Greek Apologists
Recent papers in Greek Apologists
En este trabajo de clase estudio la primera mención de la palabra “trinidad” en la literatura cristiana, así como ver si la temprana concepción de Dios y de esa “trinidad” que éste padre apologista de la segunda mitad del siglo II d.C.... more
In this article, I investigate Jean-Luc Marion’s early interpretation of Christian apophaticism with special reference to his reading of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite. I observe that the most remarkable, but rarely noted, aspect of this... more
Approximately one-third of the Oration to the Greeks composed by Tatian the Assyrian is devoted to exposing the origin and current activity of demons in human affairs. The primary goal of the present article is to elucidate the source and... more
Greek gods and polytheism as a distinctive feature of Graeco-Roman culture and religion were favourite themes among the Christian apologists of the second century. In an attempt to promote monotheism as characteristic of Christian... more
Much of the scholarly discussion pertaining to epistemological assumptions regarding the earliest Christian authors has been framed by a series of dichotomies, placing "faith" and "religion" on one side and "reason" and "philosophy" on... more
On the basis that Christian Sunday morning observance was a transfer from a gathering on Saturday evening (at the conclusion of the Sabbath) I ask whether a newly discovered fragment of Aristo of Pella casts light on this transfer, and... more
This paper wants to be a reading on the works of Justin (martyr and apologist of II century BC) and the assimilation of the classical culture, giving emphasis to Socrates as a factor of union between the classical 'paideia' and the... more
Jorge CUESTA FERNÁNDEZ 1 Universidad de Murcia RESUMEN: Nerón y Domiciano han sido considerados como los emperadores que inauguraron las persecuciones del Imperio Romano contra el cristianismo primitivo. Esta tradición tiene su origen en... more
A chapter in a history biblical interpretation.
Algunos elementos de la filosofía platónica establecidos en tratados apologéticos de muchos escritores cristianos entre los cuales se encuentra el ateniense Atenágoras y su conocida obra πρεσβεία περὶ χριστιανῶν, cuya versión del... more
Der Artikel untersucht die Funktion der Verweise auf frühchristliche Berichte in der Apologie des Quadratus von Athen (ca. 117–125 n. Chr.) und im Brief des Dionysius von Korinth an die Athener (ca. 170 n. Chr.). Augenzeugenberichte über... more
The belief that the philosophers of Greece, including Plato and Aristotle, plagiarized certain of their teaching from Moses and the Hebrew prophets is an argument used by Christian Apologists of Gentile background that lived in the first... more
Overview on the second century apologist Tatian with a focus on his reuse of philosophy and later status as Christian heretic. Earlier scholarship that deemed Tatian a Gnostic is countered since his opinions rather align with other... more
Le problème classique des « origines » du concept de Trinité conduit traditionnellement ou bien à des approches confessionnelles qui supposent l’existence de ce concept déjà dans le texte biblique, ou bien, au contraire, à la recherche... more
In his Apology, Justin Martyr avoids referring to Christians with ethnical terms and define believers primarily as individuals rather than as a fixed community. In the Dialogue, this tendency is reversed; in this text Justin clearly... more