Fatimid Studies
Recent papers in Fatimid Studies
Bu çalışmada, 7. - 12. Yüzyıllar arasında söylenmiş Şia'ya dair şiirlerden seçmeler yapılmış, şiirler kendi içinde konularına göre tasnif edilmiş; kitabın sonunda da seçme on kasidenin Arapça metni ve Türkçe çevirileri eklenmiştir.
Ismāʿīlism (Arabic: الإسماعيلية, al-ʾIsmāʿīlīyah; Persian: اسماعیلیان, Esmâ'īliyân) is a branch or sub-sect of Shia Islam.[1] The Ismāʿīlī (/ˌɪsmeɪˈɪli/)[2] get their name from their acceptance of Imam Ismaʻil ibn Jafar as the appointed... more
Table des matières et résumé de ma thèse de doctorat (disponible en intégralité ici : https://theses.hal.science/tel-03767513 )
Les récits arabes sur l'émergence du druzisme, peu prolixes en informations par ailleurs confuses et contradictoires, n'apportent pas les précisions dont l'historien souhaiterait disposer. Au-delà de ce constat leur déconstruction est... more
يعتبر التاريخ الفاطمي أحد الفترات الأساسية للتاريخ الإسلامي لمصر، فلا نستطيع أن نتحدّث عن الحاضرة الثقافية لمصر مدينة القاهرة، دون ذكر مؤسسها جوهر الصقلي قائد الخليفة الفاطمي المعز لدين الله الفاطمي، فهو الذي بنى مدينة القاهرة لتكون... more
These words, uttered by one of the greatest Islamic philosophers within the medieval period, speak volumes. His statement appears as a calling; a calling to the truth, a truth which is enshrined within the knowledge of those who may... more
Course Material Prepared for Harvard Divinity School (HDS) Course 3221.4x (“Islam through Its Scriptures”) This article was prepared as introductory educational material for the non-academic reader. The article summarizes some of the... more
يعتبر النسب الشريف من أبرز العوامل الحاسمة في قيام الدول وسقوطها في تاريخ المسلمين إبّان الفترة الوسيطية، وذلك يعود إلى مجموعة من النصوص الحديثية والأثرية التي تنص على أسبقية صاحب النسب القرشي أو العلوي في مؤسسة الخلافة الإسلامية، ومن... more
Traduction intégrale annotée d’Ibn Taymiyya, « Fetwa sur les Fāṭimides » (« Majmū‘ al-fatāwā », t. XXXV, p. 120-144), avec plusieurs corrections du texte arabe et, dans les notes, la traduction d’extraits d’al-Ghazālī, « Faḍā'iḥ... more
Bachelor of Arts Thesis
Department of Art History
Faculty of Philosophy
University of Belgrade, Serbia
Department of Art History
Faculty of Philosophy
University of Belgrade, Serbia
The founding of the Fātimid caliphate across the southern Mediterranean, and then in Egypt, Syria and the Hijāz at the turn of the fourth/tenth century, necessitated its negotiation with the ashrāf, those who claimed lineal descent from... more
LES ṢANHĀJA DU MAGHREB CENTRAL AU X°-XI° SIECLE Article du numéro de la revue Al Irfan sur les Imazighen (Instituto Hispano Lusitano) en cours de parution, 2020 Cet article étudie l’ascension au pouvoir de la lignée Telkata des Sanhaja,... more
Until today, there is no research dedicated to studying the Fatimid-Andalusi relationship. Most of the studies that deal with the subject, either they were in the scope of archaeology, archaeometry, art history or history, are specific... more
The Fatimid Caliphate (909-1171) was the only Shi‘i Muslim Caliphate in Islamic history in which a hereditary Ismaili Imam descended from the ahl al-bayt of the Prophet Muhammad ruled as both spiritual and temporal sovereign. Before and... more
of the Fāṭimid caliph » 4 , qui « ya῾kis wuğhat l-naḏar l-rasmiya aw yumaṯṯil siyāsat l-dawla [l-fāṭimiya] » (reflète la perspective officielle, ou bien représente même la politique d'État [fatimide]) 5 , « un propagandiste-missionnaire... more
Author’s Note. The volume has now been now published in which this chapter appears alongside twenty-eight excellent studies. This final pre-print version consists of a slightly revised edition of the text originally submitted, and... more
Summary/Zusammenfassung: The medieval rock crystal vessels produced in the empires of the Abbasid and Fatimid Caliphs are outstanding masterpieces of their age, comparable only to the hardstone carvings of imperial Rome. In the last 100... more
This paper discusses the question of an Ismaʿili influence within the cosmology of al-Ghazālī and argues that al-Ghazālī appropriated certain features of the Ismaʿili cosmology from the Persian Ismaʿili thought of Nāṣir-i Khusraw (d. ca.... more
