Halal food
Recent papers in Halal food
Despite Nigeria " s large Muslim population of 77.3 million citizens, very little research has been carried out in terms of addressing Halal needs in Nigeria. This study reviewed the perspective of abattoir workers " involved with Halal... more
Dans La République et le cochon, l'historien et sociologue Pierre Birnbaum s'interroge sur les causes du « retour du cochon » et des messages d'exclusion alimentaire à l'égard des régimes halal et casher. Dans le chapitre introductif,... more
This is an analysis of the model of Indonesian consumer behavior in choosing halal food, that some researcher found various influencing factors there. Legal theory is using in this paper that was describe There is no standard model for... more
Halal warehouse is part of the Halal supply chain services which is offered by Halal logistic providers to meet the demand from Halal industry. However, according to the Halal warehouse service providers, the adoption rate of their... more
Jual Madu Asli Gresik,Jual Madu Murni Baciro Gondokusuman,Jual Madu Murni Di Garut,Jual Madu Asli Di Garut,Jual Madu Asli Daerah Garut,Harga Madu Asli Flores,Jual Madu Murni Di Bandung,Jual Madu Murni Di Surabaya,Jual Madu Murni Di... more
In this paper, the authors attempt to define the need for an information system in the Agency for certifying Halal products, which would be based on knowledge and represent an early warning system for possible non-compliance with halal... more
The fast food industry is on in an upward trend. The demand for fast food product is now growing as it is convenience which suits the lifestyle of customers. With the changing lifestyle of Malaysian consumers, more educated people and... more
Saat ini Indonesia sudah memiliki Undang-Undang tentang Jaminan Produk Halal (JPH). Artinya, setelah UU ini efektif berlaku maka semua produk yang masuk, beredar, dan diperdagangkan di wilayah Indonesia wajib bersertifikasi halal. Jenis... more
The halalan-toyyiban supply chain is a novel concept to the global market. This study encompasses the very first stage of this supply chain and attempts to unveil the practicalities in the production of halal chicken meat. The focus of... more
This paper explores green and sustainability protocol in order to advance halal food standard in Malaysia. Towards to be concern on climate change, population expected increase 3 billion in the next 40 years, rapidly developing nations... more
Halal is an Arabic word meaning “lawful” or “permitted”. When it comes to food and consumables, Halal is the dietary standard of Muslims. With a few exceptions, all pure and clean things are considered Halal. The opposite of Halal is... more
When discussing matters of Halal audit, most of the time, people will get confused about the process of auditing. They tend to get confused over which type of audit, internal halal audit, JAKIM & JAIN... more
This Template can be used as the basis for a simple Halal Assurance system for foodservice and food manufacturer. It has been designed to be compliance with the guidelines regulated by JAKIM
• The Halal policy dictates the overall internal halal control system, either HAS or IHCS implementation, as well as the intended strategy to create, operate and maintain a systematic halal control management .
Halal warehouse is part of the Halal supply chain services which is offered by Halal logistic providers to meet the demand from Halal industry. However, according to the Halal warehouse service providers, the adoption rate of their... more
Halal management is managing of all the function and activities necessary to able to achieve the objective of halal products. Halal system is defined as the organisational structure, responsibilities, procedures, activities, capabilities... more
Halal Assurance System (HAS) is an integral part of a company’s halal integrity, especially for halal certification purposes. It will ensure that halal practices is implemented, company-wide, with accuracy and diligent. With HAS, the... more
Limited information exists regarding adulteration of Halal-certified food by substances forbidden under Islamic law (Haram substances). This study was conducted using forensic laboratory testing to investigate the prevalence of this type... more
Decision tree techniques was used to assess the possibility of Halal Critical Point (HCP) manifesting itself in the Halal slaughtering and processing flow. The Assessment branches into Four (4) distinctive areas which relates with halal... more
Traceability is part and parcels of functional Food safety and quality systems. It is also included as part of the Halal Assurance systems (HAS) and Internal Halal Control Systems (IHCS). Foodservice establishment that applies for... more
Asam Pedas or loosely translated " Hot & Sour Gravy " is a typical dish endemic in the Malay Archipelago. Variations of these dishes can be found as far as the Indian subcontinent and china where a dish which has similar characteristics... more
Alhamdulillaah, kita patut bersyukur bahwa ummat Islam di Indonesia telah memiliki panduan dasar untuk melaksanakan penyembelihan hewan qurban di era new normal ini. Terbitnya Surat Edaran (SE) Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan dan... more
Muhammad Adam Abd Azid, Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin, Mohd Izzat Abd Shukur, Muhammad Ikhlas Rosele & Mohd Safwan Harun. 2019. PENELITIAN TERHADAP AYAT 24 SURAH ‘ABASA (80): MENGUAK ‘IBRAH DALAM ISU MAKANAN KONTEMPORARI. In M.Y.Zulkifli Mohd... more
The revision of the MS1500:2009-Production, Preparation, Handling And Storage Of Halal Food standards is already five years overdue. The standards were scheduled to be revised in 2014, or every five years to ensure that it is relevant to... more
The project of this bachelor thesis was carried out at the certification body Halal Quality Control (HQC) Germany, a leading Halal certification body for products and services. The author of this thesis is himself a Halal auditor at HQC... more
Pengenalan Sejajar dengan perkembangan populasi masyarakat muslim di dunia, pasaran halal di peringkat antarabangsa turut mengalami peningkatan yang memberangsangkan. Hal ini berpunca daripada kesedaran masyarakat terhadap produk dan... more
Realizing the great demand of halal food in Malaysia and in the world in general, there are efforts by the government to make Malaysia as a regional hub for halal food products. The introduction of halal logo by JAKIM has generated... more
Almost every Muslim either fully practicing Islam or not is seriously concerned about what he or she eats. Muslims observe the divine laws in every aspect of life. There is a complete code of dietary laws present in the Holy Quran for the... more
Despite the importance of the Halal market segment and the growing revenues, nevertheless, not much has been done to understand on Muslim consumers. The issues relating to Muslim's specific attitude and food choices remain under research.... more
Kumpulan Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Tahun 2014 Diterbitkan oleh Islamic Studies of Economics Group (ISEG) Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Padjadjaran Jalan Dipati Ukur no. 35, Bandung 40132 Telp./Fax: (022) 2509055 Email:... more
This exploratory paper will focus on the role plays by the Malaysian polytechnics in halal education in the context of TVET. A review of previous literature highlighted several issues concerning dietary halal sectors in Malaysia. Dietary... more
In the coming revision of the Halal assurance system guidelines, The Malaysia Halal Management Systems (MHMS 2019) and the Malaysia Manual Procedure For Halal Certification (Domestic) 2019 (MMPHC (D) 2019), a specific internal control... more
This is part of Halal Auditing books.Enquiries and purchase details are in the documents.
There are several methods in determining the Halal Control Point (HCP) in the Halal Assurance Systems (HAS) program. The HCP can be divided into two categories, either based on the Process or Ingredients/Raw Material. One of the methods... more
Halal has become the standard of safety and hygiene for products consumed by Muslims. Halal food has become a requirement for a Muslim. Every country has its kosher certification authority bodies each and certainly with halal standards... more