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Le notizie che la tradizione ci fornisce sulla cronologia di Semonide di Samo non sono molto numerose; disponiamo tuttavia di alcuni dati abbastanza precisi che sembrano indicare, a parte qualche incongruenza e contraddizione, un periodo... more
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      Philology, Codicology, Critical EditionIambic PoetryAncient Greek LiteratureArchaic greek poetry
The article investigates the ancient edition of Archilochus’ works, examining such things as the division of poems into books, the critical signs that were used to separate poems, and the ordering of poems within books and its... more
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      EcdoticsGreek PapyrologyAncient ScholarshipAncient Greek Literature
È vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, non autorizzata, con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata, compresa la fotocopia, anche a uso interno e didattico. L'illecito sarà penalmente perseguibile a norma dell'art. 171 della Legge n. 633 del... more
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      Ancient BiographyInscriptionsArchilochusParos
Lyric Poetry and Social Identity in Archaic Greece examines how Greek men presented themselves and their social groups to one another. The author examines identity rhetoric in sympotic lyric: how Greek poets constructed images of self for... more
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      Social IdentityLanguage and IdentityGreek Lyric PoetryGreek Elegy
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek Lyric PoetryEarly Greek poetry
This article is a contribution to our understanding of how Archilochean poetics may be situated in the longer poetic tradition. In examining two fragments that have received little attention, I hope to illustrate how Archilochus’ poetry... more
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      CatullusHesiodArchilochusGreek Iambic Poetry
Hardcover Edition: ISBN 978-1-78297-663-9 Digital Edition: ISBN 978-1-78297-664-6 Hardcover Edition: ISBN 978-1-78297-663-9 Digital Edition: ISBN 978-1-78297-664-6 A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library Library... more
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      Humor StudiesAttic red-figure vasesEuphroniosGreek Iambic Poetry
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek Lyric PoetryEarly Greek poetry
how to detect a iambic pentameter
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      Iambic PoetryGreek and Latin Iambic poetry, Greek and Latin Literary Criticism (especially Genre Theory and the Classics); Musical Contests in Antiquity; Greek and Latin Historiography of LiteratureGreek Iambic PoetryIambic Pentameter
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      Greek LiteratureLetteratura Greca E LatinaStoria della letteratura grecaArchilochus
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      ClassicsTranslation of PoetryWomen in the ancient worldGreek Lyric Poetry
Wealth and indigence are variable and essentially subjective ideas, characterized by the historical, economic, social and cultural contexts in which they are employed. The examples drawn from the literary texts of ancient Greece confirm... more
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      Greek LiteratureHomerHesiodic PoetryGreek Lyric Poetry
Poeti giambici archiloco Fra vita e leggenda L a tradizione della poesia giambica comincia per noi, come già per gli antichi, con la forte personalità di Archiloco (Ἀρχίλοχος), nativo dell'isola di Paro e vissuto nel VII secolo a.C. La... more
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      Greek LiteratureEducationGreek Lyric PoetryArchilochus
This is the first book to study the impact of invective poetics associated with early Greek iambic poetry on Roman imperial authors and audiences. It demonstrates how authors as varied as Ovid and Gregory Nazianzen wove recognizable... more
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      Emperor JulianGregory of NazianzusOvidGreek and Roman Imperial Literature
Convegno internazionale “Elegy and Iambus: History and Challenge of Two Poetic Genres” – “Elegia e giambo: storia e sfide di due generi poetici”, 25-27 maggio 2022. Università degli Studi dell'Aquila, Dipartimento di Scienze Umane –... more
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      ClassicsClassical philologyLyric poetryGreek Elegy
In poem 11 Catullus commissions Furius and Aurelius with the task of delivering a bitter message to Lesbia. I suggest that in so doing the poet alludes to a longstanding figure of invective, the iambic herald, whose marginal status... more
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      CatullusIambic PoetryArchilochusGreek Iambic Poetry
Στην Ποιητική του Αριστοτέλη ο αίνος και ο ψόγος χρησιμοποιούνται ως γραμματολογικά εργαλεία για την κατάταξη των ποιητικών ειδών. Ο φιλόσοφος διακρίνει τις δύο βασικές μορφές ψογερής ποίησης, ίαμβο και κωμωδία, και τις τοποθετεί σε μια... more
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      AristophanesSatireIambic PoetryInvective
Metriche's identification with Hipponax as 'Pithes' daughter' in Herondas’ 1.76 allows a comparison to be made between the visits which take place in both this mimiamb and in Callimachus’ first Iamb.
