Gypsy Studies
Recent papers in Gypsy Studies
This dissertation examines the extent in which state policies have affected the Roma in Turkey by looking into the reasons for their poverty and social exclusion as well as into the survival mechanisms and livelihoods strategies they have... more
Представени са отделни примери, които са показателни за прилагания двоен стандарт в изградения модел на сексуално поведение в циганската/ ромската общност – от една страна е толерантността към извън семейните сексуални връзки на мъжа, а... more
b e g i n n i n g i n sixteenth-century England, a distinct criminal culture of rogues, vagabonds, gypsies, beggars, cony-catchers, cutpurses, and prostitutes emerged and Xourished. This community was self-deWned by the criminal conduct... more
In 1720, thirteen deported French Bohemian (Romani) families disembarked in the floundering Louisiana colony. Anti-Bohemian sentiment combined with a growing French Empire in need of able-bodied and reproductive laborers to dislocate... more
This work was carried out under the supervision of:
Prof. Galit Hasan-Rokem & Dr. Aya Elyada
Prof. Galit Hasan-Rokem & Dr. Aya Elyada
Conferencia impartida en las jornadas sobre la rumba catalana organizadas por la Maison de la Musique sobre la música de los gitanos catalanes de Perpignan (Francia) en 2016.
O Tchatchipen, nº 107, 2019, pp. 37-52. ISSN 1133-6420
O Tchatchipen, nº 107, 2019, pp. 37-52. ISSN 1133-6420
In my study, "Á." I would like to present a life course interview with a language teacher from lovari in the spring of 2017. We have been cultivating a closer friendship with "Á." since 2015. During the interview with "Á.", we gain an... more
A dolgozat azt kívánja a tudomány górcsöve alá venni, hogy a nem-roma tudományos és nyilvános média-, valamint aktivista diskurzusok milyen hatásmechanizmusokat generáltak eddig a roma emberek önnarratíváira, identitására és... more
Roma, Travelers, and Gypsies have been persecuted for millennia for their nomadic tribal traditional lifestyle. Many like this author’s maternal grandmother were forced to settle. Many were killed throughout several waves of attempted... more
El confinamiento no es sino un "llover sobre mojado": la brecha digital que está sufriendo el alumnado en situación más vulnerable ante la actividad educativa no presencial es consecuencia de las desigualdades socio-económicas y... more
Prasa mniejszości etnicznych notuje stały rozwój od 1989 r. Wszystkie obecne w Polsce mniejszości etniczne wydają mniej lub bardziej regularnie własne periodyki. Ich głównym zadaniem jest integracja środowiska, a także popularyzacja... more
Tradicionalmente, las investigaciones no han tenido en cuenta la voz del pueblo gitano. Al no incluir a las personas gitanas en los procesos de investigación se han llegado a conclusiones que han provocado la reproducción de la situación... more
The publication of this e-collection was funded by the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. All authors have given written agreement for their text to be included in the... more
The string instrument, the Kandyan vina (Uḍaraṭa Vīṇā), once portrayed in the book by John Davy as “Venah”, shares close resemblance with the Coconut shell fiddle instruments in India, in terms of their inherent form, structure, cultural... more
In Eastern Europe and in the Balkans there is an ongoing ethnic turnover due to very low birth rates of the natives and the very high birth rates of Roma people and by 2050 Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia and Serbia could be... more
Vizsgálatomat a magyarországi Békés megye romák által sűrűbben lakott településeinek alap-és középfokú oktatási intézményeiben végeztem. Célom egy olyan előtanulmány készítése volt, amely alapját képezheti a finnországi LAUREA szakegyetem... more
Eredeti megjelenés: -Cserti Csapó Tibor (2002): A cigány népesség története és szociokulturális helyzete Magyarországon a kutatások tükrében. In: László János -Forray R. Katalin (szerk.) : A roma közösség kulturája és iskolai... more
Council of Europe Thematic Report, Zagreb 8-10 May 2019
Оживление цыгановедческих исследований, происходящее в последнее десятилетие в России, привело к открытию большого объема новых материалов, в том числе источниковых 2. В настоящей статье анализируется запись русскоцыганского диалекта,... more
This paper examines descriptions of Romani costume in travel narratives written by predominantly British writers visiting Hungary, believed to be the site of especially "pure" Romani culture, during the long nineteenth century.... more
Lista mediatorilor comunitari romi din Republica Moldova actualizata la finele anului 2014 de catre AO POROJAN
Conferencia basada en el paper presentado al Forum for Romani Histories, que se desarrollará en septiembre en Czech Academy of Sciences, Villa Lanna, Prague. Cuyo título original es "Outcast or classless? The art of resistance in the... more
Türkiye farklı din, dil ve etnik gruplardan çeşitli toplulukları bünyesinde barındırmaktadır. Bu etnik gruplardan biri de Romanlardır. Kökenleri Kuzey Hindistan’a dayanan Romanlar günümüzde Romanya, Bulgaristan, İspanya, Macaristan ve... more
In social science discourse, the dichotomy between agency and structure tends to dominate debates pertaining to identity construction. When complex social facts are viewed through a simplistic prism of either individual activities or... more
Иако денешново модерно општество се базира и функционира на анализирање информации од секаков тип коишто се достапни на многубројни начини и во било кое време, сепак сеуште егзистира енормен процент на неедуцирани и неинформирани поединци... more
A tehetséggondozás témakörének szakirodalma széleskörű Magyarországon. Azonban a hátrányos helyzet és a tehetség szavak kis százalékban kerülnek elő egyidőben a szakirodalmi forrásokban. Ennek oka lehet a tehetséggondozás gyakran... more
In uscita il 15 aprile 2021
Expozitie Publica, lansata in cadrul Biroului Relatii Interetnice al Republicii Moldova
En el texto se estudia la puesta en escena de Pepa Gamboa de Fuenteovejuna, que cuenta con actrices amateur de etnia gitana del poblado de El Vacie en Sevilla. Gamboa captura y crea conciencia de los actores y público que entran el... more
The Holocaust of Jews in the Balkans during World War II and the Genocide of the Roma in the Balkan Region
Fişe de informare pentru cadre didactice-profesori si elevi-studenti despre istoria romilor editate in cadrul Proiectului Romani al Universităţii din Graz (Austria), în strânsă colaborare cu proiectul „Educaţia copiilor romi în Europa” al... more
Miskolc has 5000-25000 citizens of gipsy origin and in this city took place several interest representation cases, like the ghetto struggle at the end of the eighties, the educational segregation suits between 20005-2007, the protests and... more
* DUMINICA, I. Deportarea şi exterminarea ţiganilor din România în Transnistria (1942-1944). In: 65 de ani ai verdictului Tribunalului de la Nurnberg: Învățăminte pentru Europa contemporană. Conferința științifică internațională, 19... more