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This article argues that Rousseau’s autobiographies outline an account of personal happiness as an Epicurean memorial practice. For Rousseau, happiness is secured by an attitude to pleasure cultivated by practices utilizing the powers of... more
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      French LiteraturePolitical TheoryAutobiographyMemory Studies
The aim of this paper is to describe temporality in terminological definitions as an effect of enunciative agency determined by the constitutive relation between language and interdiscourse. Acase study is developed on official documents... more
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      Temporality (Time Studies)DenominationsEnonciationScientific Divulgation
"Artists surveyed include: Marina Abramović // Doug Aitken // Francis Alÿs // Matthew Buckingham // Janet Cardiff // Paul Chan // Jeanette Christensen // Moyra Davey // Dexter Sinister // Olafur Eliasson // Bea Fremderman // Antony... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtMetaphysics of TimeTime Studies
From the Romantic era onwards music has been seen as the most quintessentially temporal art, possessing a unique capacity to invoke the human experience of time. Through its play of themes and recurrence of events music has the ability... more
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      Metaphysics of TimeNineteenth-Century MusicRussian MusicMemory Studies
A multiplicidade dos tempos históricos é a mais instigante questão historiográfica das últimas décadas. Se não a mais complexa, provavelmente a mais incômoda. Autores tão importantes e tão diversos quanto Gaston Bachelard, Alexandre... more
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      Cultural HistoryHeterotopiaGilles DeleuzeGaston Bachelard
Spanish American countries exhibited during the nineteenth century many of the features Koselleck associated with the Sattelzeit, the transitioning period into our contemporaneity. However, the region's history was marked by social... more
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryColombiaLatin American History
“Arquivar a própria vida é se pôr no espelho, é contrapor à imagem social a imagem íntima de si próprio, e nesse sentido o arquivamento do eu é uma prática de construção de si mesmo e de resistência” (ARTIÈRES, 1998, p. 11). Com esta... more
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      NarrativeJacques DerridaPhenomenology of TemporalityTemporality (Time Studies)
Time and Performer Training addresses the importance and centrality of time and temporality to the practices, processes and conceptual thinking of performer training. Notions of time are embedded in almost every aspect of performer... more
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      Performing ArtsTheatre StudiesDance StudiesPerformance Studies
In this paper, I shall discuss the problematic relations between logical and temporal aspects of the Hegelian system. The assumed interdependence of time and concept makes Hegel’s system peculiar for it seems to exceed the opposition... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsHegelG.W.F. Hegel
Temporal binding is the phenomenon in which events related as cause and effect are perceived by humans to be closer in time than they actually are (Haggard et al. 2002). Despite the fact that temporal binding experiments with humans have... more
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      Phenomenological PsychologyConsciousnessAnimal CognitionTemporality (Time Studies)
Short text in Hebrew for an exhibition I co-curated in the Sapir College gallery, with (among others) Dana Hakim, Mahmoud Kais, and Gaston Zvi Ickowicz. טקסט קצר לתערוכה שאצרתי עם מיכל שמיר בגלרייה של מכללת ספיר, בהשתתפות האמנים טליה... more
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      Contemporary ArtTemporality (Time Studies)
Causa e effetto invertiti, entropia e sintropia, ordine e disordine, origine e scopo. Agli occhi della scienza il Tempo rimane ancora un enigma. Dall’America alla Russia passando per l’Europa, i misteri più affascinanti della quarta... more
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      PhysicsThermodynamicsPhilosophyBlack Holes
This article examines the nature of school days and school years in later medieval Western Europe and considers the societal functions of the temporal cultures that emerged. The forms of the school day and year in elementary and grammar... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval Children and ChildoodTemporality (Time Studies)Middle Ages
This film belongs to a long tradition of 'moment of death' narratives, including Robert Enrico's 1961 adaptation of 'An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge' ([1890] 2011) by Ambrose Bierce. The article will discuss how these narratives engage... more
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      DeathPhilosophy of TimeCinematic TimeShort Films
O Audio Game Breu é um jogo eletrônico constituído exclusivamente por recursos sonoros produzido pela equipe de desenvolvimento de jogos Team Zeroth. O presente artigo pretende fazer uma análise dos elementos temporais presentes na... more
