Recent papers in Geometry
Neat nature: the relation between nature and art in a Dutch cabinet of curiosities from the early eighteenth century van de Roemer, B.
The domes of Florence offer a big architectural system to be investigated, and its big heritage value has brought to an investigation, which moved from general aspects to particular ones. It started from the accurate cataloguing of all of... more
This paper will discuss properties and results that arise when studying a quite lesser known point in Geometry, the Poncelet point. The Poncelet point is very powerful when it comes to studying Projective geometry, but has suprising... more
The article discusses the handwritten revisions and drawn additions by Albrecht Dürer in his own copy of the treatise on geometry, Underweysung der Messung (1525). Situating Dürer’s interest in mathematics within the scholarly milieu of... more
The digital waveguide mesh is an extension of the onedimensional (1-D) digital waveguide technique. The mesh can be used for simulation of two-and three-dimensional (3-D) wave propagation in musical instruments and acoustic spaces. The... more
Mathematical Reviews: MR2677125 Reviewed Easley, David; Kleinberg, Jon Networks, crowds, and markets. Reasoning about a highly connected world. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010. xvi+727 pp. ISBN: 978-0-521-19533-1 (Reviewer:... more
Sum frequency generation (SFG) vibrational spectroscopy has been applied to investigate surface structures of an amphiphilic surface-active block copolymer (SABC) film deposited on a CaF 2 substrate, in air and in water in situ. Developed... more
This paper describes an integrated M M W radar and vision sensor system for autonomous on-mad navigation. The radar sensor has a range of approximately 200 metres and uses a linear array of receivers and wavefmnt reconstruction techniques... more
Mathematical Reviews:
MR2918765 Reviewed Adam, John A. X and the city. Modeling aspects of urban life. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2012. xx+319 pp. ISBN: 978-0-691-15464-0 (Reviewer: Sandra L. Arlinghaus) 00A69
MR2918765 Reviewed Adam, John A. X and the city. Modeling aspects of urban life. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2012. xx+319 pp. ISBN: 978-0-691-15464-0 (Reviewer: Sandra L. Arlinghaus) 00A69
In this paper, a new algorithm for Automatic License Plate Localisation and Recognition (ALPR) is proposed on the basis of isotropic dilation that can be achieved using the binary image Euclidean distance transform. In a blob analysis... more
A detailed spectroscopic and photophysical study has been carried out on a series of heterocyclic compounds-known to display nonlinear optical properties-consisting on a electron donating thienylpyrrolyl p-conjugated system functionalized... more
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images are strongly corrupted by the speckle noise due to random electromagnetic waves interference. The speckle noise reduces the quality of images and makes their interpretation and analysis really... more
Systematic problem solving contributes to the conscious and lasting assimilation of the theory of geometry, helps to see its practical value, and forms key competencies in the field of geometry. Geometric tasks, like other mathematical... more
Lim and Leek (2012) presented a formalization of information along object contours, which they argued was an alternative to the approach taken in our article (Feldman & Singh, 2005). Here, we summarize the 2 approaches, showing... more
Track aspect ratio is defined as the percentage of lap length devoted to turns on an oval running track.
We survey the Hilbert geometry of convex polytopes. In particular we present two important characterisations of these geometries, the first one in terms of the volume growth of their metric balls, the second one as a bi-lipschitz class of... more
This paper addresses the problem of grasping and manipulating a polygonal object with three discshaped robots capable of translating in arbitrary directions in the plane. The main novelty of the proposed approach is that it does not... more
A series of experiments was conducted to study the effect of twisted-tape width on the heat transfer and pressure drop with laminar flow in tubes. Data for three twisted-tape wavelengths, each with five different widths, have been... more
Magnetic field distributions from flat conductor electromagnetic surface acoustic wave transducers have been investigated for meander and grating line geometries. Expressions are derived for magnetic fields and inductance of... more
Checking railway status is critical to guarantee high operating safety, proper maintenance schedule, and low maintenance and operating costs. This operation consists of the analysis of the rail profile and level as well as overall... more
NBHM M. A. and M.Sc. Scholarship Test 2012 with Answer Key
Mathematics Short-cut Techniques with Formulas
Multi-axis slicing for solid freeform fabrication (SFF) manufacturing process can yield non-uniform thickness layers, or 3-D layers. Using the traditional parallel layer construction approach to build such a layer leads to a staircase... more
This article presents an alternative way of analyzing the van Hiele level of students' geometrical reasoning. We evaluate the students' answers, taking into account the van Hiele level they reflect and their mathematical accuracy. This... more
A novel exact derivation for the kinetic constant of a bimolecular reaction according to three well-known models of collision theory is reported. The use of probability density functions, with the introduction of a novel geometry to study... more
Geometric hashing is a model-based recognition technique based on matching of transformation-invariant object representations stored in a hash table. In the last decade, a number of enhancements have been suggested to the basic method... more
This work is aimed at studying the problem of controlling the moment and the orientation of a robot manipulator whose end effector is in contact with a compliant environment. Differently from classical operational space formulations, a... more
Camera calibration has been studied extensively in computer vision and photogrammetry and the proposed techniques in the literature include those using 3D apparatus (two or three planes orthogonal to each other or a plane undergoing a... more
As Euclid said, “There is no royal way to learn geometry.” However, we can create many paths to geometry with matchsticks. The book consists of thirteen chapters. The importance of learning geometry with matchsticks is mentioned in the... more
Une comparaison est effectuee entre les facons employees en photogrammetrie et en vision par ordinateur pour traiter les problemes lies a l'acquisition de la 3D a partir d'images stereoscopiques. Le formalisme adopte, assez... more
Recently the possibility of an earthquake has become one of the most important subjects in lots of countries especially in Turkey. For that reason, the possibility of an earthquake gains ground due to its devastating physical and... more
Most of the electromagnetic problems can be reduced down to either integrating oscillatory integrals or summing up complex series. However, limits of the integrals and the series usually extend to infinity. In addition, they may be slowly... more
In this study we seek to identify brain and body activities that correlate in valid and reliable manners, and with a high degree of statistical significance, with different aspects of geometrical image-based perception and reasoning. In... more
This paper considers the problem of direction-ofarrival (DOA) estimation for multiple uncorrelated plane waves incident on so-called "fully augmentable" sparse linear arrays. In situations where a decision is made on the number of... more
Geometry is taught as a subject-matter in mathematics courses at elementary school level, and as an independent course at secondary school level in Turkish education system. When the success levels of students regarding these two subjects... more