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In our present study we investigated if the Monosodium glutamate (MSG) has any cytotoxic and genotoxic effect in animal system by studying cytogenetical parameters, namely chromosome aberration (CA), mitotic indices (MI) and sperm head... more
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Introduction: Medicinal plants, such as flaxseeds play an important role in the health of individuals and communities. Regarding the phytochemical properties of flaxseed, this study aimed to investigate the hydroalcoholic effects of this... more
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      GenotoxicityCyclophosphamideFlaxseedhuman lymphocyte
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In the literature, the anticancer potential of flurbiprofen isn't fully understood. In this study, the cytotoxic, genotoxic, and apoptotic effects of flurbiprofen were evaluated in human cervical and liver cancer cells. Cytotoxicity was... more
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      Cytotoxicityreal time PCRGenotoxicityFlurbiprofen
The study found 280 ug/ kg of acrylamide (carcinogenic with genotoxic potential) in experimental carob syrup samples that were cooked at a constant temperature of 110ºC; less than the 303 ug/kg of the commercial samples. Correlatively,... more
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      CancerFood SecurityGenotoxicityTotal Soluble Solids
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      GenotoxicityEthionAllium Cepa
The ethanolic extract of propolis, especially the Brazilian green type, is widely and mainly used for therapeutic purposes despite the lack of knowledge about its effects and its cellular mode of action. This type of propolis, derived... more
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      Cell CultureMammalian Cell CulturePropolisMutagenesis
Higher plants, an important material for genetic tests to monitor various pollutant present in the environment. Among the plant species, Alium cepa has been used to evaluate chromosome aberrations and disturbances in the mitotic cycle.... more
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      ToxicologyGenotoxicityAllium CepaMitotic Index
Fluoroquinolone Toxicity and  Human DNA genotoxicity.  Research findings on the effects of Human DNA damage, gene mutations, and chromosome breakage following treatment with a Fluoroquinolone antibiotic.
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      GeneticsToxicologyDNADna Sequencing
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All sorts of pollution on the planet can be traced back to development of industries and the most important among them is water pollution. Clean technologies, management practices and regular monitoring of effluents could be helpful to... more
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      MutagenicityCytotoxicityGenotoxicityAllium Cepa
In the face of the increasing numbers and haphazard siting of mechanic workshops and the consequent environmental pollution due to its activities, there is paucity of information in the literature on the possible genotoxic and mutagenic... more
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      Environmental PollutionGenotoxicity
Nanotechnology is a growing science that may provide several new applications for medicine, food preservation, diagnostic technologies, and sanitation. Despite its beneficial applications, there are several questions related to the safety... more
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      Nanomaterials CharacterizationNanomaterialsNanotechnologyRedox Enzymes
Yablokov A.V., Ostroumov S.A. Molecular-Genetic Level. In: Conservation of Living Nature and Resources. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, (1991) pp 18-38; (Chapter 2); About this chapter Cite this chapter as: Yablokov A.V., Ostroumov... more
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      BiochemistryGeneticsEnvironmental ScienceConservation Biology
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Context: Algae have gained importance in cosmeceutical product development due to their beneficial effects on skin health and therapeutical value with bioactive compounds. Spirulina platensis Parachas (Phormidiaceae) is renowned as a... more
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      GenotoxicitySpirulina platensisCosmeceuticalsIn Vitro Cytotoxicity Test
The oxidative damage generated by Lead (Pb) through Fenton- like reactions has been indicated by years as a source of genotoxic damage, it transforms nucleotide structures to its oxidized forms like 8-oxoguanine and other molecules that... more
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“Ames” bacterial mutation tests are widely performed for evaluation and registration of new materials including industrial chemicals, agrochemicals, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical impurities and other materials. Tests... more
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      GenotoxicityAlternative Methods to Animal TestingToxicity Testing
