Generalized Additive Model
Recent papers in Generalized Additive Model
Using generalized additive models, we show evidence for nonlinear relationships between various hydrological factors and age-structured catch per unit effort of Atlantic yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) for two fishing fleets.... more
This paper comparatively analyses the association between urban neighborhood socioeconomic markers and ambient air pollution in Vancouver and Seattle, the two largest urban regions in the Georgia Basin -Puget Sound (GB -PS) international... more
Physically based models are commonly used as an integral step in landslide hazard assessment. Geomorphic principles can be applied to a broad area, resulting in first order assessment of landslide susceptibility. New techniques are now... more
Generalized additive models are proposed for a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms for anchovy variations in abundance. Environmental variables derived from satellite imagery (surface chlorophyll, sea surface temperature and... more
Anchovy and round sardinella are two important small pelagic species in the Mediterranean that spawn during the summer period. This is a first attempt to model and predict the two species' potential spawning habitats in this area.... more
We have used Landsat-5 TM and Landsat-7 ETMþ images together with simultaneous ground-truth data at sample points in the Doñana marshes to predict water turbidity and depth from band reflectance using Generalized Additive Models. We have... more
We analyse the coupling between sea surface chlorophyll concentration (CC) and the physical environment in the Mozambique Channel (MZC) using statistical models. Seasonal and interannual patterns are studied along with the role of... more
The lesser sandeel Ammodytes marinus is an important component of the North Sea ecosystem and the subject of the largest single species ®shery in this region. However, little is known about the distribution of this species outside the... more
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In 2010 the international community, under the auspices of the Convention on Biological Diversity, agreed on 20 biodiversity-related “Aichi Targets” to be achieved within a decade. We provide a comprehensive mid-term assessment of... more
Preface vii 1 Introduction 2 Overview of Supervised Learning 2.1 Introduction 9 2.2 Variable Types and Terminology 2.3 Two Simple Approaches to Prediction: Least Squares and Nearest Neighbors 2.3.1 Linear Models and Least Squares 2.3.2... more
Summary. I discuss the production of low rank smoothers for d ≥ 1 dimensional data, which can be fitted by regression or penalized regression methods. The smoothers are constructed by a simple transformation and truncation of the basis... more
GAMLSS is a general framework for fitting regression type models where the distribution of the response variable does not have to belong to the exponential family and includes highly skew and kurtotic continuous and discrete distribution.... more
The ISO 9001 (2000) define "Quality" as the ability of a set of inherent properties and characteristics of a product, system or process to fulfill requirements of customers and other interested parties. The "Plan de Calidad de Obra (PCO)"... more
Data analysis sometimes requires the relaxation of parametric assumptions in order to gain modeling flexibility and robustness against mis-specification of the probability model. In the Bayesian context, this is accomplished by placing a... more
Assessment of the spatial distribution of environmental variables and of the associated uncertainty is a key issue in environmental modelling. The water content of soil plays an important role in many ecological and hydrological processes... more
Sophisticated statistical analyses are common in ecological research, particularly in species distribution modeling. The effects of sometimes arbitrary decisions during the modeling procedure on the final outcome are difficult to assess,... more
Pollen-based climate reconstructions were performed on two high-resolution pollen marines cores from the Alboran and Aegean Seas in order to unravel the climatic variability in the coastal settings of the Mediterranean region between 15... more
J. 2008: Challenging species distribution models: the case of Maculinea nausithous in the Iberian Peninsula. -Ann. Zool. Fennici 45: 200-210.
The influence of synoptic-scale circulations on air quality is an area of increasing interest to air quality management in regards to future climate change. This study presents an analysis where the range of expected synoptic-scale... more
We had previously shown that regularization principles lead to approximation schemes which are equivalent to networks with one layer of hidden units, called Regularization Networks. In particular, standard smoothness functionals lead to a... more
Areas with high landslide activity and diversity were encountered in the tropical Andes of Southern Ecuador under contrasting, semi-arid to perhumid climatic conditions. The objective of this study was to determine and compare geomorphic... more
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Restoration of waterbird diversity and abundance is a key objective of river system management in Australia. Therefore, understanding the effects of climatic and hydrological variables on waterbird population dynamics is fundamental for... more
We undertook a field study to determine whether comb cell size affects the reproductive behavior of Varroa destructor under natural conditions. We examined the effect of brood cell width on the reproductive behavior of V. destructor in... more
Although common among bacteria, lateral gene transfer-the movement of genes between distantly related organisms-is thought to occur only rarely between bacteria and multicellular eukaryotes. However, the presence of endosymbionts, such as... more
This study examines the extent to which fish remains are affected by digestive processes and includes experimental and comparative analysis of tui chub (Cyprinidae: Gila bicolor) fish remains from modern human feeding experiments, modem... more
Kösling, K., G. Kunter, R. H. Baayen, and I. Plag According to the widely accepted Lexical Category Prominence Rule (LCPR), prominence assignment to triconstituent compounds depends on the branching direction. Left-branching compounds,... more
Cephalopod stocks are of increasing economic importance. Cephalopod sheries show marked inter-annual uctuations unrelated to shery landings and eOE ort. Their population dynamics, particularly recruitment, are thought to be strongly... more
This paper analyzes the impact of hedging activities of large Canadian oil and gas companies on their stock returns and firm value. Differing from the existing literature this research finds that some of these relationships are nonlinear... more
Forestry science has a long tradition of studying the relationship between stand productivity and abiotic and biotic site characteristics, such as climate, topography, soil and vegetation. Many of the early site quality modelling studies... more
The Peruvian anchovy or anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) forages on plankton and is a main prey for marine mammals, seabirds, fish, and fishers, and is therefore a key element of the food web in the Humboldt Current system (HCS). Here, we... more
Mesoscale physical features as fronts and eddies appear to play a key role in the dynamics of marine communities. In the Indian Ocean, the Mozambique Channel (MC) is a natural laboratory to investigate mesoscale eddies (100-300 km in... more
Research on the climate variability during the recent decades has been immensely stimulated by the increasing manifestation of anthropogenic climate change. Such research can provide support in evaluating future climate scenarios and as... more
Hake recruitment has been examined in relation to environmental variables in two of the main reproductive areas of the central Mediterranean, the northern and central Tyrrhenian Sea. Seventeen years time series data from trawl surveys... more
We present the results of the Air Pollution and Health: A European Approach 2 (APHEA2) project on short-term effects of ambient particles on mortality with emphasis on effect modification. We used daily measurements for particulate matter... more
This paper is an attempt to develop software framework for public library based and Webenabled multilingual community information services by utilizing open standards and open source software. It uses GSDL as DL software, PERL, PHP and... more
The Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) has suffered a progressive decline in numbers because of unregulated hunting and poaching by an assumed competition with sheep. Inadequate livestock management, including keeping sheep numbers above carrying... more