Finance and Education system
Recent papers in Finance and Education system
Since the first modern school choice laws were passed in the early 1990s, access to educational options has grown tremendously. Today, more than 6,900 charter schools exist in the 44 states and the District of Columbia which have charter... more
Concept of Financial Manageemt
Problems of Financing Educational Institution
Source of Income of Educational Organizations (Sources of funding)
Factors affecting Financial Allocations to Educational Organisation
Problems of Financing Educational Institution
Source of Income of Educational Organizations (Sources of funding)
Factors affecting Financial Allocations to Educational Organisation
Stabilitas keuangan merupakan topik yang selalu berkembang dan menjadi perhatian banyak kalangan sejak krisis keuangan yang terjadi pada tingkat nasional maupun internasional beberapa tahun terakhir. Di penelitian ini, kami ingin melihat... more
For promotion of quality and excellence in higher education, the University Grant Commission (UGC) developed an ‘Action Plan for Academic and Administrative Reforms' to outline the main steps, the central and state... more
The choice of motto for institutions, organisations and flagship programmes are meant to communicate to the larger populace what that institution, organization or programme stands for. So our institution IFEST uses the tagline " Driving... more
A stock market, equity market or share market is the aggregation of buyers and sellers (a loose network of economic transactions, not a physical facility or discrete entity) of stocks (also called shares); these may include securities... more
The practice of charging school fees has been consistently shown to be an ineffective means of poverty alleviation. The international community, including governments, donors, and civil society, have worked for the last two decades to... more
Basic, deceptively simple forms of critique.
This paper was written to provide background information to assist in drafting the Save Our Future white paper: Averting an Education Catastrophe for the World’s Children. The recommendations in this paper emerged from discussions held... more
Information is significant to the extent that it is constructed by the learner and associated with previously attained information. In this process, making use of concept, mind and knowledge maps facilitates information to be organised... more
Este artigo procura discutir alguns aspectos relacionados à questão do financiamento e do processo orçamentário ligado à Educação. Não discutiremos aqui as fontes de financiamento, nem o planejamento e a elaboração dos planos e... more
For several decades, Minnesota commissions, task forces, and advocacy groups have warned that our education system has been failing to meet twenty-first century challenges for students who come to school with... more
Conditionality has always been an integral aspect of multinational aid schemes for so many decades. While some studies have been conducted on aid conditionality across different aspects of development, human social existence, educational... more
Der Bildungsföderalismus ist nach wie vor ein verlässlicher Seismograph zur Erfassung des Zustandes, der Spannungslagen und tektonischen Ebenenverschiebungen in der föderalen Gesamtarchitektur der Bundesrepublik. Wie unter einem Brennglas... more
The author explores the technology procurement process in Ontario’s publicly funded school districts to determine if it is aligned with relevant research, is grounded in best practices, and enhances student learning. Using a qualitative... more
Ця публікація містить огляд основних проблем освітніх фінансів в Україні через призму інституційних та демографічних змін. Основним фокусом є розподіл фінансування як на центральному (надання освітньої субвенції засновникам шкіл) так і на... more
This chapter examines the impact of Structural Adjustment Programs in the developing world in education financing, and in particular their impact on the children of the poor.
Education is fundamental for social and economic development and school finance is one of the main features of an educational system. Assuming that a greater amount of resources brings more school quality, one can say that an... more
Current Cost Per Pupil – otherwise referred to as the Actual Instructional Expense or AIE for short – is reviewed for a variety of student types in both the Lawrence School District, Nassau County, New York and the Township of Lakewood... more
This study aims to articulate the importance of how university and technology parks administrations have affected the development of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in the changing environment of Turkish universities. The forty-five... more
In this paper, we use economic concepts to examine the choice that states make between giving appropriations to public colleges or need-based financial aid to students. We begin by reviewing the economic justification for state support... more
As part of California 100--a statewide initiative to envision what California will look like a century from now--we published a working paper that takes a holistic look at how California has governed and funded the early care and... more
The education system of a realm explicates the art of living of the people. While the strength of the system purely depends on the 'curriculum' of which being stand in the ancient times as 'Gurukulam'. In the recent calculations of HDI,... more
Estimativas de custos para a expansão e melhoria do ensino médio no Brasil, com respectivas implicações.
Outward Collaborative Provision, or`franchising' , has been a growth area in further education (FE) provision in England, yet has received little scholarly interest. This article draws on national and college-level evidence to discuss the... more
Education is fundamental for social and economic development and school finance is one of the main features of an educational system. Assuming that a greater amount of resources brings more school quality, one can say that an... more
A importância da educação no desenvolvimento sócio-econômico de um país é inquestionável e um dos aspectos fundamentais de um sistema de educação é exatamente a sua estrutura de financiamento. Partindo do pressuposto que um maior o volume... more
ABSTRACT An important growth in the number of colleges occurred at the beginning of the 20th century, supported in part by nine philanthropic foundations: Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company; Rockefeller, founder of the Standard... more