Global Intellectual Property Laws (patents) & Biopolitics
Recent papers in Global Intellectual Property Laws (patents) & Biopolitics
This engaging and accessible study looks at the origins, evolution, purpose, and limitations of intellectual property. Detailing how intellectual property affects industry, politics, cultural expression, and medical research, Aram... more
Trata del conflicto crucial por la apropiación y la regulación de la biodiversidad. En vista de la importancia y la urgencia del problema, el libro de la profesora brasilera Andressa Caldas que presento en estas líneas constituye un... more
This paper deals with the registrability of non-conventional marks after the EU reform of trade marks and some technological developments, including the Internet of Things (IoT). Even if olfactory marks (scents or smells) are the chosen... more
Since the mapping of the human genome and the technical innovations in the field of biotechnology, patent law has gone through great controversies. Protection is required for an investor to make an investment but how broad should the... more
CULTURA LIVRE Como a Grande Mídia Usa a Tecnologia e a Lei Para Bloquear a Cultura e Controlar a Criatividade Lawrence Lessig Trama Presidentes André Szajman João Marcello Bôscoli Trama Universitário Coordenadora Geral Juliana Nolasco... more
See presentation and abstracts at the end of each chapter of the book
- by Antonietta Di Blase
- International law (public and private), Global Intellectual Property Laws (patents) & Biopolitics, International law, international relations, human rights law, international humanitarian law, international organisations, law and politics, Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights
Similar and identical marks are liable to be refused for registration of trademark? Discuss in the Light of relevant provision of Trademark Ordinance 2001 and the case laws
What is the relationship between Foucault’s concept of biopower and Deleuze’s concept of control? Despite the similarities between these two concepts, there is not a single scholarly article that solely thematizes this question, nor a... more
Increasingly, a range of 'things' (e.g. infrastructure, data, knowledge, bodies, etc.) are configured and/or reconfigured as assets, or capitalized property. Accumulation strategies have changed as a result of this assetization process,... more
Traditional knowledge can be protected, to some extent, under various intellectual property laws. However, for the most part, there is no effective international legal protection for this subject matter. This has led to proposals for a... more
This chapter describes and problematizes the specific turn to assetization that patents have taken, more specifically, the transfiguration of patents into speculative financial assets. Whereas intellectual property rights are commonly... more
This article sheds light on the pressing issue of software patents by giving an account of the approaches followed in Europe, the US and India. The occasion of this study is the adoption in 2016 of the final version of the Indian... more
Individuals in low-income countries ("LICs") often lack access to appropriate medicines. The multidisciplinary nature of this problem requires a holistic approach. Whereas, other writings on the topic tend to focus on one or a small... more
A Iniciativa BRICS para Estudos Agrários Críticos (Bicas) é uma rede de pesquisa que combina estudos e engajamento sobre Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China, África do Sul. O principal objetivo da Bicas é promover pesquisas e intercâmbios sobre... more
Currently, the enforcement of a patent that is registered in several countries involves the risk of getting different and conflicting decisions from the national courts. In 2013, 25 European countries entered in an agreement that aims to... more
Sommario: 1. Premessa. 2. La centralità delle (vecchie e nuove) forme di ruralità nei processi di "glocalizzazione "; 3. La nozione di "contadino" e la titolarità dei diritti sanciti dalla Dichiarazione delle Nazioni Unite del 17 dicembre... more
International Patent Application Guide
6769 Sayılı Sınai Mülkiyet Kanuna Göre Marka ve Patent İncelemesi
Traditional Knowledge (TK) is a central component for the daily life of millions of people in developing countries, including India where access to “modern” health care services and medicine is limited due to economic and cultural... more
Scholars in science and technology studies (STS) – and no doubt other fields – have increasingly drawn on Michel Foucault's concept of biopolitics to theorize a variety of new 'bio-concepts'. While there might be some theoretical value in... more
Este trabajo trata sobre los desarrollos biotecnológicos susceptibles ser protegidos, principalmente a través del sistema de patentes en Argentina, EE.UU y Europa. Es un trabajo que integra conocimientos científico - tecnológicos y... more
The law of patents in India is governed by the patent Act 1970 as amended by the patent Act 1990. A bill named patent bill 1999 which had proposed substantial changes in the law was introduced in the parliament in December 1999, and... more
Applying the Roman Catholic Church's set of moral principles on social concerns called Catholic social teaching (CST) and utilizing some secondary data and scientific research literature, this article examines the morality of India and... more
FROM THE WHITE HOUSE to the World Trade Organization (WTO), heated debates have flared up around the compulsory licensing of COVID-19 vaccine technologies, producing a flurry of op-eds in all of the major US newspapers. Should patent... more
Diversity of expressions, especially within media, is arguably crucial for forming cognizant individual and collective identities and for building informed individual and public opinions. The cross-border exchange of goods and services... more
This text discusses the patenting and propertization of biological resources and traditional knowledge. This comes in many guises: some talk of ‘biopiracy’ while others prefer the term ‘bioprospecting’ or ‘biodiscovery’. The choice of... more
saw the ending of a consultation period about the future of the National DNA Database facilitated by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics. 1 Those who govern the National DNA Database sometimes argue, in the hope of dispelling common... more
In Turkey, most university administrators and academic staff members are not yet fully aware of intellectual property rights (IPRs). Researchers often have difficulty in licensing opportunities that can provide additional revenue streams... more
This contribution to the IMO-IMLI Comprehensive Study on Effective and Sustainable Global Ocean Governance addresses the following key questions: Is there a place for intellectual property (IP) considerations in regard to global ocean... more
In the last decade, a new generation of socio-legal studies has begun to inquire into the dynamics of norm making in the era of globalization. New studies show that national and transnational actors are involved in cyclical disputes with... more
Praeterea cur vere rosam, frumenta calore vites autumno fundi suadente videmus, si non, certa suo quia tempore semina rerum cum confluxerunt, patefit quodcumque creatur, dum tempestates adsunt et vivida tellus tuto res teneras effert in... more
The obligation to work a patent in the patent granting country contributes to a variety of public policy goals such as technology transfer resulting in narrowing the deep North-South gap in development levels. With the advent of the TRIPS... more