Experimental / Innovative / Creative Historical Writing
Recent papers in Experimental / Innovative / Creative Historical Writing
If in the use of the term 'fictocriticism' the usually dispensed-with hyphen attempts to join the 'ficto' with the 'critical' it also inevitably severs them and holds them apart. Here the typographic device creates a complex conceptual... more
What would it be like to have a conversation with a human that lives 30,000 years in the future? In this paper the author attempts this, constructing an imaginary encounter with a future humanity. Beginning with indigenous scholarship and... more
The asemic text seems to challenge the reader’s clairvoyance to discharge a signification of its own, rather than reduce itself to an aesthetic artefact of the renunciation of meaning. An extensive conceptual breach is set against the... more
In this article, I rethink the genre of urban biographies and argue that it can be given new potency when remodelled to become a means of reinvigorating the critical public. In the first part, I reflect upon some of the recent biographies... more
If in the use of the term ‘fictocriticism’ the usually dispensed-with hyphen attempts to join the ‘ficto’ with the ‘critical’ it also inevitably severs them and holds them apart. Here the typographic device creates a complex conceptual... more