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      Video Game Audio and MusicTemporality (Music)Temporality (Time Studies)Video Game Audio
This thesis investigates the relation between promiscuous pleasure and queer temporalities in the work of Guillaume Dustan, analyzing three affective relations to time: melancholia, ecstasy, and hope. I use the AIDS-crisis as the focal... more
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      French LiteratureQueer StudiesDrugs And AddictionQueer Theory
This chapter explores the political significance of time for the modern nation-state and its secularizing frameworks. It focuses on the impact of secular governance, underwritten by dominant secular concepts of time, on the lives of... more
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      Critical TheoryGender StudiesWomen's StudiesPostcolonial Studies
Recensione a Hartmut Rosa, Accelerazione e alienazione. Per una teoria critica del tempo nella tarda modernità, Politica&Società, 2016, n. 1, pp. 131-136. Book review: Hartmut Rosa, Accelerazione e alienazione. Per una teoria critica del... more
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      Phenomenology of TemporalityTemporality (Time Studies)AlienationTemporality
Over the past 25 years, the Brussels neighbourhoods confronted with the greatest difficulties have benefited from substantial public funds intended to renovate and revitalise them: 550 interventions on the built environment, 1730 housing... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyPublic AdministrationArchitecture
RESUMEN El ocio, a cuyas prácticas más convencionales –lúdicas, festivas y recreativas– se han añadido en las últimas décadas experiencias y vivencias que amplían y/o diversifican su protagonismo en la vida cotidiana de la gente,... more
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      Education and Youth ExclusionRecreation & Leisure StudiesLeisure StudiesTemporality (Time Studies)
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      Cultural HistoryTime StudiesPhilosophy of HistoryPhilosophy of Time
What happened, in the years leading up to Valentine's Day 2014, that made a canister of nuclear waste burst open and spew out fire underground at a US facility for the long-term disposal of radioactive military waste? According to one... more
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      Organizational BehaviorNuclear EngineeringHistory of Science and TechnologySociology of Disaster
Résumé Ce texte critique confronte les théories de l’avènement de la société du temps libre et celle de la Troisième Voie, autour des inférences entre les mutations récentes du travail et les usages sociaux du temps libre dans les... more
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      Temporality (Time Studies)Working TimeTemporalitéTemps
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      Critical TheorySociologyPolitical SociologyPolitical Science
Bien que l’interet pour la sphere domestique constitue un enjeu pour la recherche ainsi que pour la conception et l’industrie, les donnees empiriques restent rares. Dans une perspective praxeologique, interactionnelle et naturaliste,... more
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      Family studiesSocial InteractionICT in EducationICT
In a context of structural precariousness, has gradually developed beside a helping relationship oriented towards the future, support for the relationship to strengthen the actual links. What are the consequences of this transformation on... more
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      Social WorkSocial PolicyPovertyHomelessness
Estudio evaluativo sobre la implantación de la jornada escolar de sesión única en Galicia, en la que se aportan las principales conclusiones, los criterios y propuestas de actuación, como resultado de una investigación multidisciplinar... more
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      Temporality (Time Studies)EscuelaPolíticas EducativasPlanificación educativa
Digitale Medientechnologien sind heute vor allem "Zeit-Maschinen", die immer größere Datenmengen in immer kürzeren Intervallen prozessieren. Im Laufe der Medienevolution sind jedoch auch die Zeitkonzepte und der operative Umgang mit... more
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      Temporality (Time Studies)Time and temporal media
It has long been a truism of music criticism that nineteenth-century Russian symphonic music lacks a true sense of development when compared with a normative German model. This article puts forward an alternative way of approaching... more
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      Nineteenth-Century MusicNineteenth-Century Russian MusicAnthropology of TimeTemporality (Time Studies)
Abstract.  This paper offers an insight into the games software development process from a time perspective by drawing on an in-depth study in a games development organization. The wider market for computer games now exceeds the annual... more
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      Information SystemsTemporality (Time Studies)
Alla ricerca del concetto di temporalità. Heidegger lettore di Kant. Presso: Filosofia e nuovi sentieri, ISSN 2282-5711.

