Heresy and Orthodoxy
Recent papers in Heresy and Orthodoxy
The picture that secular theologians of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries did little to combat heresy outside an academic context still prevails in otherwise outstanding surveys on heresy and histories of the inquisition and the... more
Monarchia della verità indaga una componente ideologica fondamentale della Controriforma: l’ossessione ecclesiastica per la 'veritas', concepita nella versione dogmatica di 'doctrina' e ortodossia in opposizione alla formulazione... more
A Critique of the Theology of the Orthodox Theologian Fr. John Romanides
In this article, I analyze the religiosity of Bompietro of Bologna as reported in the register of the inquisition of Bologna, 1291-1310. I attempt to show that Bompietro’s religiosity was above all practical; its doctrinal content seems... more
This paper focuses on how thirteenth- and fourteenth-century inquisitors conceived of the beliefs, practices, and workings of non-conformist Christian groups. The inquisitors’ view of what constituted a heretical sect and how it worked... more
The aim of the article is to show how the Hussites referred the apostolic pattern to themselves. One of the fields where such an attitude may be observed is the liturgy of the Hussite radicals described by Vavřinec z Březove – which at... more
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An entry in the online German-language MennLex encyclopedia project (originally from 2012; published in 2020). The article considers how Swiss Brethren, Hutterites, and Mennonites can be analyzed in terms of the historiographical model of... more
Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the Middle Ages were divided in many ways. But one thing they shared in common was the fear that God was offended by wrong belief. Medieval Heresies: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam is the first... more
Most studies of Donatism tend to focus on its seemingly binary struggle with the other major expression of the Christian faith in North Africa, the Caecilianist church. And for good reason: the majority of our surviving primary sources on... more
Nie pierwszy to raz papież przywołał gnostycyzm i pelagianizm, dwie starożytne herezje, które, jak pisze w najnowszej adhortacji, wciąż są alarmująco aktualne. Do tej diagnozy o niebezpiecznej obecności dawno już, wydawałoby się,... more
Nuestro paper se enmarca dentro de la tesis doctoral que finalizamos en 2009 y que intenta recuperar el legado gráfico del Mirouer des simples ames (c. 1290) de Marguerite Porete. Tanto ella como su tratado fueron sometidos a una... more
An Examination of the Central Dogma of the Christian Faith by way of a Refutation of the Heretical Teaching of Fr. John Romanides
This paper seeks to critically assess the life and legacy of Marcion for the history and development of the early church. The subjects influence on the development of the church is not strictly limited to the Patristic era, for Marcion... more
Honorable Mention, 2012 Early Slavic Studies Association Distinguished Scholarship Award A pivotal period in Russian history, the "Time of Troubles" of the early 17th century has taken on new resonances in post-Soviet Russia. Current... more
C. Dounot, N. Warembourg, B. Bernabé (dir.), Paris, Mare & Martin, 2019
v INDICE Premessa ix Prologo. Intorno a Maometto il profeta 3 §1. Dove si apprende che Maometto, prima che profeta, am-biva essere papa di Roma, p. 3-§2. Dove si apprende che Maometto era gabellato per cristiano eretico e l'islam per un... more
Свод документов по новейшей истории Православной Церкви в Чешских землях и Словакии. Версия от 03.01.2017
The Nicene–Constantinopolitan profession that the Son of God is begotten, not made, presents the tension that the Son is caused by God but not created. This claim was a point of controversy in the semi-Arian and Eunomian/Anomean disputes... more
A Critique of the Thesis of Alexander Kalomiros on the River of Fire at the Last Judgement
Página 1 "Portanto, vão e façam discípulos entre todos os povos. Baptizem-nos em nome do Pai, do Filho, e do Espírito Santo. Ensinem-lhes a obedecer a todos os mandamentos que vos dei. Fiquem certos de que estou sempre convosco até ao fim... more
Internal debates about orthodoxy and unorthodoxy inside the Church of England have been going on for centuries. The new contribution this article hopes to make is to provide an outsider's view of these issues which will incorporate... more
In wandering my internal "alleyways" I once found myself in a cardboard-box factory of old Tilly-sur-Seulles, a bit of dust on the worn floorboards, and an interesting array of consecrated "hosts" with blood-dappled sigils, affixed to... more
Joan of Arc wore men’s clothing almost continuously for the last two years of her life. Joan’s lengthy testimony at her trial for heresy clarifies how cross-dressing shaped her self-presentation and why she was unwilling to give it up... more
This is an undergrad essay, please don't cite it.
"Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), ed. Jonatan Meir, Three volumes, Mosad Bialik, Jerusalem Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), first published in Vienna in 1819, is one of the sharpest and wittiest pieces of Jewish literature... more
"Christian Dualist Heresies in the Byzantine World c. 650–c.1450", eds. J. Hamilton and B. Hamilton, assist. ed. Y. Stoyanov (Manchester: Manchester UP, 1998), pp. 114-134.
In this paper, I argue that Sola Fide was formulated as the result of low social welfare, Luther’s inheritance of Roman Catholic soteriology, application of various other religious/political climates of opinion, and misinterpretation of... more
Briefly explores the nature of heresy and schism in the church and its effect on a primitive non-Trinitarian doctrine. Little is known about early monarchianism today, other than that it is "heresy", but in fact, there were a wide... more
Дипломски рад из предмета Патрологија 1, одбрањен на Православном богословском факултету, Универзитета у Београду, 6. октобра 2014. Чланови испитне комисије: др Владан Перишић, др Дражен Перић и доц. др Здравко Јовановић.
Comment parvenir au trésor de la lumière, où nous pourrons atteindre le repos et chanter la gloire du Dieu inaccessible? Fascinants et déroutants avec leurs diagrammes et leurs puissances célestes aux noms mystérieux, les Livres de Iéou... more