Finite Group Theory
Recent papers in Finite Group Theory
Following the ideas of our previous works math.QA/0008232 (joint with Andruskiewitsch) and math.QA/0101049, we study families of triangular Hopf algebras obtained by twisting finite supergroups by a twist lying entirely in the odd part.... more
Let $G$ be a finite group and $M(G)$ be the subgroup of $G$ generated by all non-central elements of $G$ that lie in the conjugacy classes of the smallest size. Recently several results have been proved regarding the nilpotency class of... more
Using maps due to Ozeki and Broué-Enguehard between graded spaces of invariants for certain finite groups and the algebra of modular forms of even weight we equip these invariants spaces with a differential operator which gives them the... more
We present a sketch on a problem related to the isomorphism between the simple group of order 168 and the projective general linear group.
A group code structure of a linear code is a description of the code as one-sided or two-sided ideal of a group algebra of a finite group. In these realizations, the group algebra is identified with the ambient space, and the group... more
We associate a graph N G with a group
Many results show how restrictions on the values of the irre- ducible characters on the identity element (that is, the degrees of the irreducible characters) of a finite group G, influence the structure of G. In the current article we... more
An approach to representations of finite groups is presented without recourse to character theory. Considering the group algebra C[G] as an algebra of linear maps on C[G] (by left multiplication), we derive the primitive central... more
Este texto es una introducción a la teoría de grupos, con énfasis en grupos finitos, el cual fue elaborado para la clase de Teoría de Grupos de la Licenciatura en Matemáticas de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Incluye temas básicos como la... more
This is an introduction to the theory of induced representations of finite groups with emphasis on the contributions of George Mackey. Some applications to the representation theory of the symmetric group are also presented.
The book is available as a paperback via Amazon: more
In this article, the character tables of some finite groups are constructed. The Mathematical knowledge needed to do such constructions is developed within the first three chapters. The modular theory approach to representation theory was... more
Texto basado en una conferencia de divulgación del DivecFest 2014 en la Universidad de Guadalajara.
For a finite groupG, #Cent(G) denotes the number of centralizers of its elements. A groupG is called n-centralizer if #Cent(G) =n, and primitiven-centralizer if $\# Cent(G){\text{ = \# }}Cent{\text{(}}\frac{G}{{Z(G)}}){\text{ = }}n$ . In... more
For a finite group G, let Cent(G) denote the set of centralizers of single elements of G and #Cent(G) = |Cent(G)|. G is called an n-centralizer group if #Cent(G) = n, and a primitive n-centralizer group if #Cent(G) = #Cent(G/Z(G)) = n. In... more
La transitività della normalità in teoria dei gruppi è strettamente correlata alla proprietà dei sottogruppi di essere pronormali. Ammettere solo sottogruppi pronormali è sufficiente per godere della proprietà T. Partendo... more
To any finite group Γ⊂Sp(V) of automorphisms of a symplectic vector space V we associate a new multi-parameter deformation, Hκ of the algebra ℂ[V]#Γ, smash product of Γ with the polynomial algebra on V. The parameter κ runs over points of... more
The purpose of this article is to give a proof of the Orbifold Theorem announced by Thurston in late 1981: If $O$ is a compact, connected, orientable, irreducible and topologically atoroidal 3-orbifold with non-empty ramification locus,... more
Representation theory of groups: the first part concern the representation theory of finite groups (with also character theory) and the second part the discussion is focused on the Lie Groups/Algebras. The topics are:... more
Let \pi(G) denote the set of prime divisors of the order of a finite group G. The prime graph of G is the graph with vertex set \pi(G) with edges {p,q} if and only if there exists an element of order pq in G. In this paper, we prove that... more
Estas son las notas del curso impartido en el Centro Universitario de Ciencias Excactas e Ingenierías de la Universidad de Guadalajara del 4 al 8 de abril de 2011. La teoría de representaciones de grupos es un área del álgebra abstracta... more
We associate a graph Γ G to a non locally cyclic group G (called the non-cyclic graph of G) as follows: take G\Cyc(G) as vertex set, where Cyc(G) = {x ∈ G | x, y is cyclic for all y ∈ G}, and join two vertices if they do not generate a... more
Emmy Noether’s many articles around the time that Felix Klein and David Hilbert were arranging her invitation to Göttingen include a short but brilliant note on invariants of finite groups highlighting her creativity and perspicacity in... more
Proof. All the non-abelian subgroups of G are G and Q 8 . Furthermore, G = Q 8 and Q 8 = Z (Q 8 ), the center of Q 8 , which are normal in G. Hence D(G) = G, and G is non-abelian. 2 Example 1.3. As Aut(Q 8 ) ∼ = S 4 and D 8 S 4 , we have... more
A Latin square of order n is an n × n array of n symbols, in which each symbol occurs exactly once in each row and column. A transversal is a set of n entries, one selected from each row and each column of a Latin square of order n such... more
Smooth and symplectic symmetries of an infinite family of distinct exotic K3 surfaces are studied, and comparison with the corresponding symmetries of the standard K3 is made. The action on the K3 lattice induced by a smooth finite group... more
The second author introduced notions of weak permutablity and commutativity between groups and proved the finiteness of a group generated by two weakly permutable finite subgroups. Two groups H, K weakly commute provided there exists a... more
Let W be an associative PI -algebra over a
Vol.3,2020 of International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics (ISSN 1937-1055)
Un elemento finito lineal con sección transversal constante puede adoptar cualquier orientación en el plano y sus extremos o nodos lo ligan al resto de los elementos. La energ a cinética (T ) y potencial (V ) de un elemento elástico... more
Um grupo cristalográfico tridimensional é um subgrupo do grupo de simetrias de um reticulado. Todo o grupo cristalográfico pontual (isto é, um grupo finito gerado por translações de R^3 ) é um grupo cristalográfico cujo reticulado contém... more
We show that the permutation of six Sylow 5-subgroups by conjugation is a faithful action, so that G is isomorphic to a subgroup of S 6 .
The present paper deals with a maximal subgroup of the Thompson group, namely the group 2 1+8 + · A9 := G. We compute its conjugacy classes using the coset analysis method, its inertia factor groups and Fischer matrices, which are... more
Finite group extensions offer a natural language to quantum computing. In a nutshell, one roughly describes the action of a quantum computer as consisting of two finite groups of gates: error gates from the general Pauli group P and... more
This abstract presents (without proofs) some new results on commutativity degree of finite groups.
The partial group algebra of a group G over a field K, denoted by Kpar(G), is the algebra whose representations correspond to the partial representations of G over K-vector spaces. In this paper we study the structure of the partial group... more