Granite Caves
Recent papers in Granite Caves
The main theme of this article is the transport of large monoliths – such as 50 or 60 Roman foot-tall columns from the quarries of Egypt’s Eastern Desert or obelisks and columns from Aswan – to Rome. We examine the role of Alexandria as a... more
This book provides an explanatory account of the landforms and landscapes developed on granitic rocks. Granite is exposed over about 15% of the continents and is thus of an areal significance comparable to the carbonate rocks. But whereas... more
The granite caves- Of all the caves obout which we have written in more than 200 papers here on none is more replescent than the granite caves which are Mirroed inside to reflect the visitor. How was this done 2000 years ago?... more
This book provides an explanatory account of the landforms and landscapes developed on granitic rocks. Granite is exposed over about 15% of the continents and is thus of an areal significance comparable to the carbonate rocks. But whereas... more
Galicia, in the NW of the Iberian Peninsula, is dominated by igneous rocks, mostly granitoids intruded during the Variscan orogeny. These granitoids can be grouped into four types: postand syn-tectonic tonalite granites, and post- and... more
El nombre de tafone designa en Geomorfología los huecos desarrollados en las superficies basales y laterales de las rocas. Los términos empleados poseen un significado respecto a la definición de sus propiedades, con implicaciones de... more
Cavity Architecture of Ancient India
par Jean-Louis VAN BELLE, en collaboration avec Philippe Sosnowska et Sylvianne Modrie. — L’histoire d’une ville, l’éclat de son passé se dévoilent en particulier sous le regard de ses monuments, de ses édifices. La qualité des matériaux... more
Scientific terms have a descriptive, conceptual and categorical meaning. In the geomorphic research the applied terms can describe the landform features on the Earth's surface; also, they can reflect the different development conditions... more
Jueves 7 de noviembre a las 19:15h en Plaza Matute 6, (metro Antón Martín). SI QUIERES CONOCER QUÉ SON LOS TAFONI, PORQUÉ LA PEDRIZA TIENE ESE TONO... more
La interpretación de las formas del relieve integra la diferenciación de componentes en el paisaje, su categorización mediante propiedades genéricas y su conexión con procesos complejos en el espacio-tiempo. Conceptos y categorías... more
Publikace byla vydaná v Plzni roku 1999 / The publication was published in Pilsen in 1999. ISBN: 80-85822-41-5.
Dr Martinelli's references
Tafoni are small caves frequently developed in granitic rocks. These forms are basal and lateral hollows on the undersides of the rock mass, extended upwards. They show a size range from cm to m with diverse opening plane shape. Their... more ¿Qué es lo que te mueve a escribir un libro de geología de La Pedriza? Para ti ¿Que significa La Pedriza? La Pedriza es como mi... more
Лекция на доц. Явор Шопов, президент на комисията по Физикохимия и хидрогеология на карста на Международния съюз по Спелеология (UIS). Лекцията започва с видовете скали, в които се срещат пещери и процесите, които водят до образуването на... more
Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio experimental consiste en aplicar los supuestos básicos de un modelo teórico sobre la generación de cacholas (tafoni) en rocas graníticas. En primer lugar, el trabajo plantea el papel del sistema de... more
Many tafoni forms can be differentiated from granite terrains in the north-western region of Argentina (Sierra Grande de Córdoba). All the observations here subject of communication, starting from a recent research that we are developing... more
LA CAVA La cava a cielo aperto circolare di Gattaiola margini rialzati (2 Km a S di LUCCA) per il nome Gatta a GAETA è stata fatta nell'800 di tipo laziale tufaceo in frangia a sn d'un sentiero (010) che attualmente va a Pozzuolo e nei... more
CONCLUSIONS During many years tafoni have been considered as forms produced by weathering by the sole fact of having been observed on the terrestrial surface. However, the exogenous hypothesis was unable to explain not only their origin... more
En las superficies internas de los tafoni se desarrolla frecuentemente la estructura en panal (Turkington y Phillips, 2004; Twidale y Vidal-Romaní, 2005).
Since the first scientific mention of the form tafone (though not giving this name) in the Guadarrama Sierra (Spain) in 1864, its origin has been considered to be due to exogenous processes. In 1883, the present Corsican term (tafone) is... more
Forms called tafoni, diversified in different stages, are complex natural systems. Their interpretation has created a range of nominal categories defined by morphological features. The debate remained about the definition of the cause and... more
Un quartiere duecentesco lucchese sui due lati del Fillungo
Since the first scientific mention of the form tafone (though not giving this name) in the Guadarrama Sierra (Spain) in 1864, its origin has been considered to be due to exogenous processes. In 1883, the present Corsican term (tafone) is... more
Forms called tafoni, diversified in different stages, are complex natural systems. The systematic register of their measurements is realized in order to infer relative ages and use the results to reconstruct landscape evolution. The... more