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Cet essai contextualise l'autobiographie d'Adélaïde Herculine dite Alexina et devenue Abel Barbin (1838-1868) en la replaçant dans l'histoire de ce que les médecins ont appelé "les erreurs de sexe" qualifiant ainsi les personnes... more
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      Sex and GenderIntersexualityHermaphroditism19th century France
The intro is available on my personal website via the link. The Shape of Sex is a pathbreaking history of nonbinary sex, focusing on ideas and individuals who allegedly combined or crossed sex or gender categories from 200–1400 C.E.... more
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      ChristianityGender StudiesQueer StudiesJewish Studies
O texto discute sobre como a intersexualidade implica o sistema jurídico e os direitos humanos.
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      Queer StudiesIntersexualityQueer TheoryTeoría Queer
List of dos and don’ts when carrying out educational work on intersex topics.
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      IntersexualityCritical PedagogyPedagogyIntersex
Entre ver e não ver: uma análise sobre as imagens médicas da intersexualidade RESUMO Em meados de 2013, fui a um hospital especializado em cuidados materno -infantis, localizado na Zona Sul do Rio de Janeiro, para entrevistar um... more
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L'objectif de cet article est celui d'illustrer quelques résultats obtenus au cours d’une recherche doctorale, réalisée entre 2008 et 2010 à l'Université de Turin, qui visait à décrire et analyser les comportements quotidiens,... more
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      Gender StudiesIntersexualityYouth StudiesMixed Methods
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      IntersexualityPrivate International LawPrivate International Family LawConflict of Laws
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Flavia Monceri, Oltre l"identità sessuale. Teorie queer e corpi transgender [Beyond sexual identity. Queer theories and transgender bodies] Edizioni ETS, Pisa 2010, pp. 134. ISBN: 978-884672416-8.
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      Political PhilosophyIntersexualityDisability StudiesQueer Theory
In May 2011, more than a decade after the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) abandoned sex testing, they devised new policies in response to the IAAF’s treatment of... more
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      EthicsSex and GenderIntersexualityOlympics and Olympism
Apresentação do dossiê temático "Intersexualidade: desafios de gênero" publicado na Revista Periódicus (UFBA) em agosto de 2021.
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      Latin American StudiesGender StudiesIntersexualityGender and Sexuality Studies
Early Rabbinic Judaism is the name given to the group of people who produced, from the first to approximately the seventh century CE, the post Biblical canonic texts of Judaism. This 'new' Judaism, which grew in parallel to early... more
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      Jewish LawGender StudiesIntersexualityRabbinic Literature
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      IntersexualityHistory of SexualityHermaphroditismMonsters and Monster Theory
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      IntersexualityOttoman HistoryDisability StudiesHistory of Blindness/Visual Impairment
Wann, von wem und warum werden Dokumentarfilme mit dem Qualitätsmerkmal ‚politisch‘ betitelt? Wie sehen Visualisierungen des ‚Politischen‘ oder, umgekehrt, politisierte Filmbilder aus und wie werden sie generiert? Der Sammelband widmet... more
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      IntersexualityDocumentary (Film Studies)AuthenticityDocumentary Film
A NEMEK WEININGERI ÉS JUNGI ÁTMENETE Sokáig haboztam, írjak-e a nőkérdésről. Nem éppen újszerű, és idegesítő téma, különösen nőknek. A nőkérdés vitájára eddig is több tintát pazaroltak már az elégnél, a vita lezárult, ne is beszéljünk... more
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      PsychoanalysisSex and GenderIntersexualityQueer Theory
Abstract "Normal Abnormalities" Intersex and the Psychology of a two-sex system. "Perhaps Adults just don't take childhood seriously" This is a qualitative study involving intersex people and their parents. It asks them to talk about... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisPsychologyGender Studies
Analysis of one type of intersexuals in tannaitic literature (the androgynos) arguing that the early rabbis know three sexes but only 2 genders. A comparison between the Tosefta Bikkurim and the post-tannaitic Baraita inserted into some... more
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      Gender StudiesIntersexualityEarly Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Gender
El presente diagnóstico recopila las historias que recolectamos desde marzo hasta agosto del 2014 en la ciudad de Lima con el fin de conocer la situación de las personas LGBTIQ y la violencia a la que nos enfrentamos, así como de... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesAnthropologyIntersexuality
Relying on Monster Theory and biopolitics, this article presents an interpretation of the history of sexual medicine as it applies to two novels written about the intersexual maquis Florencio Pla Meseguer. We illustrate how intersexual... more
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      Comparative LiteratureQueer StudiesIntersexualityQueer Theory
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      Gender StudiesIntersexualityDiversityRace and Racism
Against a backdrop of feminist and social scientific research on sex, female embodiment, and normality this thesis aims to discern how young women, who in adolescence have learned that their bodies are developing in ways considered... more
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      IntersexualityQualitative Research MethodsFemale Embodiment
Despite the increasing visibility of variations in sex/gender identities, society maintains a strict sex dichotomy. The commitment to the female/male sex distinction and the resistance to acknowledge or accept sex variability results in... more
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      Sex and GenderIntersexualityRepresentationsRepresentation of Others
Il testo vuole incarnare una possibile mediazione tra universi culturali lontani ed essere una lettura propedeutica per chi intenda addentrarsi nella tematica, lasciando che la fede cristiana s’interroghi liberamente sul ‘gender’. Un... more
