Recent papers in Genius
In the Anthropology, Kant wonders whether the genius or the individual possessing perfected judgment has contributed more to the advance of culture. In the KU, Kant answers this question defi nitively on the side of those with perfected... more
Precie to Post-Aristotelian Philosophy
O Problema de Roteamento de Veículos (PRV), conhecido na literatura como Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), foi originalmente proposto por Dantzig e Ramser (1959) e pode ser definido da seguinte forma: dado um conjunto N de clientes, cada... more
Self Assessment, one of the Seven Steps to Genius Every Day from the best seller book of "How to think like Leonardo Da Vinci". The most incredible way to seek answers your genius self stores away daily in your mind, soul and heart.
Künstler als Zunftgenossen – Beitrag zu einer Begriffsklärung von „Zunft“ am Beispiel der Goldschmiede. In: Tacke, Andreas (Hrsg.): Material Culture – Präsenz und Sichtbarkeit von Künstlern, Zünften und Bruderschaften in der Vormoderne/... more
From 1913 to 1937 a St. Louis homemaker, Pearl Cur-ran, seemed to channel conversations and literary works from a seventeenth-century Englishwoman named Patience Worth. The communications were at first produced through the use of a Ouija... more provides you with a legitimate IQ test certificate acknowledging your intelligence quotient.
a great book that shows us a strategies, theories to become a genius
Antoni Gaudí – Loneliness of a Genius. Antoni Gaudí was a Catalan architect: multi-talented, innovative, creative, considered as a genius. What does it mean to be a genius? Whether genius must be condemned to loneliness? He is a person... more
THERE IS A TENDENCY, across fashion exhibitions and publishing, to portray the fashion designer as a creative genius...
The value of these arguments might not be overstated.
The MacArthur Fellows Program would be more effective in supporting creatives if it simply stopped giving fellowships to people with secure jobs at elite institutions; they don’t need help in order to function. This paper elaborates that... more
Published in Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences, ed. Dana Jalobeanu and Charles T. Wolfe (Cham: Springer, 2020)
Fernando Pessoa. Il libro del genio e della follia. Curatori: Giulia Lanciani. Milano: Mondadori, 2012. Grandi Biografie 2012. Attualità e reportage. ISBN 9788804621188. 480 pagine. 14,0 x 21,5 cm. Brossura con alette. In vendita dal 09... more
This original encyclopedia entry gives a critical overview of Kant’s aesthetics and discusses its influence on contemporary aesthetics. Topics covered: the nature and properties of aesthetic judgment, pure and impure aesthetic judgment,... more
Creativity and imagination are the most important ingredients for coping with post-normal times, according to Sardar.This paper looks at the way creativity itself is being transformed in the West, from the individualistic/atomistic view... more
Genealogies of Genius, Edited Joyce E. Chaplin and Darrin M. McMahon (Palgrave, 2016).
How well do you know yourself? You can learn to make healthy choices intentionally rather than to unconsciously repeat unhealthy patterns. This course is highly recommended for mental strengthening.
"Seit über 2000 Jahren beschäftigen sich die Menschen mit der Frage, was ein Genie ausmacht. Die Erklärungsversuche reichen vom göttlichen Wahnsinn Platons bis zum Originalitäts-Postulat des Sturm und Drang, und auch die Protagonisten von... more
In this paper, I trace a line of thought from Kant to Kristeva in which ‘genius’ articulates a subject who is able to transcend a subjectivity that is limited by the determinate concepts of reason. Kristeva does not explicitly cite Kant... more
Abstract Within the theoretical framework of Roland Barthes’s writings on myth and ideology, this essay seeks to expose the historical legitimation project through which the mythmaking, universalizing rhetoric of musical genius that... more
This article aims to contribute to the study of polymathy by introducing novel perspectives on the phenomenon and by advancing a new model that systematizes the different variables involved in its development. The article is divided into... more
GENIUS Gnorizon Edition 2019-09 Issue 1
David Foster Wallace was genuinely troubled by what he perceived to be a serious incongruity in the mental lives of elite athletes. To perform with grace and beauty, elite athletes must be ‘geniuses,’ yet in conversation and prose these... more
The change of “traditional” music patterns transformed forms according to the new, rational world vision of the 20th century made permanent with the signature of the composers. Especially, composition for a string instrument filtered the... more
Träumen und einer kleinen weißen Kugel Benedict Wells: Fast genial. Roman. Zürich: Diogenes 2011, 336 S.
Jerónimo Pizarro Fernando Pessoa: Entre Génio e Loucura. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 2007. Edição Crítica das Obras de Fernando Pessoa Coleção: Estudos, vol. III Tema: Estudos Línguisticos e Literários Data de Publicação:... more
Naukowa i filozoficzna refleksja nad sztuką dawno zakwestionowały kategorie autora, twórcy, geniuszu, czy ekspresji z tajemnych wewnętrznych głębi. Nie przetrwały one śmierci autora, intertekstualności, instytucjonalnej definicji sztuki,... more
Paper written by undergrad Noelle Tham for psychology/anthropology class at Saint Mary's College of California. Class taught by Professor Anna Corwin. Written my freshman year and published in an undergrad magazine the following year... more
A preceding archeological excavation opened the way for the recovery of a larger building complex on Kossuth Square, Pécs. A wall-painting islet consisting of fragmented, but contigious pieces was unearthed, was a part of a larger... more
This paper gives a new account of Roman birthday-cult and the genius in the works of Horace. Horace’s implicit theology of genius, it argues, related the public sphere of the nascent State (itself buttressed by birthday cult) to the... more
'Genius, cannot be taught,’ Ralph Waldo Emerson reports, reiterating Socrates’s conclusion in Plato’s Meno. This article considers this claim and its significance for moral education, specifically in modern science, by focusing on... more
En 2005, Krishna Zepeda era una celebridad mediática. En periódicos y televisión era descrito como un niño genio. Un salvadoreño nacido en una humilde familia que a sus cuatro años podía leer y resolver problemas matemáticos. A siete años... more