A rare purse of Late 10th century silver cut dirham fractions exemplifies the evolution in the use of small money in the Medieval Middle East: the copper fulus, dissappeared as small-currency in the Abbasid Empire at the end of the ninth... more
This article compares the dress and textile cultures of southern Italy, Fatimid Egypt (through the Genizah document archives) and the heartlands of Greek Byzantium. Several points of similarity and affinity existed between the... more
The Fatimid Caliphate was an Ismaili Shia caliphate that spanned a large area of North Africa, from the Red Sea in the east to the Atlantic Ocean in the west. The dynasty of Arab origin ruled across the Mediterranean coast of Africa and... more
In February 2015, divers off the coast of Caesarea spotted by chance a group of gold coins lying on the seabed. After alerting marine archaeologists of the Israel Antiquities Authority, a preliminary salvage excavation was conducted at... more
The Arrival of the Fatimid conquerors to Egypt was a turning point which created a radical impact on both political and religious life. Coming from a quite different doctrinal background, they had a predominating aim to spread it between... more
Azîz Nesefî tarafından 1270 lerde yazılmıştır . ismaili lerin nefesi kolunun lideridir . Kitabında , Şeriat, tarikat ve hakikat, insân-ı kâmil, sohbet ve sülûkten bahseden bir mukaddime ile yirmi iki felsefî ve tasavvufî risâleyi ihtiva... more
It is well-known that as one of the most renowned Ismaili dāʿīs of the Fatimid age, Ḥamīd al-Dīn al-Kirmānī (d. after 411/1020) attempted to create a complex system of thought, blending together Ismaili traditions — including gnostic... more
The concepts of dividing Byzantium can be found in sources from the period (e.g. the division into the eastern and western parts during the reign of emperor Maurice, John II Komnenos’ idea concerning the allocation of the eastern parts of... more
The contribution of this thesis to the existing field of tiraz textile studies is that it has tried to overcome the existing rift between historians and textile specialists, in approaching the subject in a more unified way, which takes... more
Les Druzes aux marges de l'Islam. Ésotérisme et normativité en milieu rural (XIVe-XVIe), Les Éditions du Cerf, Coll. Islam, Nouvelles approches, 2021, 728 p., ISBN 978-2-204-13492-7... more
The Fatimid Caliphate had a major impact on the Medieval Near East, but its origins are obscure. Just as obscure are the origins of its supreme judge -- compiler and codifier of Fatimid law -- Qaḍī al-Nuʿmān. The Kutama Berbers were the... more
The fifth century AH/eleventh century CE in Shām and the Jazīra was a period of a receding monetary economy, and drastically shrinking number of produced coins. Contemporary legal texts supported by archaeologically provenanced coin finds... more
Original Druze work written in 1020 Original Druze work written by Hamza bin Ali bin Ahmed in 1015 - 1020 Hamza ibn ‘Alī ibn Aḥmad (Arabic: حمزة بن علي بن أحمد; 985 – c. 1021) was an 11th-century Ismaili missionary and founding... more
Nasir-i Hüsrev, 1004-1088 Zâdü’l-müsâfirîn: Çeşitli metafizik konulardan bahsettiği çeşitli filozofların görüşlerini tartıştığı bir eserdir. Bu eserinde tenâsühü (ruh göçünü) reddeder Abu Mo’in Hamid ad-Din Nasir ibn Khusraw... more
The martyrdom of Yūḥannā, physician of Ibn Abī ’l-Ḥusayn ruler of the island of Sicily, is a text which is edited, analyzed and commented on here for the first time. Yūḥannā, after having refused to convert to Islam, is implicated in a... more
After the death of Prophet Muhammad, several sects of Islam started rising to power: such as the Ismaili’s, a Shia faction that claimed lineage from Fatima bint Muhammad, and later started their own dynasty, the Fatimids. This paper will... more
The article analyzes the Medieval Coin Finds (7th – 15th) found during the Harvard Semitic Museum-Leon Levy archaeological expedition at Ashkalon/Ascalon (1985 – 2015). The publication of these coin finds, though relatively few but found... more
....... and in the meantime I've discovered 4 new manuscripts! Cf.... more
Au début du xi e siècle, les Fatimides firent composer le Kitāb ġarā'ib al-funūn wa mulaḥ al-'uyūn, ouvrage dans lequel se trouvaient plusieurs cartes dont une de la Méditerranée et une de l'océan Indien. Par leur forme ovale commune et... more