Recent papers in Feminity
In contemporary Western society, there is a strong focus on how the body looks and performs, and whether it requires regulation. These powerful expectations impact on individual embodiment - the lived experience of having and being a... more
A NEMEK WEININGERI ÉS JUNGI ÁTMENETE Sokáig haboztam, írjak-e a nőkérdésről. Nem éppen újszerű, és idegesítő téma, különösen nőknek. A nőkérdés vitájára eddig is több tintát pazaroltak már az elégnél, a vita lezárult, ne is beszéljünk... more
Lo que los japoneses han denominado con el término hikikomori, se refiere a un fenómeno social creciente en el que sujetos jóvenes, principalmente hombres, se encierran en sus
The purpose of this study is to examine the feminist approach in the international relations discipline which started to gain place since 1980s and to examine the feminist approach in the field of security, which is the area where women... more
Background: Living with alopecia areata (AA) totalis and universalis (collectively referred to here as AA) involves unpredictable, sometimes rapid hair loss. There is currently no effective treatment and patients describe feelings of... more
The BBC television series Doctor Who (BBC, 1963-1989, 1996, 2005 – present) has displayed a prominent gendered relationship at the fore since its beginning in 1963; the pairing of the alien Doctor, a man, alongside his travelling... more
Toplumda kadına yönelik temsil biçimleri her geçen gün farklılaşmaya devam etmektedir. Devlet kurumlarının ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarının, bu farklılaşmaya yönelik üretmeye çalıştıkları çözümler tam olarak karşılığını bulamamaktadır. Bu... more
Anna Babicka-Wirkus (2011). Oblicza kobiecości w perspektywie postaw wobec ciała przejawianych przez nastolatki. W: Refleksje. Nr 5, s.54-64 Oblicza kobiecości w perspektywie postaw wobec ciała przejawianych przez nastolatki Wprowadzenie... more
An examination of the political and philosophical factors which shape the identities of characters in Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway, and Michael Ondaatje's The English Patient, and an exploration into the distinction between 'identity'... more
This paper is a case study of three online Shī'ī religious ritual English-language majālis that explores assumptions and consequences of the perpetuation of gendered stereotypes and the operationalizing of the sacred Qur’ānic text to... more
Based on the theory of Metheny (1965), women can choose three different categories of sports in terms of their social acceptance .At the two ends of this spectrum, we can find the masculine sports which... more
There are at least two different ways of discussing ideas. The first might be called the horizontal approach, and it is by far the more common in academic settings. The writer puts himself in the background, his own views aside, and... more
En el presente estudio nos proponemos analizar cómo se relaciona el ámbito de la guerra, elemento muy presente en la Historia de Heródoto, con la masculinidad y la feminidad. A priori parece que la guerra es un universo esencialmente... more
Apstrakt: Od 1952. godine u FNRJ sve su glasniji diskursi o podruštvljavanju i racionalizaciji kućnih poslova i novoj podeli rada u domaćinstvu. Ideološki, novonastalo slobodno vreme žena bi mogla da iskoristi za samousavršavanje,... more
'Beauty' and 'Morality': Feminity and Power in the Philippines
The way women are recruited, for the first time, as professional soldiers in the Cyprus National Guard, raises serious concerns for the future.
El presente escrito se propone pensar el paso a la adolescencia como una iniciación. Dicha iniciación, guiada por las marcas tempranas en la infancia, permite un paso que no puede darse si no están presentes ciertas condiciones previas... more
The article deals with the postwar history of Polish animated film as seen through the presence of female directors and the evolution of this presence in modern times. The text examines how the policies of a totalitarian state in the past... more
The Spring Fiestas in Murcia (Spain) present a special example of spontaneous transvestism, as every year young women dress in the local costume originally designed for men. This practice has incurred the wrath of local authorities and... more
Television drama series has far reaching effects on the viewers`perception of social issues such as sustainable development in every culture and society. This study examined the role of Papa Shirandula television drama series in framing... more
Masculinity and F. Scott Fitzgerald's THE GREAT GATSBY
در اینجا می خواهم چهره و زیست زنانه را در دو وضعیت باهم مقایسه کنم. زنان در وضعیت مستقر و زنان در وضعیت نا مستقر یا به عبارتی دیگر آن طور که در باستان شناسی می گوییم: بافتار عادی در مقابل بافتار متعارض یا فاجعه زده . برای تبیین بهتر شاید... more
En este artículo, hacemos un recorrido por la creación y uso de los test de masculi-nidad y feminidad como tecnologías de género. Desde sus orígenes ligados a la medición de las diferencias entre los sexos (midiendo actitudes e... more
This chapter seeks to understand the reasons of a rather conservative distribution of gender roles in the present day Czech Republic by examining the oral recollections of ten older women. The chapter argues that three themes that emerged... more
For decades, Sikhs have made the choice to migrate to the United Kingdom (UK), the United States of America (USA), or Canada, as these countries are held in high esteem by Sikh communities and appear to afford prestige in socio-cultural... more
In the postwar period, beer became integral to, and integrated within, Japanese socialisation practices. Beer was promoted to consumers in increasingly sophisticated and ubiquitous advertising campaigns which played a significant social... more
À travers l'ethnographie des concours de beauté organisés dans une communauté native kakataibo (Amazonie péruvienne), cet article interroge d'un côté l'expérience du féminin que font aujourd'hui les jeunes filles kakataibo et de l'autre... more
Unlike painting and photography film through motion, offers the viewer a world that is mirror of life but it is not true. The audience encounters with a large number of images. This is one of the images in the case of femininity. It is... more
This paper explores women’s daily practice of resistance built into the racialised and gendered social structure of customary marriages in South Africa. I argue that women resist, accommodate, adapt and contest power and authority in the... more
Check the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCavwlGnrgM Exhibition 'Life around Water' by the KFG 'Religion and Urbanity: Reciprocal Formations' (FOR 2779), 07.2021, Erfurt, Germany. In the framework of the Summer Workshop... more
This thesis concerns the female gender identity generally known as the tomboy-a nonmarginal gender identity. As a result of the non-marginality and complexity of this gender identity research on the subject is sparse. Moreover, previous... more
Femininity helps in creativity and growth.
A revised version of this paper is now published as Nelson, T.J. (2020) “Penelopean Simaetha: A Flawed Paradigm of Femininity in Theocritus’ Second Idyll”, in C. Cusset, P. Belenfant and C.-E. Nardone (eds.) Féminités hellénistiques:... more
In the postwar period, beer became integral to, and integrated within, Japanese socialisation practices. Beer was promoted to consumers in increasingly sophisticated and ubiquitous advertising campaigns which played a significant social... more
This paper tries to indulge into the debate opposite to what M. Benda maintains in his Le Rapport d'Uriel, "Man can think of himself without woman. She cannot think of herself without man." As Booth maintains that in the hegemonic... more
In the spring of 2014, Austrian drag queen Tom Neuwirth, better known by his stage name, Conchita Wurst, won the Eurovision Song Contest. The win came shortly after Russia had passed a “gay propaganda” law and the bearded drag queen’s win... more
Radical softness : La féminité subversive » Camille Robert, étudiante à la maîtrise en histoire (UQAM) Artichaut mag, 26 février 2016 Il est difficile de définir le radical softness, qui est à la fois esthétique, sensibilité et... more