Globalization and literature
Recent papers in Globalization and literature
La narrativa globale: scrivere nel mondo del XXI secolo. La narrativa globale è lo specchio e la lampada dell'epoca globale. Quando la globalizzazione è entrata nel vocabolario comune negli anni '80, una nozione di narrativa globale è a... more
This paper aims to analyze the main arguments of the Manifeste pour une littérature-monde en français and to emphasize some critical implications that are not only limited to the so-called francophonie, but that define a contemporary way... more
Latin American Literature at the Millennium: Local Lives, Global Spaces analyzes literary constructions of locality from the early 1990s to the mid 2010s. In this astute study, Raynor reads work by Roberto Bolaño, Valeria Luiselli, Luiz... more
Extended review and discussion of Emily Apter's "Against World Literature: On the Politics of Untranslatability" (New York: Verso, 2013). The book's most powerful argument, in my view, is that the "untranslatable" profitless excreta of... more
Let me first admit that I love the story of Paradise Lost. A critic should give his clear opinion on the story he is reading. The history of women in the context of the early modern globalization is still largely unwritten, despite the increasing gender awareness of... more
Dopo il successo della prima stagione, il 10 Febbraio torna su Rai1 e RaiPlay la seconda serie dell'Amica geniale, intitolata Storia del nuovo cognome. L'ambizione di questa imponente coproduzione tra HBO, Rai, Wildside e Fandango è... more
This book chapter draws on the 1935 Paris Writers’ International Congress for the defense of culture as a historical legacy, which documents how European intellectuals in the mid-1930s deliberated on the nature of Europe as a cultural... more
Este artículo realiza un breve repaso a algunas reacciones a la concesión del premio Nobel de literatura del año 2000 a Gao Xingjian. El articulo sostiene que, al entrar en circulación dentro de un sistema literario intercultural y... more
For almost three decades, “global culture” has been a significant area of inquiry for communication studies researchers. A portmanteau of “global” and “culture,” “global culture” can be conceived as a whole way of life of the world’s... more
In: Bernaschina, Vicente / Kraft, Tobias / Kraume, Anne (Hg.): Globalisierung in Zeiten der Aufklärung. Texte und Kontexte zur ‚Berliner Debatte’ um die Neue Welt (17./18. Jh.). Teil 1. Frankfurt am Main - Bern - New York: Peter Lang... more
Piya, the cetologist protagonist of Amitav Ghosh's The Hungry Tide, includes binoculars and a GPS in the equipment that she carries with her on a research trip to the Sundarbans, or “tide country”, region of West Bengal and these can be... more
Cultural Literacy Everywhere Symposium 2022: "Dwelling". Hosted by University College Dublin, 11 – 13 May 2022 by Zoom. Registration: [Simone Pettine - "Alone Against the World.... more
All'incrocio tra critica letteraria e filosofia, il volume esplora la scrittura di Elena Ferrante e il rapporto tra soggettività e narrazione, individuando tre diverse partizioni. Mitopoiesi rilegge il rapporto mitologico madre-figlia che... more
Impaginazione e servizi editoriali: Pagina soc. coop., Bari Finito di stampare nell'ottobre 2016 da Grafiche VD srl, Città di Castello (PG) isbn 9--0-9-1 Riproduzione vietata ai sensi di legge (art. 11 della legge 22 aprile... more
Refugee Literatures: Migration, Crisis, and the Humanities JNT: Journal of Narrative Theory invites submissions exploring the life and work of refugees as they engage the humanities today. Just as the mid-twentieth century refugee crisis... more
This chapter examines David Mitchell's concern with eco-crisis and civilizational collapse across several works from his oeuvre, paying close attention to his speculative and global treatment of contemporary narratives of scarcity. This... more
Master Thesis from when I was still a student: trying to combine my interest in globalization, literature, and Walter Benjamin's work.
Literatura y globalización: la narrativa hispanoamericana en el siglo XXI (espacio, tiempo, géneros) repasa algunas de las cuestiones que han estado y están en el punto de mira del latinoamericanismo y que presentan alguna novedad o... more
This article analyses the changing trends of globalization and modernity that transform the social and individual perceptions. In postcolonial era, globalization proves to be an impetus that precipitates the tension between tradition and... more
This Cambridge Element inaugurates the Cambridge Elements series in the Global Middle Ages: 40 titles over 5 years, with an open-ended remit, edited by Geraldine Heng and Susan Noakes. The Global Middle Ages: An Introduction discusses... more
This article analyses the 2006 novel Wizard of the Crow by Kenyan author Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o in a post-Cold War context as a postcommunist picaresque novel. Using the instruments of postcommunist and world-systems theory and comparing the... more
[To read this dissertation, please click on the link to above] It is difficult to think of something as formally resistant to definition as a ghost. What is more ambiguous than something described as... more
A review essay on recent Zimbabwean writing published in the magazine n+1.
Second International Environmental Humanities Conference: Critical Animal and Plant Studies. Cappadocia University, Ürgüp/Nevşehir (Turkey), May 16-18, 2020. In-person and online. Official website:... more
Exploring Quicksand. Translation Criticism and Literary Criticism in the Face of the Petrification of Contemporary World Literature In contemporary discussions on the condition and further perspectives of World Literature, the mood of... more
mimesis Romanische Literaturen der Welt Band 54 herausgegeben von Ottmar Ette
Roma, Carocci, 2016, pp. 162, € 16.00.
Interview of the noted Marathi poet, translator and critic Saleel Wagh. He was associated with Royist movement in early part of his career.
Open access article in themed section entitled: Global Encounters, Local Places. Connected Histories of Darjeeling, Kalimpong, and the Himalayas. Alexandra David-Neel had already been acquainted with the Himalayas for a long time before... more
This is a class that uses the text "The End of Diversity in Art Historical Writing." It is intended to survey styles of art historical writing worldwide.
Bu yazıda, Avrupa ve Amerika kıtaları odağında, edebiyat tarihi yazımının bir tarihi sunulmaya çalışılacaktır. Bu girişimin, aslında “imkânsız” bir proje olduğu baştan söylenmelidir. Her şeyden önce, sınırları belli bir yazıda, çok geniş... more
This article considers James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man as a postcolonial Bildungsroman avant la lettre, in part because it establishes an attitude toward Bildung that looks beyond idealist and nationalist... more
Based on a survey of 8,041 Christians in three countries (Angola, Central African Republic, and Kenya), and using four languages (English, French, Portuguese, and Swahili), this article analyzes respondents' reading habits and focuses... more
Idos de la mente es hasta el momento la novela cumbre del escritor tijuanense Luis Humberto Crosthwaite por ser la síntesis de una carrera literaria fundamentada en la escritura de textos narrativos breves, precisos en el uso del lenguaje... more
Langues et représentations Khalid HADJI…………..…………………………………………………17 De la traduction : notules sur réflexion dřAbdessalam Benabdelali Atmane BISSANI ………………………………………...……………….30 Du bilinguisme culturel à la traduction culturelle Mustapha... more
- by El-Shaddai Deva
- Globalization and literature, Translation, Literary translation, Histoire et théories de la traduction; Littérature(s) francophone(s); Théories contemporaines de la traduction; Méthodologie et Critique de la traduction (français-roumain et roumain-français; Traduction littéraire et non-littéraire comparée