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This is an ASCII text file of the one million purely random digits that is described in the similarly named .pdf file.  With this file, one may easily verify the claim that all shustrings are of length six.
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      Statistical MechanicsInformation TheoryEntropyFinite Groups and Representation Theory
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      Group TheoryFinite Group TheoryPure MathematicsRepresentation Theory
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      Group TheoryFinite Group TheoryPure MathematicsRepresentation Theory
Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Representation of a Group 2.1. Commutator Subgroup and One dimensional representations Chapter 3. Maschke's Theorem Chapter 4. Schur's Lemma Chapter 5. Representation Theory of Finite Abelian Groups over... more
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      MathematicsRepresentation TheoryFinite Groups and Representation TheoryRepresentation theory of finite groups
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      MathematicsHomological AlgebraGeometry And TopologyAlgebraic Geometry
The basic concepts of Majorana theory were introduced by A. A. Ivanov (2009) as a tool to examine the subalgebras of the Griess algebra VM from an elementary axiomatic perspective. A Majorana algebra is a commutative non-associative real... more
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      Nonassociative AlgebraFinite Simple GroupsFinite Group TheoryRepresentation Theory
P-, T-, C-transformations of the Dirac field in the de Sitter space are studied in the framework of an automorphism set of Clifford algebras. Finite group structure of the discrete transformations is elucidated. It is shown that CP T... more
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      Quantum Field TheoryGroup TheoryFinite Group TheoryFinite Groups and Representation Theory
Let $S$ be a class of groups and let $f_S (n)$ be the number of isomorphism classes of groups in $S$ of order $n$. Let $f (n)$ count the number of groups of order $n$ up to isomorphism. The asymptotic bounds for $f (n)$ behave differently... more
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      Group TheoryFinite Group TheoryAbstract AlgebraFinite Groups and Representation Theory
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    • Finite Groups and Representation Theory
Universal coverings of the orthogonal groups and their extensions are studied in terms of Clifford-Lipschitz groups. An algebraic description of basic discrete symmetries (space inversion P , time reversal T , charge conjugation C and... more
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      Quantum Field TheoryGroup TheoryFinite Group TheoryFinite Groups and Representation Theory
Universal coverings of the orthogonal groups and their extensions are studied in terms of Clifford-Lipschitz groups. An algebraic description of basic discrete symmetries (space inversion P , time reversal T , charge conjugation C and... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum Field TheoryGroup TheoryFinite Group Theory
P-, T-, C-transformations of the Dirac field in the de Sitter space are studied in the framework of an automorphism set of Clifford algebras. Finite group structure of the discrete transformations is elucidated. It is shown that CPT... more
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      MathematicsMathematical PhysicsPhysicsQuantum Field Theory
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      MathematicsAlgebraHomological AlgebraGeometry And Topology
A group structure of the discrete transformations (parity, time reversal and charge conjugation) for spinor field in de Sitter space are studied in terms of extraspecial finite groups. Two CP T groups are introduced, the first group from... more
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      Quantum Field TheoryFinite Group TheoryFinite Groups and Representation TheoryTime Reversal
It has been shown by 0. Stephen that the number N of open sets in a non-discrete topology on a finite set with n elements is not greater than 3 x 2. We show that for admissable n/r topologies on a finite group N < 2 , where r is the least... more
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      Finite Groups and Representation TheoryTopological Groups