Data: 04/12/2016
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      Martin HeideggerPhilosophy of TimeImmanuel KantPhenomenology of Temporality
La struttura e la destrutturazione del tempo nel tardo capitalismo e la conseguente dimostrazione che il capitalismo è il totalitarismo della contemporaneità, partendo da due volumi di Jonathan Crary e Hartmut Rosa.
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      Temporality (Time Studies)SociologiaJonathan CraryHartmut Rosa
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      Temporality (Time Studies)Indigenous Australian Writing
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The question of identity narrative is at the core of the interaction between social movements and temporalities. In this paper, we draw on long-term qualitative research amongst activists engaged in Italian social movements and argue that... more
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      Social MovementsMedia StudiesSocial MediaTemporality (Time Studies)
The conviction underlying this book is that if we accept vulnerability as a dominant condition of contemporary life, then we should question the philosophical image that understands vulnerability as the negativity of a so-called full... more
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      Philosophy of AgencyFeminist TheoryFeminist PhilosophyGilles Deleuze
This article discusses the findings of the Imagine Sheppey project (2013-14) which studied how young people are ‘oriented’ towards the future. The aim and approach of the project was to explore future imaginaries in a participatory,... more
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      Future StudiesVisual StudiesYouth StudiesFutures Studies
Cet article présente les apports d’une approche processuelle et rythmologique afin de rendre compte des temporalités constitutives des processus d’apprentissage, de transformation et de développement. La spécificité d’une telle approche... more
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      EducationAdult EducationPhilosophy of EducationRhythm
Using theoretical tools from trans studies and disability/crip studies, we reconceptualize the self in the context of dementia. We illustrate that most dementia discourse, scholarship and intervention emphasize a maintenance of the... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyTransgender StudiesDementiaAging
Amid growing debates about globalization of higher education (HE) reproducing inequalities , an analysis of race as the organizing influence underlying this global phenomenon remains absent. This conceptual essay argues that our... more
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      GlobalizationHigher EducationRace and RacismCurriculum Studies
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      Urban GeographySoutheast Asian StudiesResilienceUrban Studies
Książka poświęcona jest polskim plakatom wyborczym z lat 1989-2015. Plakaty wyborcze są dokumentami rzadko archiwizowanymi i trudnymi w pozyskaniu, a także o wiele mniej obecnymi w dyskursie naukowym niż audiowizualne elementy kampanii... more
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      SemioticsGender StudiesVisual CultureGraphic Design
How can organization be able to accomplish its mission of gathering information just in time? As a temporal organization, news media employ temporal structuring strategies to integrate institutional and individual efforts to have the work... more
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      Temporality (Time Studies)News OrganizationsEthnography of News Production
社会科学战线 - Social Science Front 8 (2020): 17-26, Translated by Zhang Jun. This is the Chinese translation of my article "Two Cultures of the Posthuman Future," History and Theory 58:2 (2019), 171-184, avaliable at the journal's website:... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyFuture StudiesTechnologyPosthumanism
Within contemporary social thought, the slow food movement is commonly construed as a growing, organized protest against the development of high-speed lifestyles. The primary aim of this article is to query the limits of such an... more
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      Temporality (Time Studies)Slow FoodSociology of TimeSlow Food Movement
Este libro propone una reflexión cruzada, desde la Historia y el Derecho, acerca de algunos problemas que ambas disciplinas suscitan en relación con el tiempo y la temporalidad. Se trata de una problemática fundamental, tan interesante y... more
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      History and MemoryModern and Postmodern HistoriographyTemporality (Time Studies)Constitutional History
Архив "Лаборатории времени", том 1
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      Media StudiesContemporary ArtPhotography TheoryRussian & Soviet Art
This paper deals with the ontogenesis of time in Lav Diaz’s post-Batang West Side cinema. By collaborating with the ideas of Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, Vilem Flusser and Jacques Derrida, the paper... more
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      Media StudiesFilm StudiesGilles DeleuzePhilosophy of Time
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      European HistoryModern HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History