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      ChristianitySociologyDevelopmental PsychologyGender Studies
By Lorenzo Bernini, translated by Elena Basile and Michela Baldo This is a short and accessible introduction to the complex and evolving debates around queer theories, advocating for their critical role in academia and society. The book... more
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      Critical TheoryQueer StudiesPolitical PhilosophyIntersexuality
Tomando como referencia la geografía cultural del mundo ibérico entre los siglos xvi y xviii, este libro reconstruye un orden de los sexos y de los géneros que funcionó en ese periodo. Este régimen, muy diferente del nuestro, se pone al... more
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      IntersexualityGender and SexualityIdentity (Culture)History of Sexuality
Os estados intersexuais e as decisões em torno de quais procedimentos devem ser adotados com pessoas nesta “condição” constituem tema de acirrado debate nos campos da biologia, psicologia e biomedicina e fonte de intensas disputas no... more
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      Sex and GenderBiomedicineIntersexualityFeminist Theory
La « vérification » du sexe des sportives de haut niveau : pour une reconnaissance de l’intersexualité La compétition sportive continue aujourd’hui de constituer un terrain d’inégalités entre les femmes et les hommes. A la fois... more
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      Gender StudiesEthicsIntersexualityOlympics and Olympism
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      Gender StudiesIntersexuality
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      Gender StudiesIntersexualitySexual Identity
The view that humans comprise only two types of beings, women and men, a framework that is sometimes referred to as the “gender binary,” played a profound role in shaping the history of psychological science. In recent years, serious... more
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      GeneticsPsychologyClinical PsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
La crociata contro la teoria del gender inizia nel 1995 come una guerra contro i cinque sessi. Ma i difensori dell'ordine veteropatriarcale non hanno capito che a chi contesta binarismo sessuale ed eterosessualità obbligatoria cinque... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesPolitical PhilosophyTheatre Studies
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      IntersexualityImage of GodEunuchs
À la naissance d’un enfant dont le sexe semble atypique, les parents sont confrontés à une vision généralement pathologisante de l’état de leur enfant par le milieu médical. Celui-ci s’estime ainsi justifié de poser des actes médicaux... more
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      IntersexualityChildren and FamiliesAttachment TheoryChildren's Rights
Cette thèse étudie les transformations des savoirs et des pratiques biomédicales autour de l’intersexuation en France. Elle étudie l’émergence et la mise en place, au XXe siècle, d’un dispositif de médicalisation précoce des enfants ayant... more
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      Gender StudiesIntersexualityHistory of MedicineHistory of Science
Resumen En este artículo presentaré una reflexión acerca de los problemas metodológicos que surgen en mi tesis de grado, en la cual analizo la representación de un cuerpo intersex y su relación con la categoría de eroticidad en la serie... more
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      Sex and GenderIntersexualityGender and HealthIntersex
A child born with ambiguous genitalia will discover early in life that being born different leads to association with the monstrous. This paper examines Jeffrey Eugenides’s exploration of the intersexed individual in his novel Middlesex.... more
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      Gender StudiesIntersexualityPerformativity of GenderMonsters and the Monstrous
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      IntersexualityMedieval HistoryHistory of Medicine and the Body
L'édition annotée des Souvenirs d'Alexina Barbin, avec le décryptage des acteurs, actrices et des lieux de l'autobiographie désignés par des initiales dans l'édition publiée par le docteur Tardieu en 1872 et par Michel Foucault en 1978.
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      Sex and GenderIntersexualityFrench StudiesGender History
Pre-print, pre-copy edited version of the first three chapters.
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderIntersexualityFeminist Theory
In het voorliggende rapport schetst NNID een beeld van intersekse en DSD vanuit het perspectief van mensen die een intersekse-conditie/DSD hebben. Intersekse/DSD omvat een breed scala aan individuele ervaringen. Bij het behartigen van de... more
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      IntersexualityDisorders of sex developmentIntersex
ENG: This contribution analyses Italian and French rules governing the judicial civil procedure to be undertaken in order to amend the act of birth of an intersex person. Following the analysis of the conficting decisions rendered on this... more
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      IntersexualityCivil ProcedureDiritto Processuale CivileIntersex
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      Applied EthicsIntersexualityPhilosophy of SportPhilosophy of Sex and Gender
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      IntersexualityTrans and Intersex People
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      Queer StudiesIntersexualityQueer TheoryJudith Butler
Der Begriff "intersexuell" beschreibt Körper, die nicht eindeutig als männlich oder weiblich eingeordnet werden können, und in diesem eher weiten Sinne werde ich ihn in meinem Vortrag benutzen. Die moderne Medizin unterscheidet eine ganze... more
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    • Intersexuality
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      IntersexualityTransgender StudiesGenderGender and the Law
writing characters with intersex variations for television abstract Throughout history, people with intersex variations have been positioned somewhere between 'prodigy literature and pornography, mythology and medical discourse'.... more
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      Media StudiesIntersexualitySocial RepresentationsStigma