Recent papers in Geobacter
Previous studies have suggested that the conductive pili of Geobacter sulfurreducens are essential for extracellular electron transfer to Fe(III) oxides and for optimal long-range electron transport through current-producing biofilms. The... more
Progresses made in bacterial genome sequencing show a remarkable profusion of multiheme c-type cytochromes in many bacteria, highlighting the importance of these proteins in diVerent cellular events. However, the characterization of... more
del Agua (2000/60/CE) establece un marco común a nivel europeo para la protección de las aguas y el tratamiento de aguas residuales. En España, el aspecto de tratamiento está regulado mediante el RD 1290/2012, que en parte transpone la... more
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) can be used to directly generate electricity from the oxidation of dissolved organic matter, but optimization of MFCs will require that we know more about the factors that can increase power output such as the... more
A hydrogen utilizing exoelectrogenic bacterium (Geobacter sulfurreducens) was compared to both a nonhydrogen oxidizer (Geobacter metallireducens) and a mixed consortium in order to compare the hydrogen production rates and hydrogen... more
Dissolved hydrogen concentrations, in conjunction with other geochemical indicators, are becoming an accepted means to determine terminal electron acceptor processes (TEAPs) in groundwater aquifers. Aqueous hydrogen concentrations have... more
Aromatic compounds are widely distributed in nature and can only be biomineralized by microorganisms. In anaerobic bacteria, benzoyl-CoA (BCoA) is a central intermediate of aromatic degradation, and serves as substrate for dearomatizing... more
Updated information and services can be found at: These include: SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL Supplemental material REFERENCES at: This article cites 71 articles, 32 of which can be accessed free... more
Rotating bioelectrochemical contactor Nitrification Denitrification 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing a b s t r a c t Integrating microbial fuel cell (MFC) into rotating biological contactor (RBC) creates an opportunity for enhanced removal of... more
The electrically conductive pili (e-pili) of Geobacter sulfurreducens serve as a model for a novel strategy for long-range extracellular electron transfer. e-pili are also a new class of bioelectronic materials. However, the only other... more
The transformation of carbon tetrachloride (CT) by biogenic iron species produced from the bioreduction of various Fe(III) oxides in the presence of Geobacter sulfurreducens and electron shuttles were investigated. Cysteine and... more
While electrochemical characterization of enzymes immobilized on electrodes has become common, there is still a need for reliable quantitative methods for study of electron transfer between living cells and conductive surfaces. This work... more
The importance of bacteria in the anaerobic bioremediation of groundwater polluted with organic and/or metal contaminants is well recognized and in some instances so well understood that modeling of the in situ metabolic activity of the... more
Whole-genome analysis of gene expression in Geobacter sulfurreducens revealed 474 genes with transcript levels that were significantly different during growth with an electrode as the sole electron acceptor versus growth on Fe(III)... more
Background: Geobacter species in a phylogenetic cluster known as subsurface clade 1 are often the predominant microorganisms in subsurface environments in which Fe(III) reduction is the primary electron-accepting process. Geobacter... more
A thermoalkaliphilic T1 lipase gene of Geobacillus sp. strain T1 was overexpressed in pGEX vector in the prokaryotic system. Removal of the signal peptide improved protein solubility and promoted the binding of GST moiety to the... more
Power densities produced by microbial fuel cells (MFCs) in natural systems are changed by exposure to light through the enrichment of photosynthetic microorganisms. When MFCs with brush anodes were exposed to light (4000 lx), power... more
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are often inoculated from a single wastewater source. The extent that the inoculum affects community development or power production is unknown. The stable anodic microbial communities in MFCs were examined... more
The Fe and N biogeochemical cycles play key roles in freshwater environments. We aimed to determine the spatial positioning and interconnections of the N and Fe cycles in profundal lake sediments. The gradients of O2, NO3(-), NH4(+), pH,... more
The mobility of uranium (U) in subsurface environments is controlled by interrelated adsorption, redox, and precipitation reactions. Previous work demonstrated the formation of nanometer-sized hydrogen uranyl phosphate (abbreviated as... more
A novel halophilic and metal-reducing bacterium, Orenia metallireducens strain Z6, was isolated from briny groundwater extracted from a 2.02 km-deep borehole in the Illinois Basin, IL. This organism shared 96% 16S rRNA gene similarity... more
biological electrical connections is an alternative to interspecies H2 transfer as a mechanism for electron exchange in syntrophic cultures. However, it has not previously been determined whether electrons received via DIET yield energy... more
RpoS, the sigma S subunit of RNA polymerase, is vital during the growth and survival of Geobacter sulfurreducens under conditions typically encountered in its native subsurface environments. We investigated the conservation of sites that... more
In this survey, a total of 80 787 reads and 28 171 unique NifH protein sequences were retrieved from soil RNA. This dataset extends our knowledge about the structure and diversity of the functional diazotrophic communities in agricultural... more
Butyrate is an important product of anaerobic fermentation; however, it is not directly used by characterized strains of the highly efficient anode respiring bacteria (ARB) Geobacter sulfurreducens in microbial electrochemical cells. By... more
The genome sequence of Geobacter metallireducens is the second to be completed from the metal-respiring genus Geobacter, and is compared in this report to that of Geobacter sulfurreducens in order to understand their metabolic,... more
Analysis of the genome of Geobacter sulfurreducens revealed four genes encoding putative symporters with homology to ActP, an acetate transporter in Escherichia coli. Three of these genes, aplA, aplB and aplC, are highly similar (over 90... more
Nanoscale magnetite can facilitate microbial extracellular electron transfer that plays an important role in biogeochemical cycles, bioremediation and several bioenergy strategies, but the mechanisms for the stimulation of extracellular... more
The proteome of Geobacter sulfurreducens, a model for the Geobacter species that predominate in many Fe(III)-reducing subsurface environments, was characterized with ultra high-pressure liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry using... more
The activity of microorganisms often plays an important role in dynamic natural attenuation or engineered bioremediation of subsurface contaminants, such as chlorinated solvents, metals, and radionuclides. To evaluate and/or design... more
The increasing availability of the genome sequences of microorganisms involved in important bioremediation processes makes it feasible to consider developing genome-scale models that can aid in predicting the likely outcome of potential... more
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) convert biodegradable materials into electricity, potentially contributing to an array of renewable energy production strategies tailored for specific applications. Since there are no known microorganisms that... more
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) harness the electrochemical activity of certain microbes for the production of electricity from reduced compounds. Characterizations of MFC anode biofilms have collectively shown very diverse microbial... more
Extracellular electron transfer is one of the physiological hallmarks of Geobacter sulfurreducens, allowing these bacteria to reduce toxic and/or radioactive metals and grow on electrode surfaces. Aiming to functionally optimize the... more
Microbial Fuel cells (MFCs) have been proposed for nutrient removal and energy recovery from different wastes. In this study the anaerobic digestate was used to feed H-type MFC reactors, one with a graphite anode preconditioned... more