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      CallimachusHellenistic poetryIambic PoetryHerondas
Archilochus' relationship to Thasos has long troubled scholars. The poet, numerous ancient sources attest, was involved in the Parian settlement of Thasos, an island 400 km away at the other end of the Aegean. As such, he is not only our... more
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      Greek ColonisationMetaphorGreek Lyric PoetryGreek Elegy
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      Greek Lyric PoetryCallimachusHellenistic poetryGreek Iambic Poetry
This book is a historical and comparative study of the language of Hipponax, a Greek poet of invective verse who lived in Ephesus in the middle of the sixth century BCE. Many factors invite the linguist to take a close look at the... more
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      HipponaxGreek Iambic PoetryGreek iambusHipponax and Greek Iambos
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      Translations from GreekArchilochusGreek Iambic Poetry
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      Archaic Greek LyricArchilochusGreek Iambic Poetry
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      Greek LiteratureAnatolian StudiesGreek LanguageTextual Criticism
This article proposes a unified solution to four of the five puzzles about Catullus 56: why it alludes to Archilochus fr. 168 West, which Cato is being addressed, what precisely is being done by the pupulus either of or to the puella, and... more
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      Latin LiteratureCallimachusPlutarchCatullus
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      Greek LiteratureGreek Lyric PoetryGreek PapyrologyHipponax
(complete book)
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      Anatolian LanguagesGreek Lyric PoetryAncient Greek LiteratureHipponax
nel Brothers Poem di Saffo le vicende autobiografiche della poetessa relative ai viaggi del fratello maggiore Carasso e all’attività di coppiere del fratello minore Larico vengono lette attraverso la lente della sezione ‘feacia’... more
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesSapphoLetteratura grecaAncient Greek Literature
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      Gender StudiesGreek Lyric PoetryArchilochusGreek Iambic Poetry
From an entirely new collation of the four manuscripts that transmit the encomiastic religious poem In Christi resurrectionem, written by the court poet George of Pisidia, it ispossible to prove that between the actual verses 116 and 117... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryByzantine Literature
This paper proposes that there are certain thematic shifts within the Greek poetic corpus, mirroring the transition of verse from an Archaic and Classical popular art to a form of elite Hellenistic entertainment. These shifts are mapped... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureHomerHellenistic Literature
Latin article about the practice of writing haiku and tanka poems in Latin, with a Latin tanka by the poet Giovanni Maria Tosi.
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      Japanese StudiesClassicsGreek LiteratureLatin Literature
Ensaio sobre a poesia violenta de Arquíloco de Paros, e seus efeitos sobre a sensibilidade contemporânea quando é traduzida.
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      TraduçãoArchilochusViolênciaGreek Iambic Poetry
In his 1692 'Discourse on Satire', John Dryden sought to confirm Quintilian’s opinion that Roman satire was purely Roman. As part of his proof, he discounts Horace’s Epodes and Ovid’s Ibis on the grounds that they represent an... more
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      OvidHoraceRoman SatireGreek Iambic Poetry
Greek iambic sources of Horace's Epodes 1, 3, 5 are analyzed.