Se evaluó la hipótesis planteada, donde la exposición mínima de 20 horas semanales a varios reactivos, soluciones y solventes durante las prácticas académicas, limpieza de almacén e inventario de reactivos, de docentes, trabajadores y... more
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      PeruAir Pollution and Health EffectsGenotoxicityMicronucleus
The present study was conducted to find out the deleterious effects of formalin by studying cytogenetical parameters, namely chromosome aberration (CA), mitotic indices (MI) and sperm head anomaly (SHA) in mice. Healthy mice weighing... more
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      CytotoxicityGenotoxicityOf Mice and MenFormalin
Nanomaterials are expected to have a significant impact on medicine, although they still need to overcome several challenges before they are widely used. Understanding the molecular interaction of nanomaterials in the context of the... more
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      NanoparticlesOxidative StressNanotechnologyNanotoxicity
The widespread use of antineoplastic drugs in cancer treatment increased concern about possible hazard to workers involved in the preparation and administration of these drugs. In the present study, the effects of commercial antioxidative... more
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      Occupational health and safetyGenotoxicity
Erechim, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, is a region where the major share of the grain farming is wheat and soybeans. Large amounts of agrotoxics (insecticides, fungicides and herbicides) are used for crop pest control. To evaluate... more
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      Occupational HealthGenotoxicitymicronuclei (MNiAgrotóxicos
The importance of Allium cepa test contributes knowledge in preventing toxicity in the environment. This test widely used in determining genotoxic and cytotoxic substances found in the water system. In this study, the genotoxic effects of... more
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      ToxicologyGenotoxicityAllium Cepa Linn
Occupational exposures to hazardous chemicals are common in industries using solvent based materials as well as in indoor environments where people are exposed to volatile organic compounds from various sources. The health of the workers... more
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      GenotoxicityMicronucleusOccupational Exposure
Because of the immense potential of medicinal plants used in traditional systems, focus on plant research has increased all over the world and a large body of evidence has been collected. Many plant extracts have demonstrated potent... more
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This paper reports the first data from an integrated study investigating genotoxicity in the Brantas River, Java, Indonesia. Results showed that organic sediment extracts from the sites in the Brantas Delta retained genotoxic compounds... more
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      Environmental ScienceRiver EcologyWater PollutionEnvironmental Pollution
ethidium bromide; LMP agarose- low melting point agarose; MH- maleic acid hydrazide; NDI- nuclear division index; NMP agarose- normal melting point agarose; QY- Quinoline Yellow.
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      DNA damageGenotoxicityKey wordsComet Assay
Abstract Environmental reservoirs are the potential sources of pathogenic E. coli. These are ideal habitat for survival, growth, and proliferation of E. coli as they are rich in nutrients. A wide range of different animals harbor... more
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      Synthesis of nanoparticlesCytotoxicityGenotoxicityGold Nanoparticles
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      GenotoxicityRats and micePotassium Bromate
Cadmium ecotoxicity and genotoxicity was assessed in three representative species of different trophic levels of marine ecosystems - the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa, the decapod shrimp, Palaemon varians and the pleuronectiform fish... more
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      EcotoxicologyBioaccumulationBiologyEnvironmental Chemistry
Resumen Context: Sunlight ultraviolet (UV) radiation constitutes a significant physical carcinogen in nature. It could induce direct and indirect DNA damage, which if not properly repaired may generate mutations. Plants in the genus... more
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      Natural ProductsNatural Products ChemistryPhytochemistryBiological Activity Of Natural Products
The genotoxicity of 10 essential oil constituents was evaluated using the Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen) somatic mutation and recombination test, also known as the wing spot test, in the frame of a screening project aiming at evaluating... more
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      Drosophila melanogasterEssential OilGenotoxicityToxicity
