Recent papers in POMDPs
In this paper the approach of using a partially observable Markov model for games with dynamical difficulty adjustment is introduced. This approach leads implicitly to a strategy which balances gathering information about the player... more
This research attempts to propose an approach to make decisions under uncertainty for designing a dialogue manager for Amharic spoken dialogue system, Amharic as under-resourced language. A prototype Amharic Spoken Dialogue System was... more
A primary goal in robotics research is to provide means for mobile platforms to perform autonomously within their environment. Depending on the task at hand, autonomous performance can be defined as the execution by the robot, without... more
This paper presents a simple method for exact online inference and approximate decision making, applicable to large or partially observable Markov decision processes. The approach is based on a closed form Bayesian inference procedure for... more
Designing and developing affective dialogue systems have been receiving much interest from the dialogue research community . Previous work was mainly focused on showing the system's emotion to the user in order to achieve designer's goals... more
Decentralized partially observable Markov decision processes (Dec-POMDPs) are general models for decentralized decision making under uncertainty. However, they typically model a problem at a low level of granularity, where each agent's... more
This paper introduces timeline trees, which are partial models of partially observable environments. Timeline trees are given some specific predictions to make and learn a decision tree over history. The main idea of timeline trees is to... more
An effective collision avoidance system for unmanned aircraft will enable them to fly in civil airspace and greatly expand their applications. One promising approach is to model aircraft collision avoidance as a partially observable... more
Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) algorithm performance is highly dependent on the sensing conditions under which the input data is collected. Open-loop fly-bys often produce poor results due to less than ideal measurement conditions. In... more
Simulation is becoming more and more important for robotics research, especially for multi-robot system research. Simatch, originating from the Robot World Cup (RoboCup) Middle Size League (MSL) match, is proposed to simulate the highly... more
A long-standing goal of AI is to enable robots to plan in the face of uncertain and incomplete information, and to handle task failure intelligently. This paper shows how to achieve this. There are two central ideas. The first idea is to... more
The Multi-Agent paradigm is becoming increasingly popular as a way of capturing complex control processes with stochastic properties. Many existing modelling tools are not flexible enough for these purposes, possibly because many of the... more
The default mode network (DMN) is believed to subserve the baseline mental activity in humans. Its higher energy consumption compared to other brain networks and its intimate coupling with conscious awareness are both pointing to an... more
Partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) have been successfully applied to various robot motion planning tasks under uncertainty. However, most existing POMDP algorithms assume a discrete state space, while the natural... more
The Multi-Agent paradigm is becoming increasingly pop- ular as a way of capturing complex control processes with stochastic properties. Many existing modelling tools are not flexible enough for these purposes, possibly because many of the... more
Aberrant decision-making characterizes various pediatric psychopathologies; however, deliberative choice strategies have not been investigated. A transdiagnostic sample of 95 youths completed a child-friendly sequential sampling paradigm.... more
An effective collision avoidance system for unmanned aircraft will enable them to fly in civil airspace and greatly expand their applications. One promising approach is to model aircraft collision avoidance as a partially observable... more
With rapid profusion of video data, automated surveillance and intrusion detection is becoming closer to reality. In order to provide timely responses while limiting false alarms, an intrusion detection system must balance resources... more
Peshkin et al.'s example is illustrated in Fig. 3. There are two team-mates, V1 and V2, and an opponent O, each agent has partial observ-ability and can only see if the 4 horizontally and vertically adjacent squares are occupied, or... more
We describe a simple method for exact online coinfernece and decision making for partially observable and large Markov decision processes. This is based on a closed form Bayesian update procedure for certain classes of models exhibiting a... more
Partially-observable Markov decision processes provide a very general model for decision-theoretic planning problems, allowing the trade-offs between various courses of actions to be determined under conditions of uncertainty, and... more