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A common challenge facing public health practitioners and social marketers is how best to frame and present benefit–risk information in campaigns that aim to change perceptions and increase acceptance of health recommendations, such as... more
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      Health CommunicationFramingFlu VaccineVisual Images
A B S T R A C T Political orientation (Republican/Democrat and conservative/liberal) and political environment (geo-spatial political party affiliated voting patterns) are both associated with various health outcomes, including mortality.... more
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      Political PsychologyHealth BehaviorsFood and NutritionSmoking
Johnny is a seven-year-old boy. He finds a bottle of toxic bleach in the laundry. He does not understand the danger presented by the chemical. His mother discovers the bottle in his school bag. She forcibly removes it from him-he resists... more
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      Medical EthicsFlu Vaccine
Background: Flu vaccination significantly reduces the risk of serious complications like hospitalization and death among community-dwelling older people, therefore vaccination programmes targeting this population group represent a common... more
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      Health CareAgingPublic HealthMedicine
A common challenge facing public health practitioners and social marketers is how best to frame and present benefit–risk information in campaigns that aim to change perceptions and increase acceptance of health recommendations, such as... more
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      MarketingPsychologyHealth CommunicationFraming
Despite controversies, flu vaccine programmes targeted to the older people are highly recommended and represent a common public health policy in industrialized Countries. Although demographic ageing will increase the share of population... more
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      ImmunologyAgingMedical MicrobiologyPublic Health
Influenza imposes substantial costs worldwide in terms of human lives and productivity losses. Vaccination could be a cost-effective way to reduce these costs for firms and public health institutions, but low take-up rates, particularly... more
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      Moral HazardTechnology AdoptionField ExperimentFlu Vaccine
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the leading causes of death globally. In addition to the mortality associated with it, people with COPD experience signifi cant morbidity, making this set of conditions a major public... more
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      COPD (Pulmonary Research)Flu Vaccine
First generation Latinos often have better health behaviors and outcomes than second and third generation Latinos. This study examined the correlates of seasonal influenza vaccinations among Mexican-identified (Mexican) adults, who make... more
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      VaccinationFlu Vaccine
The public interest should be the center of policy analytical frameworks. This study applies a public values framework to the 2004-2005 influenza vaccine shortage. It illustrates the potential for infusing public values in analysis of... more
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      Flu VaccinePublic Values
Seasonal influenza represents a major threat to public health but vaccination campaigns are strongly recommended to reduce the risks of serious complications and mortality among community-dwelling elderly persons. We investigated on... more
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      AgingPreventive medicinePublic HealthSocial Class
Background: Flu vaccination significantly reduces the risk of serious complications like hospitalization and death among community-dwelling older people, therefore vaccination programmes targeting this population group represent a common... more
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      Health CareAgingSocial SupportPublic Health
Switzerland has lagged behind other industrialized countries in increasing vaccination coverage against flu in the elderly population. The information campaign "United against Flu",... more
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      AnthropologyEthicsCommunicationHealth Promotion
Despite controversies, flu vaccine programmes targeted to the older people are highly recommended and represent a common public health policy in industrialized Countries. Although demographic ageing will increase the share of population... more
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      AgingPublic HealthFlu Vaccine
BACKGROUND: Flu vaccination significantly reduces the risk of serious complications like hospitalization and death among community-dwelling older people, therefore vaccination programmes targeting this population group represent a common... more
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      AgingPublic HealthFlu Vaccine