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    • Greek Iambic Poetry
Un análisis de las ediciones y comentarios acerca de Arquíloco (fr. 189W) desde Liebel(1812) y la sugestión de un posible nuevo contexto (hornoerótico), en el caso de que el poema no esté relacionado con la saga de Neobula y sus hermanas.... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek Lyric PoetryArchilochusGreek Iambic Poetry
ENCICLOPEDIA ORAZIANA lo volume-OTTOBRE 1 996 IPPONATTE via mettere in discussione il senso dell'anamnesi con dotta da H.: il rapporto con 1. appare in la Il effettivamente improntato, tramite la forte metaforicità (Gall 1981, 120 s.),... more
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      Greek LiteratureLatin LiteratureGreek Lyric PoetryHorace
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      Greek EpigraphyLiterary HistoryAncient Greek EpigraphyGreek and Roman Epigraphy
Hipponax frequently evokes Odyssean mythology in a lowered poetic register, and at least in a few instances he also conflates Homeric and contemporary contexts. I analyze Hipponax’s engagement with the mythology of Odysseus by drawing... more
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      ParodyHipponaxOdysseusGreek Iambic Poetry
The relationship between Archilochus's poetry and the account of his life preserved in the Mnesiepes Inscription is intimate but obscure. Here I present one avenue for elucidating this connection by focusing on two episodes of social... more
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      ArchilochusGreek Iambic Poetry
Los orígenes de la poesía yámbica en la Grecia arcaica aparecen estrechamente vinculados a las festividades comunitarias y a los rituales religiosos relacionados con los cultos de Deméter y Dioniso. Además de la presencia de la... more
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      ancient Greek elegiac, iambic and melic poetryArchilochusHipponaxGreek Iambic Poetry
In Archaic Athenian vase-painting, silens (satyrs) are often sexually aroused, but only sporadically satisfy their desires in a manner acceptable to most Athenian men. François Lissarrague persuasively argued that the sexuality of silens... more
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      HumorGender and SexualityAttic black-figured vasesArchilochus
The miles gloriosus of ancient comedy is characterized by an inherent contradiction between appearance (impressive looks and aggressive braggadocio) and reality (inner cowardice). Long before the Lamachus of Aristophanes’ Acharnians, the... more
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesGreek Lyric PoetryIambic Poetry
The paper proposes an exegesis and a solution to Greg. Naz. carm. 2.1.12, v. 426, where the difficult word κόρδαξ, transmitted by L and C, is set in cruces.
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine StudiesGregory of NazianzusLate Antique Literature
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      Greek LiteratureAncient Greek LanguageHistory of the Greek languageGreek Iambic Poetry
The aim of this paper is to examine the ways in which the poetic speaker manifests itself in the iambic poetry of Archilochus of Paros (7th century BC) and its possible functions within the poetic performance. In more specific terms, from... more
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Greek LiteratureArchilochusGreek Iambic Poetry
Links red-figure iconography to the tradition of iambic invective. Activities of the Pesistratid tyrants (e.g. erecting herms) and the Athenian democracy (e.g. minting coins) are both connected visually to images of prostitution and... more
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      Athenian DemocracyAncient Greek NumismaticsAttic red-figure vasesGreek Iambic Poetry
Exegetical and critical notes on Archil. fr. 8,1 (connecting ἐυπλοκάμου with ἁλός), 33 (editorial history of the fragment, elimination of a false reading, analysis of the context of quotation in [Luc.] Am. 3), and °°328,9 W.2 (new reading... more
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      Greek Lyric PoetryEarly Greek poetryGreek ElegyLucian
This paper will explore the role of iambic poetics in Dio Chrysostom's First Tarsian Oration and the two prologues to Babrius' choliambic fables. These authors deal in different ways with the weight of this literary mode's ancient... more
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      Dio ChrysostomGreek Iambic PoetryBabrius
Three texts, an inscribed blue cameo, an iambic trimeter on a silver phylactery, and an inscribed  Eros ring, are offered up in memory of David R. Jordan.
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      MagicGreek Lyric PoetryErosEngraved gems