Nickel–chromium(Ni–Cr) based alloys account for the majority of the porcelain-fused-to-metal fixed dental prostheses(PFM-FDPs) on account of their superior properties despite both nickel and chromium being known as human carcinogens.... more
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      GenotoxicityProsthetic DentistryDental Alloys
En.t..acion del potencial citotoxico de Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Ledd. ex Mart. (Arecaceae) 9 --=.. ~ -Femandez
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      EthnobotanyMedicinal PlantsCytotoxicityGenotoxicity
The present investigation was performed to evaluate the effects of an insecticide and fungicide, namely, chlorpyrifos (CP) and propiconazole (PZ) on barley (Hordeum vulgare L. variety Karan-16). The seeds were treated with three... more
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      GenotoxicityHordeum vulgareChlorpyrifosMitotic Index
Nitro explosives are toxic in nature and hence the methods of their disposal need to be improved, such that they do not impose any hazards to the environment. Earthworms Dicogaster curgensis, were used as model organisms in this study.... more
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      DNA damageGenotoxicityAssessment of DNA Damage by Comet Assay in
Pesticides are widely used in agricultural production to prevent or control pests, diseases, weeds, and other plant pathogens. In prediction of genotoxicity , the use of in silico prediction methods such as QSAR (Quantitative Structural... more
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This study was conducted to examine the genotoxicity and the influence of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) contamination when drinking water is exposed to five different disinfection treatments: chlorine, chlorine dioxide, ozone,... more
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      NanoparticlesDisinfection by-productsGenotoxicitySilver Nanoparticles
The ceramics manufacturing in northeastern Brazil has been dominated by archaic procedures, in which the consumption of native wood extracted from the natural Caatinga biome is used as fuel in the process of clay burning. The aims of this... more
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      Air pollutionGenotoxicityBiomonitoringParticulate Matter
Brazilian green propolis is a resinous substance prepared by bees from parts of the plant Baccharis dracunculifolia. As it possess several biological properties, this work assessed the cytotoxic/anticytotoxic, genotoxic/antigenotoxic and... more
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      FlavonoidsGenotoxicityAllium CepaMicronucleus
The cytogenetic effects exerted by the systemic fungicide mefenoxam and copper hydroxide (the active ingredients of Ridomil Gold Plus 42,5 WP fungicide) were studied in root tips of Allium cepa L. A progressive concentration- and... more
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      MutagenicityCytogeneticsGenetics and cytogeneticsPlant molecular genetics, plant genetics, plant breeding, cytogenetics, genetic variation, phylogenetics
An estimated 800,000 people worldwide are occupationally exposed to welding-fumes. Previous studies show that the exposure to such fumes is associated with damage to genetic material and increased cancer risk. In this study, we evaluate... more
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      Fluorescence MicroscopyDNA damageOccupational health and safetyGenotoxicity
Nickel is a known haemotoxic, hepatotoxic, pulmonary toxic, genotoxic, nephrotoxic, reproductive toxic, immunotoxic, neurotoxic and carcinogenic agent. To convert vegetable edible oil into ghee, nickel is used as a catalyst in... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental SciencePhytoremediationEnvironmental Studies
The present study was undertaken to investigate the genotoxicity and mutagenicity of sublethal concentrations of hexavalent chromium (potassium dichromate) in the Indian major carp, Labeo rohita. The 96 h LC 50 value of potassium... more
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      ToxicologyGenotoxicityLabeo rohitaHexavalent Chromium
Stannous chloride (SnCl 2 ) is widely used in daily human life, for example, to conserve soft drinks, in food manufacturing and biocidal preparations. In nuclear medicine, stannous chloride is used as a reducing agent of Technetium-99m, a... more
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      GeneticsNuclear medicineGenotoxicity
Eucalyptus plant belongs to the Myrtaceae (Myrtle) family. Eucalyptus is a tall evergreen tree native to Australia, nowadays found around the world. Eucalyptus Plants have been used for the treatment of diseases for a very long time. The... more
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Acute toxicity and inhibition on growth of Artemia franciscana nauplii (Instar I-II) after exposure to the reference toxicants bisphenol a (BPA) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) were studied. LC 50 values were calculated and differences... more
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      Water PollutionLogit & Probit modelsGenotoxicityBioassessment