée politique des doctrinaires sous la... more
"The mausolea of communist leaders, a major component of Stalinist symbolic politics, are still shrouded in mystery. Some are destroyed, like Dimitrov’s in Sofia, Gottwald’s in Prague and Neto’s in Luanda. The Lenin mausoleum in Moscow is... more
Modern democracy requires delegation. One problem with delegation is that principals and agents often have conflicting interests. A second problem is that principals lack information about their agents. Many scholars conclude that these... more
The literature on populism used to depict the phenomenon as an alternative to the standard path from traditional to modern society, as a way to enfranchise the underclass, or as an anomaly vis-à-vis class politics and liberal... more
RINASCIMENTO-RENAISSANCE Millennium III Together for Europe's Future ... Together with Europe for the World It’s time for a HUMANISTIC Europe to rise up again to guide the world for peace and prosperity ... Europe must carry the flame... more
Do academic publication standards reflect or determine research results? The article proposes minimal criteria for distinguishing useful 'unpublishable' results from low-quality research, and argues that the virtues of negative results... more
This article demonstrates that socioeconomic development, emancipative cultural change and democratization constitute a coherent syndrome of social progress -a syndrome whose common focus has not been properly specified by classical... more
The Majority of the papers in the present volume are the result of a series of seminars which took place between autumn 2007 and spring 2009 at the Department of the History of Eastern Europe at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, headed... more
Joseph Stalin (1879–1953), originally Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, until he adopted "Stalin" ("man of steel") as a nom de guerre while editing Pravda. As the leader of the USSR from 1924 to 1953, he outmaneuvered and liquidated all... more
This paper analyzes changes in regional electoral behavior and attitudes towards separatism and foreign policy orientation in Ukraine after the “Orange Revolution” and the “Euromaidan,” which turned into a violent internal conflict and... more
In the years leading up to the Crash of 2008, Iceland had been triumphed in world business media as an economic miracle. Its new breed of Viking Capitalism had become rock stars of the global finance driven economy, even while it was... more
ABSTRACT Similar to some other so called sensitive issues, Freemasonry as well is avoided due to it has been accepted objectionable spoken and written. However, ''who do not know history can not shape the future''. In fact, there are how... more
The paper presents a brief description of the situation of sport in Poland. The first part focuses on the legacy from state socialism. It concerns both the impact of Stalinism on sport in Poland (1949- 1956), and the rest of the... more
Eutanasia. Analisi di alcune sentenza emesse dalla CEDU di Strasburgo in relazione a quanto sancito e deciso secondo il diritto interno degli Stati firmatari. Non si può fare a meno di notare un mutato orientamento da parte della stessa... more
This paper seeks to reconstruct and revitalize the famousHirschman framework by providing a comprehensivereview of the current use ofexit, voice and loyalty'. Webegin by critically examining... more